Are you willing to learn?

Dina choked. She wiped her eyes and continued when she saw Nada was still patiently hearing her.

"Your eyes told me that all the things that I've been doing were worthless. All the pain I've inflicted on others was very childish of me. Your voice made my heart believe that somewhere in the deepest beast of mine the real me is present."

Nada sighed and looked towards Dina. Her face had streaks of tears. Nada frowned and grabbed some tissue papers and passed them to DIna.

"Wipe your face. You look ugly."

Dina was embarrassed at Nada's remark. She embarrassedly took the tissues from Nada and wiped her face clean.

Nada nodded in approval and said, "Now you look presentable."

Nada shifted in her seat to face Dina and said.

"Dina I know what you did was not your choice but you should've made a choice. I know your beast was dominant but the last choice was still yours. No matter what the choice is was yours but you made your self weak. You failed to become stronger. Maybe because you thought there was no meaning to it.

Or maybe because you didn't have enough hope, or someone there for you. Dina remember you can't turn back the hands of a clock [1]. Whatever happened in the past, forget it and live a new life start anew."

Dina looked at Nada and said,

"But I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I cannot change myself. I'm afraid that I'll be like this forever."

"Shh~sh stop thinking unnecessary things. Ok?" said Nada.


"No buts. Let me ask you something," said Nada.

Dina nodded.

"Are you willing?

Are you willing to change?

Are you willing to follow me and start a new life?" asked Nada.

Dina became emotional hearing Nada's question. It was the first time someone asked to help her. And she was glad.

She quickly wiped her unshed tears. There was determination in her eyes.

She grabbed Nada's hands and said.

"Yes, I'm willing. I'm more than willing."

Nada nodded and told her to drive the car. Dina started the car. She asked where to go to which Nada told her the address.

After some time Dina stopped the car in front of a magnificent gate. The guards standing at the gate came towards the car window and knocked on it.

When they saw Nada was in the car they immediately opened the door. Dina drove the car inside.

The car stopped at a building's door. Dina was shocked to see the architect of the building.

Nada said, "Follow me."

Dina followed Nada in the building. There were very few people in the building as it was close to midnight. All of them greeted Nada as 'boss'.

Dina was surprised to see Nada getting so much respect. She looked at Nada and thought, 'She must be in her teens. Yet she is so promising.'

Nada turned back and watched Dina lost in thoughts. Dina didn't saw her stopping so she bumped into Nada.

"What?" Dina looked up rubbing her head slightly.

"You are going to train here. I've assigned Mr Kai by your side. He will teach you everything you need to know. As for the psychological therapy, I'll help you personally," said Nada.

Dina nodded and stretched her head.

"Umm, You've helped me so much but you didn't tell me your name," said Dina.

Nada looked at her solemnly and said, "I don't trust you enough to tell you. When you gain my trust I'll tell you."

Saying this she went towards the elevator. The elevator door opened shortly. Nada entered the elevator followed by Dina.

Dina didn't mind Nada's words and decided to gain Nada's trust and to become a better person.

In the Dain's palace,

"Where are they?" asked Aleesa.

"Maa I've called them they're here," replied Orhan.

Luis was about to say something when Silas accompanied by Aman, Renee, Anas, and Theo cam inside.

"Hey everyone," said Anas.

"Where were you all? We've been waiting for so long," said Eleonora.

"Mama we were enjoying some youngsters time," replied Silas.

"You and your youngsters time," said Crystal.

"Ok go and freshen up then come down," said Orhan to the children.

"Anas take Theo and show him the room," said Luis to Anas.

Anas nodded and showed Theo the way.

While they were going upstairs. Eleonora looked towards the door and thought 'Where is Nada and Naira?'

Renee saw her like this and said, "Nada and Naira are together. They'll be coming soon.

Hearing Renee's answer Eleonora sighed in relief and nodded.

On Nada's side,

After dropping Dina to the headquarters she went back to the hotel and entered a room.

As she entered the room she saw Naira sitting on the bed with a complicated expression.

Naira was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Nada entering the room.

"What are you thinking?" asked Nada as she sat beside Naira.

Naira jolted awake and looked at her.

She said, "I'm thinking about Dina."

"What are you thinking about her?"

"I didn't know she was suffering. If I would've known she wouldn't turn out like this."

"It's not your fault. Well change into comfortable pyjamas we are going home. And you don't want to delay the fun waiting for us. Do you?" said Nada.

"What do you mean?" asked dNaira.

"You'll know. Now hurry up," said Nada.

Nada thought about the truth and dare game she played with her Lovelies. Now was the time to fulfil their tasks. She smiled mischievously.

Nada also went to change her clothes into comfortable ones. She wore red trousers with loose with a white t-shirt.

After changing both Naira and Nada entered the car and Nada drove towards the Dain Palace.

"Nada where is she now?" asked Naira.

"She is safe don't worry," replied Nada.

"Will she be ok?" asked Naira.

"Hmm, she will," said Nada.

"Nada thanks," said Naira.

"Don't thank me. She was willing to learn," said Nada.

"I hope she will learn," sighed Naira.

"Some people learn from their mistakes while some rebel. She is one of the learners. She'll be good," said Nada.

"Wanna hear some music?" said Nada.

"Sure," replied Naira.

Nada played the song.

~~Ooh oh

In a world where you feel cold

You gotta stay gold

Oh baby.....~

Naira shrieked, "It's BTS."

"Yes," said Nada.

"It's their new song. I love it," said Naira excitedly.

"Me too. This song is amazing," said Nada.

~`Uh let it glow

Stay Gold~~~



They both enjoyed the song along the way.