I killed your...........

The man looked at Ian with dreadful eyes.

"No-No this can't be. This- you can not be him. NO!" he shouted.

"Why not?" Ian quirked an eyebrow.

Max and Joe nodded at each other. Max went near the man and looked him in the eye. The man felt fear crawling beneath his bones.

Max took his dagger out from his pocket. And in one swift motion *kcha. He cut the man's right hand's finger.

"Aahhhhh," The quiet Mansion was filled with his unpleasant shouts.

"Just a finger *tsk *tsk *tsk," said Ian.

The man decided to feign ignorance and said,

"Who are you? I don't even know you so why *Uhh are you doing this to me?"

Ian sneered and gave the man a look of hatred.

"Cut all of his fingers," ordered Ian.

"Yes master," replied Max.

The man gulped and kneeled in front of Ian. He pleaded,

"Please please forgive me it was not me. Please don't hurt me."

"Why should I not?" asked Ian.

The man was on his knees on the ground and Ian was looking down at him from above. It was obvious that Ian was not having any mercy.

Despite being a bubbly person in front of everyone, the Ian now was like a lion out for his prey. But Ian was not just out for his prey but also for his enemy. To kill the killer of his most beloved person.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong," the man continued to plead.

"Why are you sorry?" asked Ian coldly.

The man looked up and said,

"I killed your --- *aah."

He was interrupted by Ian. And the man shouted because Ian, clawed his left eye out, with his bare hand.

"You don't deserve to say her name," roared Ian.

"Aah, you are a beast. A devil I won't beg you for my life," said the man as he stood up.

He was holding his left hand to his left eye. The man glared at Ian and said,

"Yes I killed your M-o-t-h-e-r and your s-i-s-t-e-r. I killed both of them hahaha. And you couldn't save them. And that your father he was a coward hahaha. I killed them.

And you know what your best friend hahaha she was so smooth, pretty, wonderful toy. I fuc*ked her in front of her husband, and that coward man died in pain hahaha.

And also -----"

"Levian Desmond, I'll kill you if you say one more word," said Ian gritting his teeth.

Ian was controlling his anger. He could not kill this Bas*ard easily. He will not kill him just like that. He will torture him to the point where he will have nothing left. He will avenge all the innocent humans he killed and used.

He will avenge his mother and sister. He will avenge her, his best friend, his Mina, his buddy, and his cousin Rehan. He will avenge all of them.

'Yes I will avenge everyone.'

"Huh, you also know my real name. You s-u-re are. Y-y-you can't kill me. I'll kill you," said Levian as he tried to take something out of his pocket.

He took out a whistle from his pocket and quickly blew it. The whistle was specially designed to have a higher frequency. It was irritating to eardrums. Everyone in the room except Ian closed their ears with their hands.

Levian was shocked to see that Ian was not a single bit affected by the shrill voice.

"How-h-how can you not faint?" whispered Levian shockingly.

Levain looked around and saw almost everyone was feeling dizzy. He, himself felt dizzy too as he was the one who blew the whistle. But Ian was standing upright without any effect.

He looked unaffected by the shrill voice.

Levian was dumbfounded. Ian took the whistle from Levian's hands and said while observing the whistle.

"You think this little thing can affect me. The creator of this little thing huh."

Levian was shocked to hear Ian.

'What he is the creator of this whistle but wasn't it him who gave it to me?'

He thought to himself.

Ian observed Levian's horrific expression and sneered. He said,

"Huh, you thought that the person who gave this whistle to you was helping you. *tsk *tsk he was not."

"W-what?" stuttered Levian.

"Levian I'll kill you slowly. Little by little I'll deprive you of your will to live. The sins you committed I'll make you pay for them with the last ounce of your life," said Ian as he walked away.

He stopped by the room door and blew the whistle again. This time the sound was a little different. It calmed the minds of every person.

All of Ian's men stood up immediately and shook their heads to get rid of the dizziness.

"Bring him to the dungeons and torture him," Ian said.

"Yes master," said all of them in unison.

"Make sure to keep him alive," Ian added and walked away.

Levian was shouting to leave him. But no one listened to him. They made him faint and brought him with them as per Ian's order.

Outside the mansion,

"Master are you coming with us?" asked Joe.

Ian glanced at him and said,


Joe nodded and turned to walk away when he heard Ian.

"Is she here?" asked Ian.

Joe looked at Ian for a while trying to decipher his thoughts. He then answered,

"Yes," and left the place.

Ian was alone in that place. He looked at the mansion. A cold glint passed through his eyes.

'This was the place.'

Ian took a lighter out of his pocket. He opened the gas pipe and set the mansion on fire.

'It is the end of that horrible place.'

Ian turned around and went towards his car. He sat inside the driver seat. He was going to start the car when he felt the familiar wave of heat on his body.

"Uhh the injection's effect is wearing off," he said to himself.

"I will not be able to drive if this gets worse. Should I call Joe back? No, If he calls the doctor he'll know I am--. No I should first get out of here."

Saying this to himself Ian drove the car away from the mansion. He drove for twenty minutes and then he stopped the car by the side of the road. He was feeling dizzy.

He feared that if he still tried to drive he would cause an accident. The drug was quite strong. He thought to himself,

'How can a mere maid get this drug? It is one of the strongest drugs on the black market.'

Ian knew exactly what type of drug he had consumed as he was skilled in medicine. He knew the severity of the drug and the side effects will be quite harmful to his body.

"Uhh I should call Nada," Ian said to herself.

he took his phone out and dialled Nada's number.

The phone rang for a while, on the third ring Nada answered the call.

"Hey, What is it?" came Nada's voice.

Ian was not able to speak due to the pain he was feeling.

Nada heard the harsh panting on the other side and asked worriedly,

"Baby tigress, what happened?"

"Uhh (Ian groaned) I'm drugged," he said.

Nada said rapidly,

"I'm coming. Wait for me there. Okay, don't leave the place."

"Hmm" hummed Ian.

"Don't hang up. Talk to me and try to stay awake. I'm coming," said Nada.

Nada was in her condo. She instantly drove her car towards Ian's location.

"Nada, Uhh it's hurting. Uhh Come quickly," said Ian.

"Coming baby coming," said Nada.

"Take a deep breath Isla. don't forget you're the tigress," assured Nada.

"Nada please come fast," whispered Ian.

"Comin'," answered Nada.

"Aahhh," shouted Ian.

Nada widened her eyes and asked hurriedly,

"What happened Isla? Be safe baby. I'm coming," said Nada.

After three minutes when Ian shouted, Nada was there standing beside the car door. She opened the door and was shocked to see his appearance. She escorted Ian towards her car.

"Be careful Ian. We'll be there in no time," she said to Ian sitting in the diver seat.

Both Ian and Nada were oblivious of the fact that a man was watching them from distance. And he was the same man who was trying to find Ian.

The man who gave his assistant an order to find the identity of Ian.

Man's assistant was staring at his master and asked,

"Master is he the young man you told me to look for?"

The man looked at his assistant and said,


"Um, that girl who took that young man away is Princess Aregul Nada," said the assistant.

"Hmm," hummed the man.

"They look quite intimate," said the assistant unaware of his boss's mood turning ugly by the second.

The assistant felt a glare and looked at his master.

'Oh, he is glaring again. Did I say something wrong?'

He thought to himself. Then a tinge sounded in his brain.

"I mean close, no I mean they should just know each other," said the assistant observing his Master.

The man's expression became better. Seeing his master's expression getting better the assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

'But why is Master this gloomy when I said they are intimate. Is he perhaps jealous?'

He again looked at his Master's face and thought,

'Yeah he is jealous. But is he jealous because the Princess or the young man? Ahh If he is jealous because of the young man then---------

M-my Master is gay?'

"Go home."

"Yes," replied the assistant.

"I want that young boy's details first thing in the morning." said the man.

"Yes," the assistant replied.

"And find his hobbies too. Also, find the place he frequently visits," added the man.

The assistant nodded and thought,

'This proves that my Master is gay.'

The man closed his eyes and leaned back. He was thinking about the young boy he saw this evening and now.

'Why am I only thinking about you? You are making me go crazy. And that feeling was it me being jealous. Why am I jealous when someone else is close to you?'

These were the thoughts of the man.

"Master, we are home," announced the driver.

The assistant who was sitting in the passenger's seat looked back at his master and saw him deep in thought.

"Master we've arrived," the assistant said.

The man opened his eyes and said,

"Remember the task I gave you. If you fail to fulfil it. I'll send you to...."

Man's assistant didn't let him complete and said,

"I'll definitely complete my task. You don't have to send me anywhere."

The man nodded adequately and exited the car.

The assistant and driver both heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank God he didn't burst out," said both of them in unison.

The man entered his house. He was welcomed by the house staff.

"Welcome Master. You're late today," said the butler.

"Hmm, there was some work. Mr Joon can you come to the study after a while," said the man.

"Yes master," replied Mr Joon.