
"I'm bouncing our twins in my lap you know, fake ass bottle on each nip because you're taking a bath and so they think I'm mama because I've got a wig on. They're the cutest little shits drinking from my fake tits with huge ass eyes." Sieon hummed, stroking her hair. "My fake boobs were huge; I don't know where we bought them but it was big enough for them to think I'm you because goddamn pregnancy gave you bigger tits, I swear it was another cup size—"

"Off topic," Amber groaned.

"No, this is on topic. I want to know." JieMi shushed her quickly, eyes glittering like stars.

"Don't worry babe, don't think it was big enough for your back to experience any significant damage. Although, I wouldn't mind holding them up for you but- OUCH!" She pinched him and Sieon sobered up, continuing on with his story. "Anyway, JieMi's tying her hair getting her ready for preschool and she's all cute and smiley and excited and shit. Cute baby sort of thing."

"How old is she?" JieMi piped out and Sieon frowned.

"I'm guessing kindergarten. Anyway, I'm feeding the twins. And then the father and daughter jump in and shoot me with that same smile because they're both so proud of uneven pigtails." Sieon sighed. "Somehow I don't feel like perfecting it—it's seriously really uneven, but I suppose it could be a fashion look—"

"Hey!" JieMi pouted.

"How do you know it's our first," Amber asked.

"Because you step out of the shower, a hot MILF and then you cry a little because it's her first day of school and she's so big. Everyone crowds cooing over our little girl at the door, especially Minnie. My God, Minnie is so loud and he's sobbing too because he's weak over children. So I can't see shit but JieMi slaps your ass. And oh boy—I definitely know which ass is your ass, even when everyone's wearing jeans. Because your ass after childbirth is—"

"Get to the point," Amber warned and JieMi gave her a sad whine. Sieon cleared his throat.

"You say 'not Infront of the firstborn.'" He made sure to emphasise on the last few words, comically spelling it out with his lips. "Like. NOT. INFRONT. OF. THE FIRSTBORN."

"It could be his firstborn." Amber suggested with a shrug. Sieon gaped at her then closed his mouth as an incredulous expression was etched across his face. He shot JieMi a fake angry glare, shaking his head.

"I have more?" JieMi's eyes widened, blinking at Sieon. His mouth dropped open as his face lit up like the goddamn sun that was arriving soon. "That's woah. But a little unfair?"

"No, I don't know it's probably just one. I can't see around the scene, okay? Just as how I only saw the twins at first. I mean who knows? We could have another set stowed away in the other rooms, right?"

"Do you think we have a cat?"

"I don't know, JieMi."

"What about the house, did we build a playground?"

"JieMi. I said I can't see past the scene. Bro."

"Think harder. Did you see the shoes? How many baby shoes?"

"This one I might be able to—"

"You two are obsessed," she groaned. "We take life step by step, okay? Stop trying to skip steps and cheat!"

"Hey, I know some of your soulmates don't care if the child is theirs or not, but I do because my face deserves to be replicated and reproduced." Sieon gestured to his looks. "I'm pretty sure Hikaru feels the same way. The vain bastard."

"And mine, I just want to see mine." JieMi grinned, kissing her. "Oh, I can't wait." JieMi groaned, lying down against the crook of her arm. "A daughter! Amber, a daughter!" He kissed her cheeks, smile bursting from his cheeks as he laughed, clapping his hands. "A little girl."

"Calm down, and let me sleep." She closed her eyes, but she was smiling when JieMi continued to talk excitedly to Sieon, jabbering away.

"Was her hair long? Like super long?"

"Just to her back and she was short. Like just up to your knees, and she was chubby and small. Really pink, soft skin."

"Like Amber?"

"Hey." Amber groaned sleepily, burrowing her head under the pillow as she tossed one at where she thought JieMi must be at. But it felt good to listen to them talk about a daughter she would have, and she found herself patting her belly thinking about the future.

"Yeah, blushes easily, looks like salmon in the sun. High pitched baby voice, loves to babble and sing."

"She sings too? Oh, that's so precious. Aw." JieMi's voice simpered into a coo that Amber had never heard on him before and she couldn't help hoping that she would hear it again. It was awfully endearing to hear him so invested in their child.

"She couldn't walk properly, you had to hold her up."

"Oh, that sounds so cute I'm going to tell my Mom. I'm so excited already, oh no. Ah…"

Amber fell asleep to their chatters, dosing off to dreams of a sweet little pink girl with JieMi's eyes and smile. She knew without a doubt that she was already enamoured with her unborn children, and excitement droned on in her chest. God did it feel good to think about the future, but she would leave it as that.

Just the very, very distant future.


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