I want her to be my Queen.

Luis cleared his throat. This got Theo to come out of his trance.

He looked at Luis with a confused expression. There was also hints of annoyance. But these hints vanished quickly as they were never there.

"Theo who is baby?" asked Liam Gaumond.

He froze for a moment when he heard his father.

He looked at others and they all were staring at him as if they were ready to swallow him alive.

He hesitantly moved his head towards a particular person's direction. And there he saw her smiling mischievously.

'Oh, she looks damn hot.' he thought to himself.

He shook his head at this thought and scolded himself mentally.

'Theo focus on the main point. Everyone is looking at you.'

He then looked at his father and said nonchalantly.

"My future Queen."

There were gasps all around. Nada widened her eyes and looked flushed. Theo looked at her expression and grinned playfully.

"WHAT?" shouted Adler.

"Bro, Are you sure it's a Queen and not a KING," Adler said scratching his neck.

Hearing Adler Theo's face darkened.

"Shut Up," he roared at Adler.

Every person present in the backyard laughed at their bicker. Even the servants were smiling. It was hard for them to control their smiles to erupt on their faces.

Theo was looking like a flaming dragon ready to melt everyone with his fireballs. Nada also laughed.

His eyes softened seeing her smile.

'She is an angel. Always able to calm me.' he thought to himself.

"Ok. Stop this. Let's be serious. So Theo Who is Baby?" said Liam.

"Dad..," said Theo.

Cutting Theo in middle Liam said,

"Theo this time I want the details. And not just anything."

Theo sighed and said,

"Dad she is the girl I told you and mom before."

"And what's her name?" asked Emma.

"She-She (He cleared his throat and said) She is her," Theo said pointing at Nada.

Nada who was sitting carelessly immediately straighten her back hearing his words. Everyone now looked at her.

All of their mouths formed an O shape.

"Ooh, so it was her," said Adler breaking the silence.

"What Her? How dare you think about our sister?" roared Owen and Silas at once.

Anas who was already of all these things looked at his brothers with amusement.

'Now here comes the show,' he thought.

Theo looked at Silas and Owen, he so wanted to punch both of these stupid men.

'Wait no Theo. They are her beloved brothers,' he reminded himself.

"Owen, Silas, both of you sit down," said Luis in an assertive tone.

Owen and Silas turned to their grandfather and saw him nodding at them. They followed his order and sat down.

Everyone was shocked by this piece of news except Renee, Anas, and Orhan.

"Theo It is-It. I don't know what to say," said Luis.

"Are you joking?" asked Noah.

"Grandpa, What I said is true. I do love her," replied Theo confidently.

"You, Nada say something," said Luis rubbing his temples.

Nada pointed at herself, "Me?"

"Yes you or your angels," said Luis.

"Well, uhm. I-I.." she stuttered.

"What I-I?" said Luis annoyed.

"He is likeable," Nada shrugged.

"Just likeable?" asked Aleesa with a raised brow.

"*cough I mean he is a good man," she replied.

"Just a good man?" said Eleonora with amusement.

"Um, Yeah," Nada said.

Theo stared at her and was amused to see her answering like a child caught by his parents after he did something sneakily.

"Nada," called Orhan softly.

"Yes, Baba," she looked up.

Orhan assured her with his eyes. She noticed her father's gesture and sighed mentally.

"I do like him," she said in a small voice.

"We didn't hear you," said Mirabella in a playful tone.

Nada repeated herself but still in a small voice.

"We didn't hear you," teased Anas.

"What do you want to hear?" Nada said while glaring at her twin.

"Um. Just that what you think about this Ice emperor *cough I mean Theodoric Enzo Gaumond," he said.

"Baba, You know Anas has applied for Engineering in China. And he is planning to go there by next week," Nada said looking at Orhan.

Orhan knew she was diverting the attention. But he let her do what she wanted to.

"What?" exclaimed both Aleesa and Luis.

Eleonora was also going to do the same thing if she hadn't seen the exchange between the father-daughter duo.

Anas looked at Nada baffled. He was caught off guard by his twin and hell it hurts.

"No, I am not going anywhere. She is trying to divert the attention," he defended himself.

"Anas, Nada never lies," said Owen defending his baby sister.

Silas also agreed with Owen.

"*sigh. Ok I did apply but I cancelled it. So I'm not going anymore," replied Anas.

"That's better. We can not let you go away again when you just came back," said Mirabella.

Anas smiled at elder sister lovingly.

"Now can we go back to the topic?" he reminded everyone of the bigger picture.

(Oh yes bigger picture of Theo and Nada's love)

"Nada, is he the man you were going to introduce to us?" asked Crystal.

"Ahh Aani. Uhm.." Nada spoke.

"Speak properly. You should follow your words," pontificated Eleonora.

Nada inhaled and said,

"Yes. He is the one I was going to let you meet."

"Good girl," Emma patted her head.

Nada looked down. Her cheeks were hot. She was flushing.

All of the people smiled softly at her. They all loved her. She was their happy pill. Even Mama Gaumond and Papa Gaumond admired her. She was just loveable.

Theo was again mesmerised by her beauty and sighed.

"Oh she is so angelic," he said out loud without noticing.

"Oh brother. You are smitten by her," said Adler patting Theo's shoulder.

Theo gave him an annoying look and brushed his hands aside. He was still staring at her.

Nada felt his strong stare and everyone else's amused expressions. She looked up and said loudly,

"Stop staring."

Theo heard her and yeah it did the work. He broke his trance and looked around. He felt shy but he has to maintain his cold self.

"Theo are you serious about her?" asked Noah.

"I have eyes only for her and no one else," he replied.

"So what are your future plans?" asked Luis.

"He means dating or engaging?" clarified Alessa for Luis words.

Theo looked up and made eye contact with every single person. He then looked at Nada.

She looked nervous and damn s*xy while hitting her lower lip.

Theo looked at her with a passionate gaze and said,