Emperor love me please~ 13 [ shell we began]

Dong Nation:

The palace of the Dong Nation which used to be filled with harmony is now became chaotic with bloody corpses lying everywhere inside the palace.

The entire palace filled with blood with the living person or the already dead corpses.

Some have their head cut off, some without arms and legs and some with many stabs of swords and arrows.

The whole Dong Nation and it's citizens are facing the major problem.

That whether the Emperor of their empire can come out alive from this situation .

This whole thing was caused by the one and only person- Song Feng!


"What ? The Emperor of Song nation had sent some assassin's to attack our Emperor? How can that be possible"? , a palace mama in her green clothes with her fat body supporting the tree trunk asked this.

"Yes, As you know , my sister husband is one the soldiers who have been dead from that attack, many were killed at that time , after the investigation ,crown Prince have found the evidence from one of the dead assassin that it was Song Emperor who have done this, I don't know why this is happening", said another mama beside the fat one.

"Why else , they want to rule the whole world and obtain every nation," a palace maid with dark eyes and brows with a fair skin in her baby pink maid clothes said this , with anger evident in her eyes, it looks as if suppressing the huge amount of emotion in her heart.

"Yes, that Song nation emperor have always been evil and cruel , I heard that he is called Satan on the battlefield, indeed he is a living monster, he don't care about his own people but want to rule the whole world", fat mama said with disgust in her tone, her whole tone filled with disgust for that said person.

"We can only hope that our majesty can be saved and join forces with other nations to kill that demon", Xiao ay the pink dressed palace maid said .


Song Nation:

'Now, you are once again under my control my dear wife', with a wicked laugh in his heart , the blue robed men started to walk towards the direction of red bed decorated with red rose petals .

'I never thought that you will be born again, but since you did , that means you can only be mine'.

'You lost your life because choosing that demon over me, now once again you want go in the same way? Na! I won't allow you '!

'You can only be MINE'!

'I sensed your presence when you came to universal world , since then I have be following you my dear.

You had suffered very much in that mortal world, but if you choose me now , I will give everything'.

'Because you are MINE'!

The petite girl in red dragon robes lying on the red bed looked at the blue figure with blurry eyes.

she doesn't know why , but she have a familiar feeling as the figure kept approaching her.

This familiar feeling is not same as the felling she felt with Lord Satan but a kind of different felling with mixed emotions.

These emotions are disturbing her numb heart and making it unable to breathe.

It feels as if the numb heart has been crushing and it's suffocating her very much.

"Hahaha ! Look , how this sl*t has been staring at you Prince Anng , I think she must have fallen for you", the man in red dragon robes said to the man in blue robes.

He slowly lifted his slender and powerful hand towards her face and started to caress it with so much gentle emotion in his eyes.

"Shell we began"?