Emperor love me please~ 15 [ wait for tomorrow's game]

Inside the palace:

There sat a women in yellow robes with a smoky makeup on her face on the soft mattress.

Her stomach is slightly swollen as if she ate too much today but in truth she is pregnant.

"Is everything ready"?, concubine zhong asked her maid while rubbing her slightly swollen belly.

"Yes, your highness, I have informed everyone what to do tomorrow and imperial physician tang also informed me that the poison in concubine Gu wan ting , body is started acting up , by tomorrow the child should be dead ,and chance's if her survival is very low", said the maid zhong Chu respectfully but with an evil smile on her face.

Zhong Chu stud beside the bed , she wore green maid outfit with a light makeup on her face.

"Good! How dare that bi**h try to frame me, now serves her right, and that vixen Xue Yang, how dare her for getting the position which should have belonged to me".

"Now, I can get rid of both of them with this and become the Empress".

"I can finally have his majesty only for myself by using my child, and look down at her belly".

"Right ? son? You will help your mother become the Empress and also win your father heart? Right? Right'?

Hahahaha Hahaha!!!!!!!!

"IAM finally going to be the Empress".



In another courtyard there lay a couple who are currently embracing each other on the bed .

The man wore red dragon robes and closed his eyes while the women in his arms kept staring at his face with suspicious eyes.

Well, seems like my plan is going well'.


Prince Anng must have already done it with her, I never thought that Prince will be interested in her'.

'But it still helps me now, after what I have done to her, that Samantha must be hating me or her Lord Satan, so how can she be now willing to help him collect his soul fragments? Never!

Once you die in this world ,You can never get your power's and can never enter into universal world'.

'You will die in this world by tomorrow'.

"Your highness, what are you thinking about? and what about the wedding night"? asked concubine Gu Wang, Gu wan ting sister.

"Wedding night? She is currently having her wedding night, you don't need to care about it.

There is going to be a play tomorrow, prepare well ", said the man with a evil ,playful smirk on his face , looking into her eyes.

"Yes, your highness", concubine Gu Wang said with a sweet smile and continued, "but your highness , I don't understand why you are interested in harming Xue Yang, the one she cuckolded is his majesty, whom you have said is going to die soon, but why are you harming her".


The red dragon robed men kicked concubine Gu Wang to the ground.

"Who do you think you are to question me? just do what I say and I will fulfill your wish of being a queen, but if you dare to play any tricks , I will have the same fate as your husband Song Feng".

"Yes , your highness, I will do as you say", and started knocking her head on the ground.

'How can I forget that this man is more ruthless than his majesty, just because his mother suffered injustice , he started to plot against the his majesty and became the emperor himself without anyone knowing.

I need to be careful and do what he says only then I can win against that bi* the Gu wan ting'!

'Let's see how you can survive tomorrow Samantha, this is the price you need to pay for trying to help that demon'.

'A tiny human like you should not have interfere in our business but since you have done , then just die'!