Emperor love me please~ 9 [ I will make her my Empress]

Early morning when Samantha woke up from her sleep because of little treasure shouting , she realises that she had became Xue Yang again.

Samantha tries to enter the cat body with her power's but to no Vail .

'What's happening'? she questions herself and try to enter once again but it still does not work.

She slowly opens her palm while closing her eyes to concentrate on her power's to make a fire ball, but even after a minute , nothing happens.

'I can't use my power's ? why? did someone locked her power's? but Who can do this '? she was in her own thoughts while little treasure receive some information from universal world.

"Master, I got to know that something happened to system panel. So we can't deduct LORD SATAN feelings and his location for the time being", said little treasure in a dull tone.

Then suddenly his snake eyes brighten , "Master , I remember last night lord SATAN feelings for you have reached till +80, that means you are near your goal",little treasure shakes his little tail left and right while beaming happily.

"That means it's time to let LORD SATAN know i'am Xue Yang. But , I don't know if he has already seen me as Xue Yang before going to the morning court , I don't even know , when did I became a human".

Little treasure get down from his bed and slowly crawl near her side "Master don't worry, I don't think LORD SATAN has seen you becoming Xue Yang , otherwise you might not be sleeping till now", and comfort her with his little tail by pating her hand.

"But he will gets to know now", said in a low and calm tone.

'I don't know why, but feels like something is not going well'.


Chenfang garden

"His majesty arrives", eunuch Lin shouted loudly to announce the presence of Song Feng and the door of concubine Gu inner chamber opens.

"Long live your majesty", everyone in the chamber get down on their knees and greet him.

Gu wan ting , who was resting while laying on the bed , start to get up from the bed to greet him but stopped by a pair of strong arms who slowly took her to his chest and circled her waist.

"No need for the formalities, you need to rest right now instead of stressing to greet us", Song Feng said in a warm tone.

Concubine Gu was slightly started, 'is his majesty really hugging her? even though his majesty pamper every woman in the harem at night, but other times he never allow anyone near him, even if the person is his own concubines whom he spends his night with. But what now? is it because she is pregnant with his son ? Yes, this is correct. It's first time that his majesty is going to be a father, so it's normal. I need to win his majesty favour and become a empress'.

"Your majesty", she called him in a slow and weak voice as if she will die in next moment.

"Yes, wanwan" he called out gently while looking at her affectionly.

'Wanwan? His majesty have never called any concubine with a nickname and she is the first one'.

'Hehehe, she need to take the action while the iron is still hot and make him take her as an Empress'.

"Your majesty, don't blame sister Zhong for this. It's normal for women to be jealous when they need to share a mighty emperor like you. His majesty is also very handsome and pamper us very dearly, so it's normal for any women to become greedy for emperor love alone".

"Even though she tried to kill both me and our child , but since we are save , I think you need to forgive her" she said in a sweet and gentle tone and leaned into his arms while laughing wickedly in her heart.

"After all concubine zhong is like a sister to me and she has done this gane your majesty love".

"You are so kind and thoughtful , wanwan", and he slightly pecked her forehead.

"Don't worry, I will do justice for you".

"Guards , bring that women here", he ordered them in a loud voice which shows his anger for that said person.

"I said , let me go", came a sharp noise from the outside of the chamber with footsteps decreasing the distance.

"Who do you think you are to touch me ? How dare you to caught the arm of the emperor and drag me forcefully", the loud noise increases as they came near.


Guards throw concubine zhong on the ground after they enter the door of inner chamber and quickly back away from the room.

Concubine zhong looks at the pair of women with a bump on her belly and men , hugging eachother intimately and her turn red with anger and jealousy.

"Your majesty", she calls him in a low voice while tears fom in her eyes to portray the image of victim .

Song Feng looks at the stupid women with anger in his eyes," Say , why did you poison concubine Gu ? what's wrong she have done to you "?, he asked her in a commanding tone.

"Your majesty ,what are you saying ? I poisoning her ? No, I have never done that. Why would I even do that kind of thing? i'am really innocent , I will never do something to harm any creature let alone harm concubine Gu", concubine zhong started crying while looking at them with accusing eyes.

"Sister , why are lying ? it's clearly you who poisoned me ,so that my child could die . How can do something like this to us and still not admit your crime, I have already asked his majesty not to punish you but you can't just get away from the things you have done".

'Heh ! you think you can gain his majesty favour with your fake tears ? naive. You bi** h i'am even more talented in acting pitiful than you , let's just watch how I will make my way as an Empress by standing on your corpse'.

"Concubine zhong, are not you doing this just to get the position of Empress, then let me tell you, I have selected my empress long ago and that is Xue Yang", when he said her name, there was a hint of gentleness in his eyes and his face is full of love for her.

"What"!! Not only concubine zhong but also concubine Gu is shocked by this news.

"His majesty wants that cheater Xue Yang to be his Empress"?


"You are the cold and mighty Moon in the sky,

While i'am just a speck of dust on the ground".

"I always stay in the darkness while stomped by others,

While you spread your cold light and claim the entire world".

"We are never comparable with eachother ",

"But, you filled my world of darkness with your presence of light ".

"I beg you , to leave me,

otherwise, I may yearn for your light , for your presence , for your love,

I don't want to be greedy for the things , I can Never get".

"But , my heart has already started to depend upon your light,

What it takes, to get your light only in my world,

What it takes , to get your love in my life".

- Samantha.