
"I can give you a job too! If you want that, in exchange. I could give you some of the shares. S-so if you just—"

The elevator door opened and Amber tore out, heels clicking against the asphalt as she brushed past the hordes of people swarming the car park. Claudia chased after her, calling her name as she went, the desperation growing in her voice. Amber squeezed her eyes shut, begging to god that she would get the fuck out of her life.

"Ambrosia, please—" The cord snapped in her chest and she burned, turning her head back to screech at her with so much hatred she couldn't recognize her own voice.

"I'm not your fucking toy!" she snarled, biting out the words so viciously that it hurt her throat and burned her lungs. The people gasped, shock colouring the crowd. And Claudia stood at the centre, eyes wide, lips trembling. The murmurs started and now Amber was the villain. Amber was the criminal. Amber was the murderer.

Amber turned, breaking into a sprint. She twisted through the crowd, breaking free from the bubbles of heat to be scooped by the sweet cold air of freedom. She panted as she ran, her hair dipping before her vision. She twisted past another corner, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she reached for her phone slowing into an almost jog. She cursed when it didn't turn on, completely dead to the world.

Fuck! She needed Casper. She needed her soulmates. She needed comfort, reassurance, love. Her eyes pricked with warmth. She wanted the hatred out. She wanted the fear out. She didn't want to feel so, so…Ugly.

Her eyes momentarily left the road as she moved forth, feet stomping across the asphalt, blind to her surroundings due to her emotions. She almost fucked up when flashing headlights grazed over her body and the car screeched to a dangerous halt. The driver had slammed the breaks, the sound ripping through the air like a knife through butter. And she glanced up, horror snapping her back into reality.


What the fuck was she doing?

The car door slammed and familiar faces stepped out, people that made her realise the clamp of her jaw and the energy boiling in her body. Her throat lurched as Oliver and MinJae stormed forth, Casper sliding out at a much slower pace. Her heart pounded as they descended upon her, knowing full and well that they were going to be mad as fuck.

She promised to stay safe.

"The fuck are you doing?" MinJae screeched, eyes flaring but they weren't too mad, mostly concern. "You walked right out onto the road! If Liv hadn't seen you…" She exhaled as he inspected her, circling her for injuries. He wasn't in the best moods. Had he been at the studio? She couldn't remember, her head was a mess. Or was he in a good mood only to be ruined by her stupidity? That could fuck him up sometimes.

"You've got to look at the road! Please, please look at the road," Oliver groaned, running a hand over his temples as his hands shook. He was madder than expected, definitely was the one driving this time. She took a step back, heart still pounding, guts still swirling. Body still rejecting. "Sunshine, you're going to kill me."

Kill him. How funny since…he was the one who tossed her those glasses in the first—She drove a mental stop against that line of thought, cursing at her twisted behaviour. What was wrong with her? What was wrong with Casper's family? And why the fuck was this happening to her?

"Amber, are you okay?"

Her body bounced lightly against a taller, muscular figure as she took a step back. And her eyes drifted up to the concerned face of her soulmate. Casper peered down at her, holding her wrist. It helped a little, his touch was warm and gooey sweet. Her heart relaxed just a tad, enough for her to notice things.

Like how his hair was a curly mess, no doubt from running his fingers too many times through them. And how MinJae had a few stray sprigs in his hair and lilacs at the corners of his ear. And how Liv's sign was gone, but one word trailed across his cheek. 'Sunshine'.

Casper watched her with quiet concern and it seemed to alert the others. The quiet told them that he noticed she was acting strange. And now they observed her, their eyes traced over her frame, reading her body language with deadly accuracy. She choked out a laugh, desperately trying to hide the situation as she turned to look at Casper

"I'm just a little—"

"Hello." Her body froze as Claudia's voice echoed from behind her. "You left so quickly…I thought I wouldn't catch up to you." Her voice only grew closer along with the rustle of bags. "You forgot the food you wanted to take away." Amber's body sizzled as it begged her to make Claudia leave, and Amber made her mind to turn around and accept it from her.

"Thank you," Oliver's voice trailed from the corner, and Amber turned her head to see him smiling as he accepted it from her. His eyes curving into the sunny moons she knew and loved. He grinned, and the word on his cheek flickered. His heart kindled by her presence and Amber went on high alert. "You've always been so kind to my family. How long has it been? Have you been well?"

Amber's heart sank to the floor. Her heart, sliced out and spewing against the floor. Betrayal brimming, a crazed-obsessive being that yearned for more of her to give to its clutches. And it melted her from the inside with acid that she wished wasn't there.

"Um Amber?" Amber's eyes snapped to Claudia's, flaring with anger. The damn woman was the reason for all her fucking problems. "I'm sorry." There was a beat of silence, the world waiting for an answer that Amber refused to give. She would have to be horsewhipped to say anything to the bitch. Claudia laughed then, an awkward bleat that had Amber frothing inside. "I'll see you soon. Congratulations."

She gaped at her response. Congratulations? Congratulations for what? Surviving? Living?

"Thank you!" MinJae chirped, and the fairy of her life beamed like a fucking lantern. He answered her questions, and now Amber knew that those words were not for her. "We're so happy. Thank you so much for the help!" Claudia smiled then, but that grin dropped when she caught Amber's gaze. Amber didn't know what showed on her face this time, but it must have been absolutely fucking terrifying.

Claudia was nervous as she fled. It didn't take much for Amber to understand that Claudia had played a part in some sort of publicity at work. It didn't take much for her to understand that her soulmates liked Claudia for her role in their success.

"We're going on a world tour baby! It's official!" MinJae squealed when they were in the safety of their car, his arms around her as he spoke. His eyes were glittering like stars, his joy bursting from his skin as he spoke. It consumed her like an opiate, filled her lungs and threatened to take the situation from her mind. She wanted to enjoy her soulmates' happiness, but she couldn't. "The songs finished. The album is produced."

"That's amazing," she smiled, voice weak. "When?"

"The first show is in three months! We're finally doing this again!" Oliver chimed from the front seat. His happiness was just as bountiful and just as much as MinJae's. "We'll get to do everything we want to do at our own pace and with our own freedom."

"B-but how did you?" Amber struggled with the words, confused at the sudden news. She knew they had been working on it but the plan was to work on it for another year. They didn't have enough funding or people for a tour.

"Claudia, she just agreed to invest a few million in our company," Casper explained from the front. "It helped, led to more investors looking for profit. She was also the one who introduced us to a good co-CEO for our entertainment company. We're in debt to them for the help." His eyes flashed as they met hers, a frown between his brow. "Was the competition okay?"

Fuck. Amber could feel the migraine splitting her head apart at his words. The responsibility was now heaped onto her shoulders and weighing her down. How convenient…An investment just as Amber was about to aim a shotgun at Claudia's fucking brains and blow it to bits.

"Fine. I'm just whew. Fucking rich people!" she gasped out in barks of incredulous laughter. "S-so…You only got the go because of Claudia?"

She wanted to kill Claudia…And yet the bitch was now their cash cow.

"Enough money to make it a world tour," Oliver answered, bouncing in his seat. "This is so exciting!"

"I'm so happy!" MinJae screeched then laughed as he nuzzled his cheek against her shoulder, bouncing his legs. Amber went weak as they spoke and chattered, their happiness dripping from their skin and saturating the air. Was it fair to tell them the news now? They seemed so happy that their hard work had paid off…

Her eyes darted to MinJae's noting the intuitive glow that dug into her skin. She watched for a moment as the happiness was dragged through the mud, as his expression fell for just a tad and the wrinkle formed. And her chest lurched as she forced out her best smile, shoving him aside to give him a wet sloppy kiss on the cheek for being the best.

She then promised to give them all kisses when they got home, pretending all was right as her heart bled. She decided then that she would allow them a day of happiness. That she wouldn't let her mood soil the air in the house. A single day was all she would give them. Then they could decide on what to do with Claudia.



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