chapter 6 pt 8

"It sounds like a joke."

"Could be…I'm not totally sure what they've done in there." His nose wrinkled and his hands moved to draw slow gentle circles on her wrist. "Don't be scared sweetheart, you know we'll protect you." She knew that, of course she knew that.

But his words scared her more than she imagined, and she gulped back the horror, trying desperately to maintain the peace her soulmates seemed to exude. It came with experience she did not have. Experience taught to them from years of harassment.

"Can't security do something?" Her brow twitched. She now understood the reasons why they'd hired a private jet when things were rougher and their fandom was messier. It was to protect her and her fragility.

"Sure, they'll block them off for now."

Their conversation was stifled when Casper strode back to his seat; his kind eyes were warm as he observed Amber carefully. He smiled, dimples on display, comforting despite the bloodshot red of sleep deprived eyes. Always the loving leader.

"Everything okay?" he asked softly, kneeling down to take her hand like a prince would for his princess. And a thought struck her so hard, she was breathless for a moment. Her eyes were unseeing when she stared at his face. Head miles away in the past.

"She's spooked," Ezra offered out. "Saw Hikaru inches from being kissed."

"He should have worn a mask." Casper shook his head. "It was easier to spot him from the crowd."

"Right? At least JieMi's got a hat on…Still slept through the whole thing?"

"Yup, slept through the whole thing," Casper chuckled. "He'd sleep through anything."

"Worn out from all that fucking last night—"

"I-Is this normal?" she managed out, breaking them from their chatter. They exchanged another quick glance.

"Yes, and no. It happens but not all the time." Casper assured her; her lips only grew tighter. "I promise you that we are safe. We have plenty of security, things will be fine." He smiled, patted her shoulder then ruffled her hair. "I'll ask the flight attendant for a glass of something warm for you. Tea?"

"Thank you."

He came back with a hot cup of chamomile, and he tucked her in for bed, kissing her forehead before he returned to his seat. A nod from JieMi, blinking blurrily as he awoke told her that he would wake her if anyone came too close.

Thankfully she managed to fall asleep with Oliver's hand seeking hers out, and they landed before she knew it. The rough bumps and the static from the pilot woke her from a fitful sleep. They roused her again when the occupants of the plane had long left, leading her through a concealed path created just for them as she rubbed sleep from her eyes.

They cleared security easily and quietly, nothing was amiss as they were ushered towards their hired ride ready to take them to the airport. It should have been secret. It should have been safe. But they stepped out to screams that erupted from all sides.

People ran towards them from afar, fans that had been waiting, clearly privy of their arrival and their location. The swarm of bodies surged forward like a tsunami. The fans gave them no path to run as they were cornered unexpectedly in a soup of rank heat. Bombarded as people filled and trashed from all sides.

And Amber found them ripping her out of MinJae's grasp. She wasn't their object of fixation no. She knew that when their hands dragged at her skin, ripped and clawed at her flesh. They tore her away from her soulmates, fingers grasping every inch of her skin, her breasts, her legs, her body. And they pushed and pulled towards her men scrabbling for a once-in-a-lifetime touch and feel, a grope of their cock and ass.

The bodyguards that flanked her weren't enough to stop them and even when they body slammed and shoved. They resorted to violence as they tried to clear a path. Her soulmates struggled to run, each lost in their own circle of people touching them all over like it was a fucking pound town. But they searched for her she knew they did when she heard the ghost of his hoarse cries from her lost. His pain, as he tried to move back but failed from the oncoming crowd.

It was futile, a battle between one man against hundreds of fans.

But that didn't matter as gravity crashed upon her and she slipped and fell to the forest of legs and feet that pattered. Her body slammed to the ground as the screams drowned out her own cries of pain. And she was concealed in a heap of people as her soulmates struggled to break free.

Left behind.

In the sea of fans.


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