The Gaumond Family 3.

In Dain's Palace.

After coming back from the mall, Nada locked herself in her room. Anas knocked on her door million times telling her to come and eat something but she sent him away saying,

"I am not coming, I'm busy, you go and don't disturb me."

Anas went to the dining area alone. He sat down and started eating.

Eleonora asked, "Where is Aergul Nada?"

"Well, she said she is busy and she is not coming,"

"How can she ignore her health like that?" said Eleonora worriedly.

"Mama, she is sensible, she'll eat when she wants to," said Owen.

"Let her do her work, darling don't worry," said Orhan patting his wife's head.

The family ate their dinner and after some time they all went to sleep or to do their pending work.

Anas was busy in his study room. He was checking the military files when Orhan came in and asked him, "What are you doing?"

Anas looked up and said, "Dad I was checking some files."

"Well, do you have anything to say? Dad," said Anas.

"Hmm, do you know what is her important work?" asked Orhan.

Anas knew his father is asking about his sister Nada. Anas sighed and shook his head.

Orhan knew that his son was lying but he didn't force Anas to tell him the truth. Orhan and Anas talked for a while. They checked some files, discussed some problems. Anas asked some questions from his father about work, to which Orhan replied patiently.

With the help of his father he completed his work sooner then he expected. Orhan briefed him on the situation in the headquarters. After some more chatting Orhan returned to his room.

After his father went back, Anas breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself.

"Hoo, thank God he didn't force me to say the truth otherwise I would've spilled all the beans."

Anas then went towards Nada's room. He knocked on the door.

"What is it Anas?" came the voice of Nada.

"Open the door, brat," said Anas.

Nada opened the door and glared at Anas. Anas ignored his glare and made himself come inside her room. Nada again glared at him but then she sighed and closed the door. She went back inside and resumed her work.

She was sketching something on her sketchpad. Anas looked at her curiously. He tried to peek but Nada glared at him so he stopped.

Anas asked, "What are you sketching?"

"None of your business," said Nada.

"If you don't have something important to say then don't disturb me bro," said Nada.

Anas said, "Dad asked me about what you were doing, and I'm pretty sure that your so-called important work is something related to your dream boy."

Nada stopped sketching and blushed lightly. She then composed herself and looked up from her sketchpad and looked at Anas as if he was a fool.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this matter," said Nada.

Then she said in a small voice with her head lowered, "You're right my important work is related to him."

Anas heard her but he decided to tease her a little. So he acted as if he didn't hear anything.

"Huh? What did you say?" asked Anas acting oblivious.

"Nothing," said Nada.

"You said something like you are right and my work is, to him huh," said Anas teasing her.

Nada looked at him angrily. She grabbed the pillow and threw it at him. Anas caught the pillow and threw at back at her. They both continued to do this and eventually, both of them were involved in a pillow fight.

They hit each other with the pillows until the feathers inside the pillows came out and covered the whole room in a snowy scene.

They both looked at the mess and then started laughing hard. They flopped on the bed and sighed.

"I love you sis," said Anas.

"I love you too bro," replied Nada.

"We'll always be together, promise," said Nada showing her pinky finger to Anas.

Anas held her finger and said, "Yes we'll always be together."

They both know that they can't live without each other. They are best friends and also siblings. Their bond is quite strong. They have never gone anywhere without each other. They went abroad together, they went on missions together.

"Ok now I am going to sleep, good night," said Anas.

"Good night," replied Nada.

Anas went to his room and Nada laid onto her bed and looked at the ceiling. Nada thought about Theo. She was now certain that she likes him.

Nada then sighed and said looking at the mess, "Now what should I do?"

"Let's just leave it for now," she said to herself.

Nada then laid on the bed and drifted to her dreamland.

On the other side,

In Gaumond's mansion.

At night, 8 o'clock.

Liam, Emma, and Adler just finished their dinner and came to the lounge. The trio sat there. Liam spoke first.

"Ask Theo if he can come with us? and also next time ask the name of the girl he loves?" said Liam to Emma.

"Hmm, I'll ask him," said Emma reassuringly.

"Dad, I'm more curious about my future sis-in-law, what kind of woman can make my brother fall in love? I am excited to meet her," said Adler.

"Hmm, I'm also very interested in meeting her," said Liam in a meaningful tone.

After talking for a while more they went to retire for the night.

While everyone in the Gaunond family was sleeping, Theo came in and quietly went towards his room. In his way he bumped into sleepy Adler.

Adler looked at him and said, "Woah, I must be dreaming, my devil brother is home."

Adler shrugged and returned to his room while convincing himself that his brother will never come home.

Theo looked at his stupid little sibling and shook his head. He went into his room.

He was very tired as he didn't work the whole afternoon after meeting his dream girl. And then he has to complete his work till late at night.

Theo took his tie off. He tossed it aside. He went to stand in front of the mirror. He looked into the mirror and thought of HER. He smiled unconsciously. He then shook his head to come out of his thoughts and laughed lightly at his stupid behavior.

Theo then went to shower. After half an hour he came out only wearing a towel around his waist and went straight into the small lounge in his room. He sat there and again his mind flooded in HER thoughts.

He stood up and went towards his closet. He opened a drawer in there and retrieved a sketch pad from it.

He went into the lounge after wearing his trousers. He sat there barechested and opened his sketch pad. He started drawing. After he was done he looked at his work satisfied. He drew Aergul's sketch. He drew two of her sketches one was her sketch with the mask on. It was what he saw today. The other was her side profile when he saw her for the first time.

She looked amazingly beautiful. Theo was happy with his work. He then went towards his bed kept the sketch pad on his side on the bed and slept peacefully.

In the dimly lit room of a lavish condominium stood a person. In the person's hand was the picture of Nada. That person looked at the picture with gentle eyes and kissed it carefully. Even though in the picture Nada was wearing a mask her beauty was still not concealed.

On the other side of the world,

Another person was sitting on the sofa in a spacious villa. That person had the picture of Theo in their hand and the person said, "I'll come to get you my love."