Prince is in love.

After knowing Isla's identity the atmosphere was a little tense. They were not able to talk cheerfully like before.

To make the atmosphere lighter Isla coughed and said,

"Well, you know it's ok. By the way, I'm here with my best friends."

"Yeah, I hope you have a blessed and happier life ahead of you," said Luis.

"Thank you, grandpa," replied Isla smiling softly.

After awhile Nada, Isla, and Anas excused themselves and went out.

They were in the garage.

"Where are we going?" Nada asked.

"Headquarters," replied Isla.

"Why are we going there?" Anas asked.

"You wait, You have to tell me about her," said Isla.

"Her?" said Nada.

"Yes, prince is in Love," said Isla waving her hands in the air.

Anas, on the other hand, was looking down and calmly sat inside the car. Nada and Isla both gave each other a look and entered the car.

Isla drove the car this time. The whole ride was silent.

Both girls were giving each other knowing glances through the rearview mirror.

"Why are you both giving me such looks?" asked Anas annoyed by their stares.

"We were not staring at you," said Nada.

"Then who were you staring at?" asked Anas.

"We were staring at each other," said Isla nonchalantly.

"Humph," harrumphed Anas.

"Well, I thought that both of you....," trailed Nada.

"WHAT?" exclaimed Isla and Anas.

They both looked at each other.

Anas said,

"I actually wanted to, but she rejected me. And that too was savage."

"What? Hahahahaha," laughed Nada.

Isla rolled her eyes.

"You deserved it, hahaha," said Nada while laughing.

"Are you really my sister?" exclaimed Anas.

"But Isla why did you reject him?" asked Nada.

Isla sighed and said while driving,

"Baby, you know people like me don't love. And someone like my best friend, Anas deserves someone who loves him back."

"You-- *sigh. I understand," said Nada.

"And by the way was it love or just admiration?" asked Isla wiggling her brows.

Anas looked at her and said,

"Yeah Now that we are adult and have a better grasp of everything. I can say that was just admiration and not true love."

He continued looking at Isla,

"Back then, when I was seventeen and she was fifteen. I thought that she is pretty. She was always on top. Intelligent, pretty, and cool, a full package. But when she rejected me I thought about my feelings for her. And she was right it wasn't love, just admiration."

"Ok, now stop this and tell me about the project," said Isla.

"Project is going smooth," said Anas.

"Better than we expected," added Nada.

"Ok, so when are we launching it?" asked Isla.

"When our father gives the green signal," said Anas.

"Cool," said Isla.

After some time Isla parked the car near a cliff. They alighted the car and climbed the cliff.

"Why are we here again?" asked Anas.

"To relax stupid," said Isla.


They were on top of the cliff after just two minutes. The three of them sat down and enjoyed the soft sea breeze.

"It's so heavenly here," said Nada.

"Yep," hummed Isla.

Anas looked at his sister and his best friend and shook his head helplessly. He smiled looking at their amicable and serene smiles.

"Hey lover boy, don't smile like this. It's creepy," said Isla.

Anas' face instantly soured and he scoffed.

"Ok so tell me who is the lucky one, Anas?" asked Nada.

"She is ....(Anas trailed) someone," he said.

"Anas you bully tell me or I'm gonna tell everyone and then they'll make you say her name," said Nada hitting his shoulder playfully.

Nada waited for a while but she didn't hear Anas' voice. She looked at him with huge puppy eyes but still no answer. The air around them was tranquil. None of them spoke a word.

Anas looked ahead towards the sky while the two ladies looked at him with big eyes.

"If you're not saying anything then I'll tell Nada her name," said Isla.

Anas glared at her but didn't utter a word.

"I'll take that as a yes," said Isla.

"Wait you know too?" asked Nada.

Isla nodded affirmatively.

"So am I the only one who doesn't know," said Nada.

Anas and Isla both nodded at her and smiled when she pouted. She looked adorable.

Isla pinched her cheeks.

"Aww, you are so cute, baby."

Nada harrumphed and said,

"I'm not talking to you."

"Ok so I won't tell you," said Isla.

"No, tell me," Nada shouted.

"Ok, ok, relax baby. Her name is .......," Isla trailed.

"Oh tell me now. Quickly," said Nada annoyed by Isla's dramatic way.

"Her name is," Isla eyed Anas.

Anas ignored her as usual. He thought,

"How can she know her. I'm sure she is bluffing.'

Isla waited for him to tell her name himself but he didn't.

Isla could only sigh inwardly and said,

"Livia Wang.'

"What?" exclaimed Nada.

Anas was also shocked. He didn't expect Isla to know.

"Is she right?" Nada asked Anas.

Anas nodded in response.

"Wang as in the Wang family from the Mainland?" asked Nada.

"Yes," replied Isla.

Anas also nodded.

"Hey this time are you sure it's love and not just admiration?" Nada asked repeating Anas' tone.

"I'm sure," Anas quickly defended.

"Ok," said Nada.

"How is she? I mean what kind of person she is?" asked Nada.

"She is cute and kind. Just a little dumb I guess," replied Isla shrugging.

"Dumb?" Nada raised a brow.

"She is not actually dumb but she acts like one."

(Isla groaned) How should I explain?" she said to herself.

Nada waited for her to complete patiently.

"She is pretending to be dumb," said Anas.

"Oh, you also know how to speak," Isla sneered.

"Oh," said Nada.

She knew that Anas was not going to tell her more so she kept quiet.

"Hey it's been a year since we came out together like this," said Isla.

"Hmm," hummed Anas.

"Yeah, It feels great. Brings back a lot of our memories," said NAda.

"Are you going home tonight?" asked Anas.

Nada knew this question was for Isla.

Isla sighed and replied to Anas,


"Isla," said Nada softly.

Nada was cut off when Isla said,

"That place is horrible."