Rarest Blood type.

Both of them ran towards Isla. But before Nada can reach her. Isla was already held up by Aegeus. He gently lifted Isla and placed her on the bed. He looked at Isla with a gentle gaze.

Isla was frowning and groaning due to pain. He wiped the perspiration off her forehead with his sleeves and pecked her forehead.

Nada was shocked by his gesture and suddenly threw him away from Isla. He landed on the floor on his butt.

"What are you trying to do with her?" she yelled at him.

"Are you mad? Princess, where are your manners?" said Aegeus standing up from the floor.

"Shut up, Bas*ard why were you kissing her?" asked Nada angrily.

"First of all, it was not a kiss. I just pecked her on her forehead," Aegeus calmly replied.

Isla slowly opened her eyes hearing the commotion around her. She saw Aegeus and Nada glaring at each other. One looked like a Dragon and the other was the Lioness. She frowned registering what was goin' on.

"You shut up. Who do you think you are? How dare you even give her a peck?" roared Nada at Aegeus.

Isla only grasped what was happening after hearing Nada's words. She slowly turned towards Aegeus and saw him at his wits end.

Isla thought

'He is going to explode.'

She opened her mouth and struggled to talk but said.


Hearing Isla's voice Aegeus instantly rushed towards his sister. He examined her vitals and said in a worried voice,

"Baby are you alright? Do you know how worried I was? How can you not take care of yourself? Isla, baby, don't be afraid I'm here now. You'll surely recover now."

"Brother," whispered Isla.

"Hmm?" hummed Aegeus.

"I missed you," said Isla almost in a whisper.

Aegeus was stunned. A tear rolled down his eyes. Isla saw it and wiped the teardrop off his face with her small hand.

Aegeus saw his sister's gesture and became more emotional. He held her hand and lightly kissed it.

He was feeling ecstatic. He had yearned for his sister's love. And now she was expressing her love towards him. Her true nature. He don't know if it was her sober talk or she was saying all this under the effect of drug. But he felt happy.

Nada was dumbfounded by all this brother and sister talk. She asked,

"You are her brother?"

Aegeus faced Nada and nodded his head. He focused back on Isla and started giving her some injections. He gave Isla a tablet.

"Here eat this."

"No," Isla turned her face in the opposite direction.

"Isla I know you don't like tablets. But be good. This one is very effective," persuaded Ivan aka Aegeus.

Isla scrunched up her face but complied with Ivan's persuasion.

"Uhh, yuck," said Isla.

Aegeus smiled and shook his head helplessly.

"Do you feel better?" asked Nada.

Isla nodded her head weakly.

"Yep, I am feeling better after sweating," Isls said.

"It's good. Rest for a while," said Nada.

Two hours later.

Aegeus aka Ivan and Nada were examining Isla's vitals. Her condition slight better than before. Although she still looked tired and worn out. Her vitals slowly coming back to normal.

Nada felt happy while Aegeus was deep in thoughts. He was frowning hard. He again checked Isla and, yes, she was getting better gradually. But how can this be possible? This drug is quite potent. He had seen people with tough immunity die from this drug.

"How can she recover just like this?" muttered Aegeus.

Nada heard him and burst out at him.

"Hey, how can you say like that about her? Isn't it good that she is recovering on her own? Are you cursing her?"

Aegeus looked baffled due to Nada's outburst. He shook his head helplessly at her. He put Isla's records onto the table and turned to face Nada. He inhaled and said,

"I'm not, can not and never can curse her. She is my life. I was astonished at the unimaginable recovery signs she showed. This drug is not just any drug. It is a perilous one.

I am much happier than you that she is recovering but it is just astonishing. As a medical practitioner, I am curious as to how she can recover at such an incredible rate."

Nada kept quiet for a while and observed Aegeus' face. She thought,

'He doesn't look like he is lying. I should believe him.'

"So what are your thoughts. I mean what is the reason for her sudden recovery?" asked Nada.

"Umm, I'm not sure. Let me conduct some tests then I'll tell you," replied Aegeus.

Nada nodded and resumed wiping Isla's face and hands trying to lower her temperature.

Aegeus went to the lab after taking Isla's blood samples. Whereas Nada remained in the room to accompany Isla.

Nada stood up to change the towels she was using to wipe Isla when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and it was Anas.

Nada put the towels aside and answered the call.


"Where are you, Nada?" came the hurried voice of Anas.

"Isla was drugged so we are in the military hospital," replied Nada.

"What? Wait I'm coming there right now," said Anas.

"Hey Anas calm down. You don't need to come here. Find out who drugged Isla," said Nada.

"Oh, Okey. I'll do that," replied Anas.

There was silence on both sides for some time.

Anas spoke first,

"Is she alright?"

"Better than before," replied Nada.

"Ok, Take care of yourself and her," said Anas.

Nada hummed and hung up.

She turned back towards Isla and changed her clothes into the comfortable and clean ones.

After an hour or so Ivan cam back with the reports in his hand. Nada looked up as if asking him.

'What are the results?'

Ivan sat on the stool beside Isla's bed and sighed loudly.

"What happened?" asked Nada with an uncertain fear creeping her spine.

"She, she is...." Ivan trailed on and teared up.

Nada became worried and asked,

"Hey Don't scare me. What is it? Is she in danger? Answer me."

Ivan looked up with tear strained face at Nada. Nada was shocked seeing a man cry like a baby.

"S-She is my sister," said Ivan.

"I know it," replied Nada impatiently.

"No she is my biological sister," said Ivan.

"What do you mean?" asked Nada confused about his statement.

"I mean literally. She is not my half-sister but my biological sister. My own blood. She is my sister. My own flesh and blood. I knew she was my sister," Ivan was talking to himself.

Nada heard him although she was confused but she was able to understand eventually what he was talking about.

Nada thought,

'Isla assumed they were half0siblings and not biological. And all of them lived their lives not knowing the truth. So now that he found he is her real brother. He is behaving like a child.'

"You mean she thinks that you are his half-brother. As in step-brother?" asked Nada.

Ivan heard her and nodded his head.

"Yes, not only she but we also thought that we were half-siblings. But she is my biological sister. My sister," he said emotionally.

Nada nodded.

"So how did you find it?" she asked.

"I examined her and my DNA. It was a match," replied Ivan.

"Oh, wait what about her condition? Is she alright?" asked Nada worried.

Ivan nodded and said,

"Yes, she is alright. She has the rarest blood type. And her leucocytes are advanced to form antibodies against the drug," explained Ivan.

"So you're saying that her body produced the antibodies to fight this drug?" asked Ivan.

Ivan nodded and added,

"Yes her blood is making its own antibodies to fight against the foreign substances."

"How is it possible?" asked Nada.

"Well you can say it's her rare blood type. So it is our genes," bragged Ivan.

Nada frowned and said,

"Stop your bragging."

Ivan ignored her and smiled at Isla.

'Now that I have known that we are biological brother and sisters. I won't let you go away again even if you hate me for that. My little sister.'

Ivan vowed in his mind.

"I'm going out. Take care of Isla," said Nada.

She thought that this stupid brother and sister will need some time to sort out their relationship. So she went out to give them the space they needed.




Author's note,

I sincerely apologize for the late updates. I had some assignments to submit. My teacher is kinda crabby. So I had to complete it in a day. Therefore, I wasn't able to update. I hope you like the novel and continue to support. Don't be quick in your judgments. And please forgive me for the delay. I'll try my utmost best to update daily. Thank you~.