Real world -6 [Devils (Satan's) little wife]

"Happy birthday , little Samantha" wished grandpa Domian while handling a little bunny as a present for his precious baby.

"It's looks so cute , thank you grandpa", and took the White fluffy creature into her arms.

"Happy birthday baby samu" said both her parents by giving her kiss on her cheek .

Both couple wore same royal blue colour clothes and looks like Greek god and goddess with their fabulous features.

"Only kisses , then what about my present ? little Samantha wants a gift from her parents" , said little Samantha with a cute and sweet voice.

"You already received a gift from your grandpa but want to have another gift from your parents , you little greedy kitten," and slowly pinched her nose , 'Devastan Domian ' her uncle .

He too looks same as his father and brother with golden pupils and brown hair.

Beside him, Rose Domian, his wife.

This couple wore sky blue colour costomized clothes and looks intimate like a match made in heaven.

Both Lily Domain and Rose Domian were adopted by Domian royal family when they were kids so both treat each other like close sisters.

It is their royal family custom to adopt girls cultivate them as their future daughter in law's.

But if the couple don't like then they choose someone they like.

Both sisters love this daughter of theirs very much.

Even though Rose Domian has a son 3 years old , she love little Samantha more than him.

"So what if i'am greedy , little kitty nature is being greed . Don't you know that uncle?" and gave cheekish smile to her uncle.

" Gosh , what a clever little fellow" laughed Davastan Domain.

"Little samu, we are going to take you to a place,where we worship our God , which is under our basement of the house". Both parents said.

"Taking me to see our God, who gave us power's? then little Samantha will thank him personally " Samantha eyes were full of excitement and hope.

"Little fool , how can you talk to a god ", said devastan Domian.

"I'am not a fool , i'am super smart and cute", she pouted her mouth looking like a little kitty.


"Lord , thank you for giving us power to control the nature. We are using it to help others who are in need of rain , need of food and shelter. Hope you always bless us to serve" ,

Then David Domian made 5 types of flowers , on from ice , it looks like a porcian flower, other is a fire flower, then water flower , and a flower looks like a cloud made from wind , at last thunder flower to serve at the foot of statue.

"Lord, we never used these powers for our greed but for people sake , hope you to bless our humble things a piecefull life", with that the prayer ended.

Little Samantha kept her head down with others listening to her grandpa speech.

She wants to raise her head to look at the golden statue but her mother warned her with her peach eyes.

Sign!! Little Samantha signed like an older person and shakes her head.

Hum! So what if I can't see him now, I will definitely take a good look when the time comes.


At night:

"How can uncle say that I can't talk with God , grandpa obussely talked with God at morning , then why can't I "? Little Samantha kept on rambling to herself.

"Even though god didn't talk back to grandpa but still he talked to God." said accusingly.

"Little Samantha is also going to talk to God and also can make him talk with me . I know how to do this , it said in our family magic book , you need to place your blood near God's heart then you can talk to him ".

HEHEHE , little Samantha is so smart .


At the basement

"Phew , finally I got into the basement without anyone noticing, if I slept with mommy , I may have can't do this, so I have to thank my dad" .

She slowly look towards the statue.

"WoW , so beautiful, God looks so good . I didn't see him clearly at the morning because mommy said to keep your head down , now that I look at him , this face is so beautiful, more beautiful than dad and uncle" her eyes turned gleefully with worship for the mind-blowing picture in front of her face.

"Since he is beautiful and I want to repay him for giving our family power's I will marry this God and repay him" nods her head in deep thinking.

Little Samantha slowly bit her finger so that blood can bleed ,"God , why are you so tall ? now how can little Samantha reach your heart". She climbed onto the statue with difficulty and raised her bloody finger near his heart.

The statue which was pure gold began to turn to and slowly showed up a man .


SATAN, He is a devil, who is merscyless and heartless and never let anyone wether humans or demons get close to him.

He is a ruthless devil, who never care about good or bad , and life or death of anyone in this world.

Even though he is emperor of demons , he never had any women near him, he ruled his world ruthlessly and merscylessly .

When he get bored with demons affairs he went into deep sleep , this time the moment he woke up is after the elimination of both gods and demons.

He is the only demon left in this world , who is nearly 2 millinion year's old and more powerful than God's.

So , he began to took upon human body who is already dead and live a human life, to make things more interesting he make himself to loose his memory, and make a time deal to become devil again.

This time also same , on the day to return into devil, he is severely injured , an emperor of Domian family tried to save him, even he is a devil, SATAN don't like to owe people, so without revealing his identity he gave some power's to control the nature from his mother a 'Goddess' to that man ,and also a Devil himself to play with them he said not to use power's themselves and made their powers to loose once in 5 years and also made a book which explains how other people can obtain their powers.

He warned sternly that they can only awaken power's after 20 and can't use them before or after for themselves or harm others, then turn into a statue and went back to sleep and said if he even needs his help, they need to use their blood .

He wants to see if this man becomes greedy or his future generations can become greedy after getting everything or even asks him for anything.

But if they like to use these to help others and be able to suppress their greed for power , he don't mind.

Even though SATAN is a Devil , he never does things without any reason or kill anyone.

If those power's can be helpful then let it be.

In that way Devil Satan turned into a God for Domian royal family and and they began to have power's from generation to generation.


"I will be your little wife "

When SATAN woke from his deep sleep and returned to his body , a little bun with a fearless face in his arms said to become his little wife ,to him , the 'Devil'.