little one

"No, there's nothing interesting for me there." Claudia's eyes flashed and she broke off her gaze with a quaint little laugh. Had the years changed her? Or was this all an act? "I'm partial to Debussy and Tchaikovsky. Would prefer La Traviata to a Pop concert." She sniffed, and her lips quirked, a serene smile flashing forth.

For the briefest of moments, Amber questioned her ability to recognise people as her eyes danced over Claudia's face. It could be that she was mistaken, that her mind had forgotten the details of the gang leader from her trauma. There was no mistaking the similarities and the resemblance, but Pom-Pom had been screaming mad. Her voice a rasp that held no hint of the elegance that Claudia exuded. This could be a convincing doppelganger, someone that just shared the same bone structure as her enemy.

Amber allowed the doubt to colour her mind as she watched Claudia, and the hatred seeped and ebbed as it made way for confusion.

"You could give the competition a try," Claudia smirked and Amber's eyes snapped back to hers. "We could have a good fight." She grinned, lips stretching further. It disturbed her, that smile and those words. It confused her and she decided that she had to test her. "It would be rewarding."

For her, definitely.

"I would if you weren't capable of ruining my family," she answered hotly, noting the catch of air in Casper's throat. He didn't like what she said. But she was never one to talk in tongues and riddles or sugar coat her words with heaps of bullshit and dishonesty.

"You—" Claudia scoffed, looking down at her from the tips of her nose. "I suppose you do know where you truly stand." A smirk danced across her cheeks and Amber tried to see Casper in this cousin, she truly did. But all she could see was the demon from her past.

"Amber has no interest being a major shareholder in the company," Casper repeated, his height possibly a factor for the reasons why he didn't seem to catch the darting looks and the turmoil in Amber's chest. Because even with Amber's hand on his sleeve, he didn't seem to have caught her emotions. "She won't be doing her best, I'm sure you will obtain the prize again."

"We will conduct our tests, fairly," Casper's mother interrupted them with a deep glare. "Come now, Mother is in the parlour." Claudia moved, sweeping towards the older lady and Amber expected them to leave for an awkward beat. But Casper's mother gestured towards Amber and Casper hesitated. "Only women," his mother hissed and her soulmate glanced down at her, worry dripping from his eyes.


"I'll see you later," Amber told him, squeezing his hand as she tailed along.

They moved through the crowd that made way for them, and the whisperings only grew louder as she passed. The eyes of the public stuck tight to her skin. She resisted the urge to shiver, uneasy as she passed. However, she was no small easily beaten down fry, and the thousands of hate comments from anonymous nobodies that lurked online was nothing compared to the weak scrutiny of the rich.

So she sashayed, head held high as they stared at her, meeting their eyes head-on like a tiger in a cage that knew it could easily bite the heads of any that truly got too close. It was painful when they entered the elevator together. The two women a couple of heads taller than Amber, possibly due to the death-inducing heels that they wore.

Amber considered staring into their eyes, fighting the glares. But first hand experienced told her that it would grow a little too steamy for her liking and she chose instead to stare at the numbers that rolled as they travelled up.

"How has Casper been?" The first words out of his mother's mouth surprised Amber, and she glanced at the woman. She seemed a little shy from her own question, glancing away and then back at Amber with a slight gulp.

"He's happy," she answered, then let out a soft sigh, giving her a kinder smile. "Much healthier than me, hasn't gotten sick in a while. And we enjoy walks in the park when we can just the two of us. Still clumsy and always tripping. We baby proof the corners because he's already stubbed his toe in the same spot ten times."

"Casper isn't clumsy," Claudia shook her head.

"How would you know?"

"He didn't tell you?" She laughed and Casper's mother silenced her with a raised hand. But Claudia ignored her with a sweet smile. "Our parents wanted us married. If you weren't his soulmates our family would never approve of someone like your status." Fuck. That's incest no matter how far apart their bloodlines are. There was no damn way Casper would have agreed to it. Not with the genetic implications. The disgust coiled thick in her belly and she resisted the urge to react.

"That just tells me that you're one of the Lonely," Amber answered without hesitation, she glanced at Claudia not biting her stick to lash out at her in jealousy. "And because my soulmate didn't mention it to me, it means he believed that we would never cross paths." She glanced at Claudia, deliberately pushing for the 'are you fucking crazy?' look.

"We were never supposed to if Grandma didn't create a game," Claudia said, her eyes flashing and for a moment fear tightened its grasp on Amber's neck. "You aren't educated enough for the role."

"I know," Amber replied. "People tell me all the time that I'm not worthy enough for what I have." She shrugged, giving them both a smile. "But I never chose to be here in the first place. All I did was grasp the opportunities that life gave to me, and survive that's all."

"So you're saying this is all God's plan?" Casper's mother raised a brow.

"Perhaps if we ignored destiny and fate. It was all because of the millions of decisions and choices people make every day, influenced heavily by their more often than not tremendously pressuring, stress-filled environments." Amber smiled. "Relax, I'm not here to steal your crown. I'm just here to play."

The two gasped, Casper's mother appearing more impressed while Claudia remained a mess of frustrated horror. The elevator door opened after what seemed like forever, and they moved, Claudia dirtily shoving past her with a haughty sniff and glower that Casper's mother didn't quite catch.

The parlour was just as richly furnished as the rest of the home. But it was old-fashioned and quaint, decked in floral embroidered lace adorned silk and satin. Painted in a rich green that didn't scream puke but soft jade and green pastures. It exuded comfort with the small fireplace that roared forth, radiating warmth and a golden heat. A woman sat before the fire, sipping on tea from dainty china as staff waited on her before a portrait of a rather menacing looking man.

"Grandmother," Casper's mother greeted with a smooth bow of respect. "This is the girl."

"Casper's soulmate?" The elderly lady turned, short white hair reflecting silver in the light. She was tall in her seat, with eyes that were kinder and softer than Amber expected. Or perhaps, it was all just the glow of the fire. She smiled, teeth present despite her age and raised a hand. Seemingly fibble. "Come here, little one."