End of Chapter 15

"I'm staring so that I can get used to it," JieMi said, his eyes were wide open, doe-like they bore into her frame. They were adorable but now? They were just downright creepy as fuck. "We'll all get used to it, just need a couple more hours. Need to watch you talk and laugh and register in our heads that you're you—"

"Don't, I intend to set this right, don't want to let that perv over exploit my real body. He's been asking for lots of permission." Amber shrugged and this time their smiles were genuine, but she raised a hand before the righteous ones protested. "I don't blame him; I would do it too. Body exchange's the only reason why I can suck dick so good."

"Hands-on lessons," Ezra smirked, but his eyes were dazed when he glanced at her a coldness that she didn't notice but now saw. It wasn't as if Ezra didn't love Sieon, but it just wasn't the same without the sappy undertones. "You know," he swallowed, scratched his upper lip, "if you want to try some…Things. I could come give you a—"

"No, not even if Sieon's convinced you all to try," she interrupted him. She didn't need him to finish the sentence to know what he was getting at.

"You haven't even heard the question."

"You're offering to give me an experience," she cleaned off her plate, chewing on the leftovers, "but inside you'd rather lick the carpet than suck Sieon's fleshy cock."

Hikaru choked and there was a muffled giggle from MinJae behind his palm. Ezra raised a brow. "Your words in my mouth, darling. I've sucked off uglier dicks. You might not be the partner of choice, but I enjoy feeling pleasure throb deep in my throat."

"God," she let out a raspy laugh, "Sieon's going to be so fucking mad when I tell him everyone thinks he's ugly."

"On the contrary," MinJae interrupted, "Sieon's hot. Anyone with working eyes can see that."

She faltered at his words, swallowed hard and she noticed the way his eyes drooped to her throat where Sieon's adam's apple announced her nerves. Her smile dropped. "I agree. But let's not take Sieon's virginity just because I'm inside of him even if he wants to see me happy. Because let's face it, none of you are really that interested. You can't even look me in the eye."

That led to a pause in the air, and she fingered the paper napkin. But MinJae was the one who spoke next, quiet as he tapped his fingers on the table to a silent beat, his cheeks plump with his displeasure. "Don't get us wrong, baby. It's a little hard switching the best friend tag with lover. I want to see your eyes, your pretty voice and taste you on my lips not him." She tried not to notice the juicy plumpness of spiced tinged lips, or the curl of a purr deep in his throat, and the thing in her pants gave an answering twitch.

"I know, I get it," she sighed soft and just as sexually frustrated. "It's just frustrating. I've spent hours thinking about what it would be like to have precious time with you all. Good food, good sex, maybe I don't know some quality time together. And here I am in another's body, with this weird hard on that's sweating in your strange thong like pants, and we're not connecting because I probably look like a clown."

"He's going to be mad at you for calling him a clown," Oliver teased, and she stuck out her tongue at him. But it didn't elicit the reaction she knew and loved, the one that featured him chasing her to drag her into a kiss so that he could 'whip that naughty tongue into shape'. Instead, he seemed surprised.

"You haven't changed out of the dance belt?" MinJae gasped, his eyes crinkling. "You're going to get a rash." He moved, hands tugging at her waist, and it was weirder to feel a whisper of warmth instead of the roar of her soul that she'd grown so used to that she'd forgotten its intensity.

"It's just that I'm scared of erections," she answered with a groan, scratching the side of her head, crossing her legs to squeeze at the meat between his legs. "It's like a signal. I want that shit tucked down and taped."

"I agree," Hikaru answered her with a soft smile. "It is quite embarrassing."

The ice was broken, and yet she didn't feel right in MinJae's arms. She didn't like the drift of their gaze, the way their touch was lacking and how much she hated being in a new body even if it did feel lighter, well-rested and sane.

And like a goddamn milking cow.

"You know what?" She stood, tossing the paper plate in the trash, "I'm fucking exhausted, Sieon's body is drifting." She faked a yawn, which grew real too quickly and her eyes smeared with tears. "I think I'll try to sleep, might as well get more rest before I go home to our little girl. Maybe I'll switch back with more sleep. Then this would be like a fever dream, and we can forget that this stage ever happened."

"Are you sure? You could take a break," Oliver suggested, stood automatically for a hug he would usually give, but left his hands hanging awkwardly by his sides. He quivered, unsure what to do, then bounced on one leg and then to the other. "We could talk more; it'll be fun to play—"

"It's fine, all of us are beat. I can see death in your eyes."

"That's not death love," Oliver smiled, and his lips formed the famous heart that she so dearly adored, "that's just my eyeliner. And with enough alcohol I'm sure we can all get pass the strangeness of your new pretty form, my love."

But she continued insisting on leaving. "Let's just take a break, we all need one after the chaos of today. I'll see you, hopefully at home?" She said, her feet had instinctually moved for a kiss, which he avoided. Her lips missing his, to go for the air beside his cheek. For a moment she'd froze then went cold with shame. Fuck, what a catastrophe. Oliver turned pink, babbling with shame.

"It's just y-you're Sieon now. I'm not used to it," he explained, pursing his lips, "I will kiss you, just give me a minute." He seemed to school his features, leaning in but she stopped him. Her hands against his chest, her larger hands against his chest. Fucking hell she wanted to die.

"I get it," she felt her cheeks warm when she spoke, but it was because she was embarrassed and not in a good way. "I'm sorry. Fuck, I forgot that I'm not me. I'm not thinking straight. I'm sorry, really, so sorry." Her apology spilled, babbled out for more reasons than just her accidental assault on his person.

"No, it's just—"

"Liv, I'm tired, truly. I'll take a shower, and call it a day, we can talk when I'm back home with our baby." She let loose a laugh to quell their fears. "Can't let Rumiko forget about her real mummy." She stepped out of the way, avoiding their arms, avoiding their touch. Not when she was unwanted, 'disgusting' and cruel.


She left before they could pull her back, swept into a random room at the end of the giant hotel suite. Then hopped into the restroom for a bath before anyone could stop her. She heard footsteps and saw shadowed figures at her door, but they left as soon as she turned on the water.

Her bath was perhaps a little too quick, and her hands barely touched anything avoiding his genitals with ease. She wasn't interested in exploration, didn't want to spend a guilty minute masturbating with her new cock while her soulmates fretted about the situation. So instead, she dressed quickly and immediately tried to sleep, closing her eyes but shot up when a knock came from the door.

JieMi stood, leaning against the frame, just as gorgeous and just as sexy as always. His muscles were tight against the stretch of too thin pyjamas that hung off his body, draped over skin that she'd tasted and felt. He perked up when he saw her, smile easy on his face, and it stretched into one that twinkled his eyes and made laugh lines crease. Her heart jumped at the blindingly white teeth and the curl of humidity in his hair—it was the little things that made her outsidesnow squirm.

Unlike the rest, JieMi understood what it was like to exchange bodies. He understood what it felt like to lose control; he understood the despair, the fear, and the oddness of existing in something that wasn't you.

"Hey, beautiful," he said easily, and she smiled when his hands wrapped around her waist, drew her closer with an eagerness that she hadn't seen all day. He allowed her to breathe him in, the musk of his vanilla and pear salt. And despite her larger body he leaned and nestled his cheek against the crook of her neck. He was everything she needed right then and there.

"Thanks," she let out a chuckle, "I'm really loving my new skin. It's the latest model with all the upgrades."

"What kind?"

"A dick and no leaky nipples, or aching boobs," she patted her flat chest and sniffed jerking a thumb to the mattress, "I was just going to bed."

"With wet hair?" His brow had raised, eyes moving over her hair, his fingers reached to twist soaking strands. "I can dry it for you." He burst in without another word, shoulders nudging her aside like a bull. He entered, closing the door behind him and she knew he wasn't going to leave quickly or easily.


"You want to sleep off the body exchange?" He snorted picking up a towel, patted the bed for her to come. And she trotted up to him like a good girl, sat quickly beside him as he made quick work to squeeze out the water. "You know it doesn't work like that."

"I do, but I had to try at the very least," she sighed.

"Why want to leave your soulmates so soon?" he teased, clicking his tongue over teeth, but it was a low blow and she shoved him for it. Perhaps, a little too hard because he wheezed, but there was laughter in his eyes. "Sorry, but you have to admit it is a good opportunity to talk."

"But a weird one."

"You can't blame us," he smiled gesturing for her to sit down and she did. "Sieon's nothing like you, it is interesting to see your mannerisms on his body. I know it's you and yet I'm looking into the idiot's eyes. It is a wild experience for them, but not so much for me."

"Too used to the change?"

"Maybe, I'll need more than this to analyse my own thought process. But I care about you more than anything else." He ruffled her hair, combing out the last of the wetness and she closed her eyes. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. It was chaste but enough and her heart grew warm at the softness in his eyes. "I missed you, Amber."

Inside, she was melting into his big brown, barren eyes. "Missed you too."

"The soul bond knew that and that's why you switched."

"But this is a kind of torture," she groaned, wiggled fingers. "Can't even hold you close."

"Who said you can't?" He leaned back; arms splayed against the pillows. "Come here." He patted his chest, gorilla like and she giggled, but muffled its sound under her palm. He laid sprawled and languid, lacking in the indecision and reluctance that she thought he might have. In fact, he was relaxed as fuck, and she felt a little sheepish for overthinking the situation.

She stared down at him, but his eyes remained free of hesitation, "are you sure? I'm kind of bigger now."

"Yeah, I spoon Sieon all the time," he assured, tugging at her arm, "I lift weights remember? Nothing can crush me. Come here, big guy."

She smiled, snuggling against him. It was a tight squeeze, but he didn't complain, and she enjoyed the scent of her soulmate wafting around her in its sweet juicy freshness as he stroked her hair, combing it out with his fingers. His warmth radiating just as sweetly as his soul.

He was everything, and it took all her goddamn self-control to hold herself back from turning around and swallowing him down, press her mouth against his and kiss him senseless. Especially with his body emitting the scent of good memories and the best sex. She groaned, let out a sigh and tried to not think about sex for fear her new penis might awaken.

"God, I needed this."

"Me too," he hummed, his nose in her hair, "don't have to overthink cuddles; always a good idea."

"You cuddle with Sieon?"

"Sieon's a cuddler, needs something in his arms to sleep. That 'something' can sometimes be me. You know what's the coolest thing about this?" He mumbled, eyes already drooping quickly, his word sliding over tongue. "I can smell you on him. All that juicy apple pie, it's here somewhere."

"Could just be his shampoo, it's sweet."

"Nah, I can't fuck up this apple pie. Because it's mine," he groaned, and this voice was all sex and cream as he pulled her hips closer. But there was nothing malleable about Sieon, and she felt him pat her sides instead of the way he would tug when there was meat and malleability on her hips.

Nonetheless, she fell asleep in his arms to the soft hums of his voice lulling her into gentle dreams. But when she opened her eyes, it wasn't to the sound of squalling cries from a baby. She was confused, and so the first thing she did was slap a hand to her left boob. It was flat as fuck. Honestly, it was pretty damn meaty it just wasn't her jugs.

Her soulmates did have muscular chests that could be fitted with a bra.


She'd sighed then turned only to stare at Sieon who looked back at her squinting through sleep. He lifted his head, adorable as he bounced a few times, smacking lips. Then turned to look at her with a perverted sneer that she sometimes saw on his disgustingly handsome face. Now that she was outside of him, she allowed the traitorous regret to seep in just once.

She should have tried out his dick in her palm.

"You know I know you were helping Amber," he mumbled, in morning voice that was too sexy for his own good, "but it's so weird to wake up in your arms. I felt something in me just die inside when I've got my dick against your ass crack. Do you know if she touched me last night—"

"Eon, it's not JieMi…" she whispered, swallowing around new teeth and new tongue. "It's me."

He blinked then parted his lips. And she stared confused at the curious dilation of his pupils, the sweet brown consumed by endless darkness that could only expand further until there was nothing. It was eery, the way he stared at her in JieMi's body, a strange predatorial glint in his eyes. The tension grew, boundless as it expanded exponential as his gaze grew oddly suggestive.


Then she heard the sharp inhale of someone tasting the air and not really breathing it in for the sake of survival. She noticed now the perspiration that beaded over his forehead, then the twitch of his brow as he continued panting hard, drinking it in as if he wanted more.

"Fuck," he exhaled, lips parting into a moan that was definitely sexual. And now she grew alarmed, pulling herself up. He twisted, his body curling into himself, as he dug fingers into the sheets, chiselled chest heaving. "Fuck, what the fuck?" he echoed, staring at her as if she was everything and yet nothing. His gaze empty and dazed, she was lost in the coal of his eyes that crumbled and twisted into desperation.

Then chaos ensued as what felt like a flutter of her insides escaped in a slather of perfume.

Sieon flipped over her, his body looming, and she gasped as his face buried against her throat. His nose against the sides, his body was feverish as he shook, as his chest expanded against hers, then contracted. He breathed and took her scent deep into his lungs, and yet he wanted more, digging his face deeper into her neck to taste her skin.

His soul pulsed with warmth, in short intense bursts under her fingers. It throbbed, swaying in her chest. Then pulled away, it ebbed and flowed like the waves in the ocean. It came and then went, beckoned and then left.

And in turn Sieon's smell— the gentle musk that tasted sweetly of lavender—wrapped her in its embrace and she felt the twitch of her cock between her legs. And she gasped, felt her back arch as his nose travelled over sensitive skin, pressed against places that felt too good and too right. Then his hands were on her waist, fingers digging against skin as it travelled and then finally stopped as he seemed to understand that it wasn't her.

It was JieMi.

His eyes flew open, reared back with an ugly scowl, hands pressed to his nose, stumbling backwards as he inhaled into everything but her. Desperately, he tried to flee almost tripping on his own feet. He seemed lost and hazed as he left her.

"Good God," he muttered, "Christ, I need a minute. I just need a second. Almost, almost fucking lost it."

"What's wrong Sieon?" she called to him, but he moved, body slamming against wardrobes and then walls.

But he ignored her, chose to pull himself out of the room, crashing over people and babbling words like she was Satan and this was Hell. Outside her soulmates didn't seem to understand the truth and they circled Sieon assuming he was her. They flocked with worry, pulling him down into his seat, and asking thousands and hundreds of questions.

The moment she stepped out of the room, wind rustling her hair and pulling her scent across the room, was when they truly understood the torture of existing in a space without your real soulmate. Because right now JieMi was a walking aphrodisiac.

A/N: Read the completed series including a Patreon/Inkitt-only epilogue here: 

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tinyeyecat

Inkitt Subscription: https://www.inkitt.com/tinyeyecat