You are her Happiness.

Theo was left puzzled by Luis' drama. He was still doubting his ears. HE looked at Nada, then at Luis and spoke,

"So this means I can marry her?"

Luis looked at him and smiled softly.

He said, "Yes, You can marry her. And bring her with you."

Theo's face instant;y brightened up. He thanked the Lord for this gracious blessing.

Emma teared up. Eleonora saw her and hugged her and calmed her.

"Why are you crying? I should be the one to cry," said Eleonora.

Emma sniffed and asked,

"Why would you cry?"

Eleonora giggled and shook her head.

"Because my daughter will soon be yours. She will leave with you. So shouldn't I cry?" Eleonora said.

Emma nodded at her.

"But I am so happy that I teared up."

"So are these happy tears?" asked Crystal.

"Hmm, Yes," replied Emma.

Liam and Orhan hugged each other.

Orhan said to his friend,

"You have to take care of her."

Liam nodded and said,

"I'll do. Much more than you."

Theo and Nada were busy in their eye contact contest when Adler pounced on Theo and shouted,

"Congratulations brother you got their approval."

Theo frowned and shrugged his hands from his shoulders. Theo glared at him and Adler instantly back off.

He then turned to Anas and patted his head saying,

"Kiddo now we are gonna be in-laws."

"who is the Kiddo? and It is not official," Anas said glaring at Adler.

Adler raised his hands in defeat.

He thought to himself.

'Why are all of them glaring at me?'

He shrugged and went towards where Nada was sitting.

"I hope you and my brother will have a happy life ahead," he said nodding at her.

Nada returned a smile and nodded at him.

After the congratulating session, everyone sat down and enjoyed the night tea.

"Why did you agree?" asked Theo out of nowhere.

"Because, You are her happiness," said the whole Dain family together.

They looked at each other and smiled. Nada felt bliss in her heart hearing her family's caring words.

'Dear Lord Please let all of us be like this, a happy family till the end of our lives. I can not live without any of them neither can they live without me. I wish that I can be happy with HIM. I wish that my choice was Good. I believe in you more than my self, so please bless me.'

Nada talked to her God in her mind. She looked up at the sky and smiled as if thanking God for all of this.

They chatted for a little more and then retired to their rooms for the night. Nada also went towards her room.

In the Grayson Mansion,

"Sir, this is the file you asked for," said Mr Joon. (Mr Joon is the butler plus Joshua Wyatt Grayson's assistant).

Joshua looked up from the computer's screen and nodded at him.

Mr Joon was in his fifties. He had worked for Graysons for more than thirty years. He also brought Joshua and his sister up.

He was one of the few people who knew the real Joshua.

Mr Joon also knew that his young master has fallen in love, forbidden love. Well was it love or just simple infatuation.

He was worried that his master would either harm himself or others fighting for this so-called love.

Joshua appeared to be strong-willed and cold person in front of society. Where Theo was known as Ice emperor, people regarded him the Ice Prince.

"Where is she now?" asked Joshua.

Mr Joon broke out of his thoughts and replied,

"She is at the palace."

"Is he present there too?" Joshua asked.

"Yes Master he is also there," replied Mr Joon swallowing a lump in his throat.

*Thwad* The glass shattered everywhere. Joshua who was calm a few minutes ago was now a raging beast.

Mr Joon tried to calm him down when the personal phone of Joshua rang. Joshua composed his anger and eyed the phone.

It was a private number. He looked at it for a while. He sighed and took the call.

He didn't speak anything waiting for the person on the other side to speak first. It felt like Joshua and the person on the other side were competing at who will win the silent game.

After thirteen minutes.

The person on the other side spoke.

"Stay away from her," spoke a chilly masculine voice.

Joshua smirked and demanded.

"Who are you to stop me?"

"Her's and YOUR'S well wishes," replied the other person.

That person clearly emphasised on the word YOUR'S.

Joshua raised a brow.

'Who is this person?' He thought to himself.


Joshua couldn't complete his words when the other person spoke.

"I am not asking you. I am telling you if you do anything to interfere in her life. She will be miserable but I'll make sure to destroy you too. Goodbye."

Joshua was going to speak when the call ended.

'This was the first time someone ordered me and I was not even able to retaliate. What kind of person is he.'

Joshua thought to himself.

He excused Mr Joon. And tried to think about that person.

He dialled the number of his private investigator.

"Hey Boss," said the investigator.

"Trace the person who called me just now," said Joshua.

"Boss it's a private number," replied the investigator.

"So?" spoke Joshua.

"Sir it is untraceable."

"I don't care. Just trace it," shouted Joshua.

"Sir Even if you hire the best of the best hackers you can't take this one down. He used an untrackable call thread to call you," said his investigator.

Joshua hung up the phone and cursed loudly. He ran his hand through his hairs. He was flustered at the mysterious person.

"Whoever you are, I'm gonna kill you when I find you," said Joshua to himself.

On the other side.

The same person who called Joshua.

"Mavy keep an eye on him for me," said the person.

"YES BOSS," replied a robotic voice.