chapter 6 pt 6


"Choking kink huh?" she murmured. "I won't do too much, don't want you dying because of my shitty skills, thumbs up for more, thumbs down for less. I'm not listening to you if it feels too long to me."

"Amber…" he whispered as he blinked, penis now so hard that it hurt.

She unclasped the ring, slipping it off and then quickly pumped it just as she squeezed the veins on his throat. She pinched the sides just enough to restrict, just enough so that the world began to spin a little and a dizzy euphoria emerged in his eyes. He gasped, signalling for more. She complied and the world grew dizzier and his cock, only harder.

"Beautiful," she whispered, and the single word exploded the pressure in his cock, sending him shuddering through the euphoria.

His sight went completely white, stars swimming as he came to the gasps of her name on his lips. He was shaky as it died down, the trembles still radiating from the base of his feet to the throb of his spent cock. He lay for a moment in the stringy white mess of his cum, panting as the oxygen returned to him and the euphoria subsided.

Well fucked and sated.

He laid on the ground for the moment, catching his breath through soft pants as he stared up at her. And she smiled, combing his hair out, grinned when his lips stretched into his own loopy smile. He saw the tattoo on her cheek now, just below the little mole.

Fucking Beautiful.

Well said.

He didn't even care if the entire aircraft heard them fuck at this point. But he would have been happier if they didn't step out of the aircraft hours later to a meat wall of sweaty fans trapping them in their desperate embrace.



Amber had been laughing as she pulled Oliver into the shower.

He had been dazed and subdued, a void of the cheery confidence he usually sported. He'd staggered, legs weak as he allowed her to wash him with the gentlest fingers and the sweetest of kisses. Although her soulmate had swatted her hand away when she'd moved to soap his cock, his soul bond had been radiating with pure unadulterated happiness.

Gone was the flickering signage that danced above his head indicating an unwavering distance. Fluorescent neon lights that bounced with her thoughts and her dreams. A mirror and a visual depiction of the wall that stood in her path. Instead, his skin was inked with words on his skins. Tattoos of love in a hundred different languages, in his and her handwriting.

They formed prettily on his chest, curved and twisted into roses and then lilacs, shifting under her gaze until they settled into an elaborate twist of tattoos that melted into an arm sleeve of dark thick, physical words.

He allowed her to kiss him, soft and warm as he relaxed into her embrace, eyes glazed with so much adoration and love. A gaze that she couldn't help returning as she held his hands in the roar of the water. He could scorch her with just his eyes, honeyed gaze twisting over her skin and painting a picture of home.

She'd unlocked the side of him that had stayed hidden from view, and that had changed the way he looked at her now. His eyes were filled with renewed admiration and justified trust. In crude terms, she'd fucked the fear of rejection out of his system and had satisfied him completely and utterly.

It pleased her, a boost to her already enormous ego.

'You're a good switch,' he'd whispered, running his finger through her wet locks, long fingers cupping her waist to pull her close until their bodies were flushed tight, skin to skin. Soft wet velvet to yielding damp flesh. It felt good to hold him like this. Better when his eyes darted down embarrassed but full, and then back to hers to give her a smile sweeter than caramel. 'That was so good.' He'd blushed, pretty, soft and pink, not from the water but because of her. 'I really enjoyed it.'

'Of course, you did,' she'd smirked. 'You came thrice.'

He smacked her with a soft but scandalized hand. A swift tap to her ass had her squealing up to him, slathering nipples against toned flesh and he grew only redder. His cock bouncing just slightly in response, weak from over sensitivity.

He allowed her a kiss, their lips were innocent and soft as they moved in gentle sweeps that made her feel warm and full. The move of her fingers, feathering light as she moved to knead and caress his back had him shivering with need. But he leaned his forehead against hers after, a warning look sharp in his eyes.


'You mean stop fucking me.'

He raised a brow and gave her a loud snort. 'We need to leave. They have a schedule for water usage.'

Her eyes had widened. 'I didn't know that.'

Puppy-like, he'd followed her to their seats grasping her hand, the eyes from her soulmates that shifted her way had made her cheeks burn. But the thumbs up from Hikaru and a gesture to show that he'd barely heard a thing calmed her racing heart. Thankfully, the sounds of the aircraft and the shower had drowned out Oliver's screams.

Some knew, but no one heard.

Her soulmates had stared at Oliver's marks, clear evidence of a good, hot fuck that had forced his soul bonds to the surface. He'd shown it off with a quick lift of his shirt, and a bashful side glance towards the curtain covered walkways, which led to a soft, embarrassing applause from her boys.

"What did you do?" Sieon whispered to her from behind. She raised her brow, and offered him a crude depiction of a hand job, a blowjob and then sex with a cock ring. His brows twitched, eyes growing lidded as he stared, hard, hot and heavy. There was a whirl of emotions before he whistled, patting her shoulder. "Nice. Didn't know Liv was into Fem Dom, but nice."

"Are you?" she mumbled, now fully appreciative of the need to interrogate her soulmates on their sexual needs. Sieon's brows only raised further, a smirk looming on his cheeky face. He smiled, boxy and naughty.

"I love anything that has you in it."

"Excuse me?"

"Mmm." He wrapped his arms around her, trapped her, with his lips to her neck. "I don't know never had someone call me a dirty slut, but I'm sure it'll sound lovely on your lips." He stuck his tongue out, a wet lick to her skin and she gasped, smacking him away.



"Thanks for the stuff." She pulled the washed cock ring and the remaining set of condoms from her jeans. She had enough of his cheeky banter, and while he tried to keep it up she could sense his social battery fading to oblivion the more sleepy he got. "Useful."

"Thought it would be a fun fantasy." He reclined back into his seat, reaching for his bag. A serious frown now sporting on his face. "It was more for you than for me."

"Loved it."

Sieon grinned, winking at her one last time before settling down to watch a movie. How he'd managed to sneak it past security without shame was unknown to her. But it did explain the reason why he'd taken a little longer at the gate. The crushing neutral stare he'd given them when he'd been allowed through deviated the questions.

There weren't any accidents after that.

Oliver had fallen asleep almost immediately after the meal that had her stomach bursting with gastronomical foods. The lights in the plane dimmed eventually as night crept on, and her soulmates had each settled down to sleep. The airplane settled into a muted hollow hum.

She should have gone to sleep if she weren't hooked on a book that had her heart squeezing with pain. Tears were slipping down her cheeks for fictional characters, desperate for the happy end. Her hopes of a quick fix were dashed by the discovery of hundreds and thousands of words left to read. And she was left gasping and floundering through the need to sleep, as she swiped her way through to the end.

Goddamn it.

But she did finish it, eventually, and she laid back down closing her eyes to breathe. In the darkness of the plane, lacking in light despite the lamp she'd turned on, her eyes were burning with the need for sleep. Screaming at the dry air. Dying from the tears she'd let slip.

She should get up.

So she slipped out from the buckles, stretched, and then yawned.

And then spotted the ghost hovering at the corner of the aisle.

She would have screamed if she weren't partially certain that her mind was just playing tricks on her sleep addled brain. So, she blinked, rubbed her eyes and then squinted at the dark figure that seemed to inch through the curtains. Another blink and those eyes narrowed into squinted slits for better viewing.

A person.


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