

They were all so damn different in their sexual quirks.

Sieon had his desperate need for an orgasm.

He didn't give a fuck about the details or the things they had to do, all he cared about was his cock getting milked by her radiating pleasure which he declared to be the best feeling in the entire world. She found that he loved it the most when she came so hard that her cunt spasmed over him, and her lips would close over his tongue just as her pussy did over his cock. He'd beg her to do it again with the best puppy eyes in the world, and he'll make her do it until she'd collapse from exhaustion on the bed.

JieMi was spontaneous with sex.

There were days when he'd inch away and burrow into himself, days when he only wanted hugs and kisses; comfort and sweetness. On those days, he didn't like getting his cock touched without permission, and he'd only do it if she was going to be the one who did all the work as he did something productive, like bench press or study. But those days were rare and few.

And then there were the days when touching him by accident would turn him into a mad horny beast that could literally fuck her anywhere and everywhere. He didn't care if they were watching a children's show, or if they were just cleaning. If he wanted to fuck her, he was going to do it even with Elmo singing in the background. There was no need for mood with JieMi and he would pounce on her at unexpected times of the day.

Hikaru was all vanilla or at least the most vanilla of her men.

He was the type to whisper the most romantic words in her ear as he fucked her slow and steady for as long as she needed and to drag out his impending orgasm. He was the sort of guy to tell her how beautiful she was, how divine and how wonderful her existence was to him. And he would make it a point to express it clearly with worship of her body.

He was also the type to cry if the pleasure was too strong, and the type to sob and beg when she denied his orgasm. But Amber could never push it too far, her heart always melting for the jiggly tapioca pearls he had for eyes. Still, it was fun to watch his lower lip jiggle and pout when he begged.

MinJae could be a brat in bed, one that smirked and demanded and then would whine and plead.

He'd beg for her to let him cum because she was going to go too damn fucking slow. But then would get mad and angry when she didn't listen and continued with her torturous swivels of her hips. He would push her back and take his own pleasure, pound hard and fast into her. He would laugh and check his nails when he came and she didn't.

He was an asshole.

But he was also the type to apologise and then later go down on her for hours and hours until she'd orgasmed at least ten times more than he did. He'd get up, ask if he'd been a good soulmate and then tease her with more kisses. He'd fuck the curve of her ass after that, just because he knew she couldn't take anymore and just because he was still hard and horny.

Ezra was possibly the king of her clit.

Fuck did that sound weird, but he was the most experienced when it came to a woman's body and he made it a point to let her know that whenever they had sex. He'd laugh at her when she came too fast with him, scoff and sneer when she'd told him to stop touching her clit. And then he'd make it a point to purr dirty, filthy words about how soft and squishy her little clit was poking out of its hood just ready to be kissed and sucked. She'd hate to tell them all, but fucking Ezra was like fucking a vibrator and her orgasms were ridiculously fast and easy with him.

She wouldn't tell them that less their egos got bruised.

And Oliver…

Her mind drew blanks as she paused, stylus frozen over the tablet. She cleared her throat, hand moving across the textured surface as she continued to think. Oliver was vocal, very vocal and he was loud with his moans and very, very expressive. His facial expressions were always the best, all scrunched up and needy whenever he came. And he would thank her sweetly and kiss her softly after it was over. But he would never fuck her outside of a group setting.

Her lips curled, brows furrowing as she closed the application and moved on to her next assignment.

In fact, he never seemed to ask for sex, even though he was sensitive enough to cum with just her bouncing over his lap or her lips on his. She'd always chalked it up to his fear of not lasting long enough to please her. But even Hikaru had gotten over that fear, and they all knew she didn't care about premature orgasms as long as they would make sure to get her off too after. Maybe, it was just all too much for him?

She shook her head, moving on to her last soulmate.


She blinked.

He was obsessed with her breasts and would always touch them when they were having an orgy. She pursed her lips together. He didn't ask for sex, in fact they'd yet to hadn't had sex yet. She bit her lips at the thought. She didn't mind, there was nothing wrong with having a low sex drive or not wanting to have sex.

Her train of thoughts halted, pulling out a memory that disturbed her to the bone.

Sometimes, he would avoid her lips and choose to kiss her cheeks instead. And there were days when she felt as if the sexual tension between them might explode into something more, but he would pull away and keep his distance until it dissipated into a low steady hum.

He professed his love to her on multiple occasions but never ever made a move. Was he afraid of her detest for his pierced cock? But she was sure he knew that she didn't mind and couldn't he take them out if she really hated it?

She blew out a low breath, closing her laptop. She didn't want to call it a problem. She didn't have a problem with her soulmates not demanding for sex. People had differing levels of sex drive and she didn't mind if theirs were a little lower than the rest. But they were acting strange, and she could see it in their eyes when they watched as she was fucked by one of the others. The lust that bubbled and frothed from within deep, dark sinful depths.

And she would catch them looking at her with a hungry need that she'd long learned to recognise. But there were days when they would blank out, their eyes growing cold and distant despite the scene before them, uninterested and bored. She'd once seen Oliver jerking off in the corner with his eyes closed. He didn't look at her like how the others did when they masturbated during their sessions. He seemed to even hate looking at her—

"Amber?" She jolted out of her thoughts, her eyes widening to see Oliver looking at her with a frown on his face. She blushed, shaking her head as she babbled out her excuses.

"Fuck, I'm so lost in my head what were you saying?"

He snorted, snickering as he gave her a big sunny grin that radiated with his happiness. It reminded her of how different he was when he thought she wasn't looking. It reminded her of that blank slack stare that he had and that sent a chill down her spine. "I was just talking about my schedule."

He pressed a kiss to her head, rubbing her hair affectionately and the action curbed some of the simmering doubt in her chest. Who was she kidding? Her soulmates loved her to the bone, there was no way they could be hiding anything more than just a low sex drive or some kind of self-esteem issue that she couldn't fix over time.

"What about it?" she asked trying to shake off the feelings that coiled tight around her throat.

"Just wanted to know if you're free this weekend, my love," Casper murmured flipping the newspaper as he peered up at her. He closed the newspaper with a soft thump and moved to sit on the counter with her, taking her hand to smother her palm with a soft kiss thick and gooey with affection that glistened in the changing colours of his eyes.

She flushed but inside her mind swirled, no matter what she said or tried to convince herself to believe. There was no denying the fact that for the two soulmates that stood before her, their soul bond remained broken. A physical testament of the divide that lay between them.

"I'm free," she nodded with a smile. "Got nothing on, but Hikaru wanted to bake with me."

"We already told him to reschedule," Oliver soothed, exchanging a look with Casper who met it readily with a firm nod. She glanced at them surprised at the camaraderie and the way they seemed to radiate their agitation.

"You're scaring me, what is this about?"

"A date," Casper murmured with a nervous chuckle. "With us, what do you think?"