Emperor love me please~ 1 [ selected by a system]

"Little samu remember this even if you need to give up your life , you need to save the people who are in need and never disappoint them. We Domian are royal family , we not only rule but also protect not only our but other people", said David Domian while looking at his baby daughter little bun face lovingly with a weak smile.

"You need to help the kind, even by opposing others , that what we are doing from generation , you need to continue this" said her uncle with his last breath still remain in his body.

"Remember little baby strength is not something you use for revenge but to forgive and protect them", looking at her daughter from a distance while her body is still burning slowly but painfully.

"A ruler should always think about others before himself" and her grandpa closed his eyes which can never ever open again.

"Even if we are not going to be near you anymore you still need to keep our Domian name as high as sky" this time their is a bit of seriousness in her dad's tone.

"Take care of yourself little samu and never forget about what we are , you have used the power within your body before awaken and killed Brock brown".

"I don't know what you are going to loose now which is very important to you, but still keep on going little baby till the last breath remains in your body never give up".

"we always want you to be yourself who always laugh and never give up who always make others happy" turned into ashes.

"what we are little samu , say ?" uncle asked to joke with his little sugercube one last time.

"Yesh, we are nature controller who rule but also protect people as a ruler from many generations, little Samantha will never forget this " her eyes turn red while tears kept falling to the ground.


Little Samantha kept looking at her family who now turned into ashes and tears kept falling from her little eyes.

Everything was alright just today morning but why did suddenly it happened?

Why did grandpa brown suddenly started the fire in the old palace by some magic from the family magic book which says how to draw fire which couldn't stop until it burns everything and try to take the power from her whole family?

Nothing happened to her Because of the protection of little snake given by Lord Satan.

She used her power to kill grandpa brown and harmed ash uncle by thinking that could stop the fire but , but it didn't.

She had just watched her family turn into ashes but couldn't do anything to stop it.

Little Samantha feels hopeless and helpless , she always used to think that she is smart and could anything but now when her own family was burning to death , she could only watch it as a film and nothing.

"Why? Why this is happening ?Is little Samantha not good? Then why did everyone in her family left her ? Why ?Is it because she used her power's to kill that grandpa brown , so God is punishing her and taking her family away from her" ? little Samantha said to herself in a confused state.

Then what she should do when her family is being burnt in front of her own eyes , little Samantha was very angry and helpless at grandpa brown for doing this.

She looks at the thousands of pieces of flesh on the ground "This is all your fault grandpa brown, why did you suddenly became greedy for our power? Why did you kill my family ? just to get our power's you try to kill my family when they are turned into a powerless human for today ? why ?" and looks at ash brown who lay weekly on the ground "You also same , you all are the one who killed my family , Why"?

"Why ? Why this is happening"?

"Now, who will tell her bed time stories? Who will make beautiful dresses to her? Who will tease her? Who will make the snow fall and play with her? Who ? Who "?

"If I didn't used the magic to kill grandpa Brown just now , could I have saved my family"?

"Why she is the only one left ?"

"Why ? Why ? Why?"

Little Samantha slowly feels weekness,

'Why' and suddenly falls on the ground.


"Why," mumbled Samantha in her sleep .

"You are awake" ? came the cold voice from above.

"I ", "Eat something before you say" SATAN cut off Samantha words and helped Samantha to sit on the bed.

She slowly look towards the pair of purple eyes and know that she didn't imangened him in the forest , he is lord SATAN himself because he is same as before expect that long silver hair which is now short black hair everything is same.

"He said that he will meet her again when her life fall in danger years ago and he really did and took her out from that forest in her most painful and broken state".

"she is very grateful to this lord SATAN because he is the one who gave power's to her family which they have used to help others and also for the little snake who saved her from a pack of wolf's and from that fire years ago , for taking her out from that forest and bringing her into this home".

"This guy even if a Devil but to her he is a God, she will always respect and be grateful towards him.

She said to be his little wife when she was a kid and now remembering it make her laugh. How can she marry him when she is so disgusting and being as a mery human being, never .

Not only lord SATAN but she deserves no one else".

After getting her memories she fells empty in her heart, she don't even have the anger, pain or sadness in her heart now.

Samantha just feels like she became numb, numb after experiencing so much pain from these many years and numb from the pain of her heart after her family destruction many years ago.

She just don't know what to do now, she just feels whole numb and empty in her heart .

After knowing how her family destroyed in front of own eyes and she can't do anything make her feels even numb and how much she had longed for that family love makes her feels even more heavy in her heart.

She had hate and resentful when she was at the forest at her fake family, but now not even a tiny bit of emotion left in her heart.

It's just feels tired from these emotions.

She had fed up with these emotions. Emotion of helplessness, sadness, angry, hope.

What's the use of them? Can she bring her family back? Can she turn back the time and change her 5 year's of life? Can she went back to the time and kill them ?

No she can't!

So these emotions flew away from her body living just a empty shell to on till it breaks apart.

She weekly look towards SATAN, "lord became a human did he forget about himself? But he still kept his promise, he still remember everything"? slowly lift her hand but it falls on the bed.

By seeing how week she is he lifted the bowl to hold in one hand and took spoonful of vegetable soup then took it to her mouth.

she slightly started but opened her mouth, the light taste of vegetables filled her mouth and her eyes turned dazed, it's the first time she ate something after many years and the warmness spread from mouth to heart.

After the entire bowl is empty , he set that aside and asks "Are you an assassin who came to seduce then kill me? otherwise how can you know my name ? just say truth ,, whoever lies is a puppy".

'So he don't remember himself ' "I will never harm- before she can finish her speech suddenly a huge black lightning ball falls on SATAN from the sky and making him perish in front of her eyes.

Her eyes widen "LORD SATAN" and entered into darkness.

"Ding , you are selected to collect LORD SATAN soul fragments".