Help T_T

Edit: Hello friends, the person came forward to tell me that they uploaded the fic without the intention of plagiarism. They just wanted a private place to keep things up online, not knowing that it would be made public on AO3. The content has since been taken down and they apologised to me for the confusion and hurt. I've completely forgiven the person. I'm just super thankful that it wasn't someone with malicious intentions, and it was all just a big misunderstanding. Thank you so much for all the help, everyone! You've all truly got my back, and I'm so grateful for the love.

Disclaimer: I'm horrible at public relations messages so please be a little kind to me oops. I apologise in advance for the way I word this message in a state of panic. Knowing how PR statements go, it's not easy to word things well. So I think I will still piss some friends off with the way I wrote this, for that I apologise as I come from a position of privilege.

Hi friends, I thought I should let everyone know that someone here has been plagiarising my work and uploading exclusive content online...

At first, I had a bit of a meltdown. I didn't really know what to do. Should I delete all my content on public sites? Stop writing for a while? Just focus on publishing original content? Never write fanfiction ever again? Those were the thoughts in my head. Hehe...Just had a moment of pure terror and confusion. My hands were shaking and I just sat down in pure shock. It's so funny because my home just got robbed yesterday too hehehe.

I started trying to figure out why this person would want to do this. I'm afraid I might have made an enemy online now. This person probably isn't happy that I'm making money this way. So maybe they wanted to post my content for public viewing so that I won't profit? Maybe they're upset that I'm posting fanfiction online? I'm not sure...But it was a little horrifying, and I cried because I'm scared. And for a moment I thought I could never do this dream ever again, and I'll have to stop writing. I'm tearing up as I write this.

Oof I'm so sorry, I'm quite a shy coward T_T

To the person, I'm so sorry if I've offended you in someway. I'm really sorry.

But I like to give the benefit of doubt. Maybe they were trying to help some friends who can't pay, and they just wanted to pirate content. Maybe they just wanted to collect my content personally?

I've always been a firm believer that knowledge/books should all eventually be free for everyone which is why I intend to upload all my content free online eventually so friends only pay me for early access (it's a bit of a luxury good I suppose, in economics terms). I just needed a bit of hm, benefits so I can earn enough to keep going full time?

I was once a broke child desperate for entertainment too. And it's so upsetting when I can't get content on time when I really want it. So after some thought...I suppose I do understand why this person would do this for everyone. And also, if I ever die suddenly and I disappear for a good amount of time, I've always hoped that exclusive members would post my stories completely free online so everyone can read everything I wrote? (Ok, I'm rambling a bit, but now you know everyone. Please post my exclusive content online when I die, I will die in peace this way. I want everyone to know what happens next.)

I know I'm always writing cliff hangers (Oops...honestly it's for me too, because I want to be excited to write the next chapter. And to be completely honest, I do not know what happens next after that I have 0 plans. That's probably why I'm so good at cliff hangers, it's a cliff hanger for myself too).

So I understand. I really do. I understand that it's painful to wait. So with that in mind I truly get it.

But I'll just like to make a public plea to the person who did this.

I don't mind if you pirate my content, it is a part of being an artist in this world, and as small creators our content will always be used and plagiarised. I know this. And I'm okay with this, it's just a way of life. And maybe after you post my content online, someone will read it and be inspired to write too? Maybe you will help someone?

But please do it in a way that won't destroy my will to write and my ability to continue writing? Please be a little kind, just a little.😭 I will be honest. I am super privileged. Writing has become my full time job and so I have time to sit down and work on this. It's hard to write exciting content, but I am so lucky to be capable of earning money from my hobby. And be self-employed and have that time to sit down, think and write. Not many fanfiction authors can do this.

Yeah, but I suppose not everyone thinks this should be a way I should earn money? I recently learnt that earning money from fanfiction is seen in an extremely negative light. So maybe that's why? Perhaps I should just delete everything and make it an original story? I mean I only use fanfiction as actors and a face to the names anyway...

I'm a little confused, and unsure of what to do now...

To be honest, I knew this day would come. In the past I've seen some of my pdfs uploaded for free online, and I've seen creators copy my scenes word for word into their stories. I've had friends here tell me about it, but I've always believed that plagiarism is something I can never avoid. Because if I police everyone too much I'll only cause myself to lose my will to write + it will be difficult for everyone to read. I really don't want that. I don't want to penalise everyone for something that wasn't their fault. And I thought it's okay, I don't mind.

But now I'm not too sure because it's a complete plagiarism online, and the person took the time to upload every chapter. And it feels a little scarily like they're doing this because they don't like me or maybe they think I'm doing something wrong. So I don't really know what to do...I thought I'll let everyone know about it first, and understand what I'm thinking and feeling. Maybe everyone can give me some advice? Some thoughts?

I'm just scared I suppose.

And actually, I'd like for all friends waiting for my content to go ahead and read it from the person who plagiarised hehe. Yeah, since it's up already please feel free to go read it. I don't mind <3 Please go ahead, since it's already in the public domain it's alright.

Edit: Omg everyone is so vigilant, thank you for letting me know that the user is continuously changing their name!

Their MSAI:

Their HAKON:

Their YOAM:

But I actually don't know what I'll do now. I will think about it.

Once again I'll like to apologise to everyone for any grievances I've caused. I'm a little stressed out, and shaking. I might also be just traumatised from the robbery I've just experienced in real life. Hehehe.

Anyway, have a good day! Drink lots of water, stay happy and healthy. Wishing everyone lots of good luck and no house robberies like me T_T. Check your stuff my friends.

ps. Oh! And let me know if I wrote this in a very privileged way and I wrote this horribly. I've seen celebrities write statements in a very tone-deaf way, and maybe I have as well. If that's the case, just let me know too. I'm worried, I've written this in an emotional state so I might not know what I sound like.

Love you all, always appreciate the enthusiasm and love that you have for the children of my brain. Without everyone none of these stories would have exited my computer and be birthed into this world.

Love, Emi Ree