True Words

Can't believe it's been seven years since that day. Little did I know how much you would change in such little time. In the past you used to hold my hand or hide behind my back, and now you drag me around when we hang out. Even though we know it's not a date, I can't help but think it is.

You noticed the way I look at you right? That is the only reason I can think of for you to get a lover. Maybe I'm being a little too forceful. I can't help but get jealous the way they look at you. Full of lust but no love. How many times have I stopped myself from breaking their arm, but I always hold myself back. That's the reason why I got a lover of my own.

Can't hold back my laugh when we do a double date and you always look at me with anger, but in my eyes your just pouting trying your best to get my attention. Which always works, but not in the good way. You being all lovey- dovey with your partner just makes me want to tease you more. Always goes too well and not in the way.

The more I flirting with my lover, the more I look at you, hoping to see you react in a way that says you love me back, but I'm always heart broken. I see you being so attentive to your love. By the end of the night, in two days time my lover will break up with me. They always leave after saying the say words.

"Why don't you guys just date. You never loved me so why even try" Can't say I blame them. Now I'm stuck looking lost in life, but I won't mess with your love life. I can't make you suffer just so I can be happy.

I don't know if it's because we are supposed to be together or its just karma. You never seem to last two months after I break up with my ex. God, you really do work in mysterious ways. I can't let that cloud my mind. I have to remember you are suffering and I can't be happy because of it.

" Why did you guys break up? How did it happen?"

"I always compare you to them in how much fun we have. Told me I should just go out with you."

Can you be any cuter. I know for sure my face is really red, even if I cover my face I know I will be blushing.

" Let's take a break from dating other people. Let's try again after we graduate collage." still covering my face

"Ok" this was the last time we talk about love.

It's been a year since we had that talk. I just turned into a freshman in university. Promising you I wouldn't break our promise even if we are far away from each other. I didn't have to wait too long. We always knew we would go to the same university.

Tomorrow is the day you graduate and I got to say I'm nervous. We have kept to our promise and if we want to hang out we do . It's going so far that everyone in school thinks we are already going out. Today is the day that I will change that.

" We have know each other for many years. We know how we think and what we are going to say. Now the question is: Will you marry me?"