The Gaumond Family 1.

At night, when everyone was sleeping soundly, Aergul was wide awake. She was thinking about the man whose car bumped into their car. She thought that his aura was different from every man she had met before. He was mysterious. He looked cold but his eyes were of an innocent boy.

Most importantly his eyes were enticing. His eyes were deep. They had a world of their own. She never felt this attracted to any man. She knew her feelings were complicated.

She wanted to get to know that man.

"This is the first time, I have taken interest in a man," said Aergul to herself.

She said to herself while looking in space," What has gotten into me? Oh Lord help me, my heart it's restless."

On the other side.

In the spacious room of the private villa, stood a man watching the moon from the french window in the room.

The man is the one whose car bumped into Aergul and Anas' car.

He looked lost for some reason. He was feeling foreign emotions that he never felt before. He was thinking about the girl he saw that night. He was thinking about Aergul's side profile, which caught his breath.

He knew his feelings towards her were going deeper every passing day. He tried to find her everywhere but he got nothing as if she never existed in this world. He tried to track her using the cheque she gave, but that also leads to a dead end.

He was frustrated that he couldn't even find a girl. He wanted to know about her, talk to her, listen to her. Most of all he wanted, no he needed to see her as early as possible.

He said while looking out of the window," I'll find you my Queen, soon I'll find you."

The man and Aergul Nada both spent their night thinking about each other and trying to find each other's information.

The next morning, In the Dain's Palace.

Everyone was gathered at the dining hall. The men were busy discussing their business, while women were busy chatting. When suddenly, Aergul Nada came and sat in her chair.

Everyone looked at her shocked. She was looking tired. She didn't sleep last night as she was busy finding her mystery man. So she had dark circles around her eyes.

"Hey, Nada you look like a little panda," said Owen.

"Tsk, brother stop it, for now, I'm already tired and if you irritate me then I'm not going to eat," said Nada frustrated.

"Baby, did you not sleep last night?" asked Eleonora.

"No, mama I was busy doing some work," replied Nada.

"Busy in work or finding her future son-in-law," Anas whispered in Nada's ear.

Hearing her brother's comment, she was shocked and slightly blushed.

"Oh, so I'm right," again whispered Anas in her ear.

"Shut up, will you?" Nada said while gritting her teeth.

"Ok, ok, I won't tease my baby girl anymore," said Anas while laughing.

Everyone on the table noticed the exchange between the two siblings. They were curious as to what was happening. They then got the shock of their lives when they saw their usual ice queen Nada blushing.

They all thought the same thing,'Are we expecting a son-in-law, brother-in-law soon.'

But then they all shook their head saying to themselves, 'there is no one in this world who can attract this ice queen.'

Owen and Silas looked at each other and nodded. They communicated with their eyes.

After breakfast, Luis and Orhan went to the office. Aleesa and Eleonora took Naira, Bella, Ava, Renée, and Nada to shopping. They took a lot of time persuading Nada into going with them to shopping.

Before going shopping Anas came in Aergul Nada's room and asked, "So who is is he?"

She knew her brother was asking about the man who was in her dreams as well in her thoughts. She said, "Remember the accident?"

"The one we had the day before yesterday," said Anas.

"Yes, the man is the owner of that car, I don't know but he is just so alluring, like a beautiful mystery, when I saw him I felt that everything around me is pale when he is in my sight, it is like I suddenly have a new person that I want to know, Me Nada whom everyone calls the ice queen, got attracted by a man for the first time," said Nada.

"Hey chill, If he is made for you, no one can stop both of you from meeting again, so believe in destiny a little," said Anas.

Naira nodded.

"Well, then what have you found?" asked Anas.

"Umm, just his name, but that's enough," said Nada.

"What is his name?" asked Anas.

"Theodoric Enzo Gaumond," replied Nada.

"The crown prince of Country C!" exclaimed Anas.

Nada nodded and said, "And also Renée's brother."

"Woah! Nada why do you always like unusual people," said Anas.

"Tsk, How is he unusual?" asked Nada.

Anas clicked his tongue and said, "Well he is the demon lord, everyone knows he is the cruel cold-blooded lion, and he is ruthless."

Nada thought for a while and then said, "Well it is fantastic."

"How is it 'fantastic'," asked Anas.

"See, he is the cruel cold-blooded lion, so I am the cruel cold-blooded Lioness, he is ruthless and so am I, we match each other," said Aergul Nada.

"How are you so sure that he'll also like you?" asked Anas.

"Hmm, I don't know about him liking me or not, but one thing is for sure he is interested in me, You know he has also been looking for my information," said Nada.

"Then did you block your information?" asked Anas.

"Yes, I blocked my information, if he wants to find me then he has to go through a little trouble," said Nada.

Anas just shook his head helplessly.

"Now go I've to get ready," said Nada.

"For what?" asked Anas.

"I'm going shopping with the ladies," replied Nada.

"You and shopping, don't joke, girl," said Anas while laughing dramatically.

Nada kicked him out of the room and closed the door on his face.

"Hey, that's rude Aergul Nada," came the angered voice of her twin Anas.

Nada smiled hearing his voice and went to shower. After showering she chose a white dress, the dress had floral embroidery on it, it was unique. She wore that dress and combed her hair and styled them into a fishtail braid. She wore white sneakers with red flowers printed on it. Her dress was long enough to reach her ankles. She looked prepossessing.

Once satisfied with her look, she went downstairs. The ladies were waiting for her. When they saw her coming down. The ladies were shocked beyond words. The first to speak was Renée.

She almost whispered, "You look amazing, Theo would be thunderstruck if he saw you."

But Nada could hear her as Renée was standing were close to the staircase. Nada smiled at her comment. When Renée knew what she said in a trance. She immediately collected herself and coughed.

Bella asked, "what did you say, Renée?"

"Huh, nothing I just said Nada looks very beautiful," Renée replied.

Eleonora said, "My doll, you are looking ethereal."

"Thank you mama, and Renée for complimenting me, you all are looking beautiful as always as well," said Nada to all the ladies.

They all then made their way towards the Z mall. They reached the mall in thirty minutes.

"Well lets split up, Me, Eleonora, and Naira go together, while nada you, Renée and Bella go together," said Aleesa.

"Ok, We'll meet each other in the cafeteria after an hour," said Nada.

They parted ways and went to buy their things.

"So what should we buy first?" asked Bella.

"We don't need to but many clothes as our dresses should be designed by *Laila, so we should buy jewelry or shoes?" said Nada. (Laila is the friend of Nada and one of the best designers in the world and also Nada's business partner.)

"Ok so we will buy shoes first and then jewelry," recommended Bella.

"Fine with me," said Renée.

"Ok," Nada shrugged.

The trio went to the third floor. The mall was divided into floors for different categories such as the ground floor consisted of electronics, the first and second floors were for kids' toys. The third floor contained adult shoe shops while the forth was for kids' shoes. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth floors consisted of boutiques. The ninth floor contained a spa. The tenth floor contained jewelry shops, and the eleventh floor contained salon. The twelfth and thirteenth floor was made in restaurants or cafeteria.

While Bella and Nada were busy choosing their shoes Renée sneaked out of the shop and dialed a number on her phone. The other person answered after three rings.

"Hmm," came a crisp voice of a man.

"Well, if you want to see the person you are looking for, come to Z mall now," said Renée.

"Who are you talking about, little sis," asked the man on the other line.

"The girl you've been looking for the last two days, bro, come quickly, bye," said Renée.

The man was none other than Theodoric Enzo Gaumond, the one Nada was looking for, and Renée's big brother.

"Lord please let Nada and my brother fall for each other, I only want her to become my sis-in-law, please, please, please," talked Renéeto herself.

When she turned around she was shocked and stood rooted in her place.

"So you want me to become your sis-in-law?" asked Nada.

"Yes, no I mean yes, oh no," replied Renée nervously.

Nada lifted a brow on her straightforwardness. Then she started laughing. Renée was confused and looked at Nada like a lost child. Nada shook her head and said,

"Well If your brother is just as nice as you then ok."

Hearing Nada's reply Renée was on cloud nine, she jumped like a little child and hugged Nada so tight that the later was near to choking.

"Hey sis you are going to kill me," said Nada.

"Oh sorry, it's just I'm very excited," said Renée.

"Now let's go before Bella comes, and please don't tell anyone about this for now," said Nada.

"No problem," replied Renée.

Nada was wearing her mask when she entered the mall, as she always wears the mask while going out. So no one objected to her.

Naira and Renée were first puzzled as to why she wore the mask as soon as she entered the car. So Aleesa and Eleonora told them that Nada always wears a mask while going out. They found it strange but then they shrugged it off.

On the other side,

After hearing what his sister said Theodoric immediately called his assistant Mathew in and asked him to cancel all his meetings. Then using the private elevator he reached the parking ground and asked his chauffeur to drive to Z mall.

Mathew was also with his boss. He was thinking that what is so urgent that my boss canceled the billions worth meetings. When he heard his boss ordering the driver to drive to Z mall. He was astonished as to why his boss who never went to any mall even when he had to buy gifts for his mother and sister, is now going to the mall.

"Drive faster," came the rushed voice of the boss.

The chauffeur accelerated and they reached the mall in just twenty minutes. Theo quickly got off the car and said to his assistant.

"I want the whole mall emptied in fifteen-minute only the royal family is allowed to stay inside," said *Theo. (Theo is Theodoric's nickname.)

"Sir, royal family?" asked Mathew confused.

"Royal family means Country A's royal ladies are inside except them get everyone out," said Theo.

"Yes sir," salute Mathew.

Theo looked at him and thought why does he always like to salute me.

The mall was as per Theo's order was emptied. Aleesa and Eleonora found it odd that the mall had no more people in it. But the manager who was serving them told them that it is nothing. Aleesa and Eleonora found it odd but they ignored it and continued their shopping.

Theo called Renée and asked her on which floor they were. Nada was with her, she told Renée to tell Theo that they are on the fourth floor. Renée complied with her and told Theo that they are on the fourth floor.

Theo reached the fourth floor but no one was there. He again called Renée and asked her impatiently where they were. This time Nada told her that they are on the thirteenth floor.

Theo went in the elevator and pressed the thirteenth-floor button. When he exited the elevator there was no one in sight. He was ready to go back but then he caught a glimpse of her sitting on a chair.

He stood there frozen. He was again bewildered by her beauty. This time she was wearing a mask on her face which added a layer of mystery to her aura.

His trance broke when she looked straight into his eyes. He was mesmerized by that pair of beautiful eyes. Her eyes were brown having a reddish tinge when light shone on them. Her eyelashes were long fluttering like the wings of a butterfly.

He walked towards her and sat in the chair across her. They both didn't speak for God knows how long.

After a long time, Nada stood up and was ready to go away, when he spoke, "What is your name?"

Nada looked at him and instead of answering his question, she asked him, "Yours?"

"Theodoric Enzo Gaumond," he said.

"Aergul Nada."

After saying her name she went away. She didn't tell him her surname as she didn't want him to find her identity for now. She liked to puzzle him.

Theo froze after hearing her voice. Her voice was like a smooth melody soothing one's soul in a thunderous night. He thought that her voice has the perfect mix of sweetness and sexiness.

After a while when he returned to reality he found that she was gone. He smiled and repeated her name, "Aergul Nada."

"Aergul, 'the bunch of blooming roses', Nada, 'dew', well-matched, very suiting. My Queen your name suits you perfectly." He said to himself and then laughed like crazy.

His phone rang. He looked at the person who was calling and received the call.

"Hi, mom," said Theo.

The person on the other side was his mother. She sensed the joy in her son's voice so she asked, "Hey who are you and where is my son?"

Theo laughed at his mother's dramatic words. His mother was flabbergasted. She horridly asked, "Have you gone crazy son?"

"Yeah mom, I have gone crazy," said Theo.

"What made you go crazy?" asked Emma(his mother).

"Mom, I'm in love," said Theo.

On the other side, his mother was drinking tea. She choked on her tea and asked, "YOU WHAT?"

"I AM IN LOVE," said Theo.

There was complete silence on the other side. Theo waited patiently for her mother to speak but no one spoke. He looked at the phone and saw that his mother hung up.

Theo just shrugged and happily went down. When he reached the parking area his assistant was shocked to his devil boss smiling to himself.

The whole ride back to the office, Mathew and the chauffeur were sweating. Although their boss was smiling to himself all the ride they found it a little strange and were terrified to their bones.

Both of them thought, 'Is our boss possessed?'