I'm sorry, Bro.

Wan quickly pulled Isla out of the house. but it was too late. The culprit had seen her and ordered his men to follow Isla and Wan.

Wan put Isla in the passenger seat and settled in the driver seat. He started the car. He was driving at a high speed.

He was afraid that they will also do something to Isla. So he stepped on the accelerator.

Twenty minutes before,

Isla entered the house and saw her mother lying in the pool of her blood. The sight was disturbing. She was shocked. She wanted to scream but no voice came out of her mouth. Then she saw her best friend lying beside her husband. Her hairs were dishevelled, her dress was torn.

Isla didn't know what to do. She was, after all, an eight-year-old. All she could do was to see the demise of her loved ones.

Wan just entered the door and froze looking at the scene. He was horrified by the sight. He instantly thought about his little miss. And he turned his head towards her. He saw her staring at the scene with unutterable emotions.

He didn't know what to say or do. But somewhere in his mind, he knew that he has to take Isla away from here and leave as soon as possible.

Thinking of this he carried Isla in his arms and ran towards the car.

Back in the car,

Wan glanced at Isla and saw her in a trance. Her face was devoid of any emotions. Wan felt a prick in his heart. He thought,

'Just why? Why they have to be so cruel? She is just a child and Madam...'

Wan mustered up some courage and spoke to Isla.

"Young miss."

He wanted her attention and that he got. Isla turned her face to his side and stared at him with soulless eyes. Wan panicked seeing Isla like that. He quickly said,

"Baby Isla doesn't scare uncle Wan. Look everything will be alright."

He tried to console the broken little fairy.

Isla just stared at him and slowly nodded her head. She faced ahead at the road. Wan was speeding. He didn't care about any traffic rules. All he cared about for now was getting Isla far away from this place as fast as he can.

Wan broke through through the signals. Curses were pointed at him but he didn't have the time to pay any heed to them.

All he was worried about was Isla's well-being. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the people who were following him were nowhere in sight. but he still didn't slow the speed of the car. He tried calling his Master, Isla's father but he was not picking up.

In a fit of hurry Wan failed to notice that hid Master was also present there. Isla too didn't notice her father, who was sitting beside her mother and crying his heart out.

He was also covered with blood. He had his blood mixed with his beloved wife's blood on him.

Wan sighed due to relief that he had successfully escaped the enemy's eye. But his relief was short-lived when he saw the same cars from before coming at him from the front. He tried to turn the car towards the right but the other car blocked his way.

Wan then turned to the left but soon regretted as a truck came in their way and crashed in their car.

Wan was badly injured. He had blood all over his face. Broken glass was pierced in different parts of his body. He was trying to stay conscious for the sake of his young Miss.

He glanced in Isla direction and saw that blood was flowing out of her head. She had a shocked expression on her face. She looked as if she was trying hard to decipher something.

Wan weakly asked,

"Baby Isla, Don't panic -u-uncle is h-here. St-s-stay awake for me w-w-will you?"

He wanted to say more to console the innocent child but he didn't have the power to say more. he tried to hold back his senses when he heard a faint sound of a ringtone. He moved his fingers with much effort and answered the call.

A child's voice came from the other side.

He asked,

"Uncle Wan, where are you? We have been looking for you for so long."

Wan inhaled and replied weakly,

"Ivan s-s-sa-ve Isla," as he said that Wan he fainted.

Isla who was watching all this with half-closed eyes suddenly shouted. but her shout was muffled y the sirens of cars coming their way. She looked at the phone and shifted towards it.

She groaned at the pain she felt and said in the phone,

"I'm sorry, bro."

And everything went black.

Back to present in this hospital room.

Suddenly the eyes of the sleeping Isla's fluttered and she opened her eyes. She closed her eyes again duet to the light and slowly opened them again. Her eyes gradually accustomed to the brightness. Isla tried to move her hand but couldn't do so.

She felt something pressing on her hand. She looked down to see that he was there. His head was on her bed and his hand was in hers. She smiled seeing him here.

Ivan fell asleep looking at his sister. He laid his head on Isla's bed. He stayed up all night and was tired.

Isla looked at him for a long time and thought,

'He looks haggard.'

Isla carefully retracted her hand from his hold. She touched his head and called in a hoarse voice. as she was asleep for a long time her voice was hoarse.


Ivan squirmed and opened his eyes groggily. He rubbed his eyes and looked who called him. he looked up and was astounded.

He saw his lovely sister looking at his way. And what was more shocking that she was smiling at him.

Ivan felt happy. he was so happy that he unconsciously bent and pecked Isla's forehead.

Isla was dumbfounded due to her brother's action and blushed. Whereas Ivan thought that Isla was angry and that was why her face was red.

His smile fell and all his happiness disappeared. He chided himself in his mind.

'Stupid Ivan, how can you peck her like this. She still doesn't know that I am her brother. What should I do? She'll be mad. I am so stupid.'

Ivan was panicking as to what should he say. After an awkward pause, all he said was.


Isla raised an eyebrow. She was amused at his move. And decided to tease him.

She asked,

"Why are you sorry, bro?"

"Because you don't like....." Ivan stopped when he realised something.

He looked at Isla with his eyes wide open and mouth making a big 'O'. He then asked frantically,

"What did you just called me?"

Isla pretended to think for a while and then said,


Ivan lost his cool and teared up. He hugged Isla who was still lying on the bed. Isla chuckled and said,

"I'm sorry, bro."

Ivan heard her and cried even more. He hugged his sister tight and said in between his sobs.

"We've waited for so long Isla s-s-so long."

Isla returned his hug and sniffled and replied,

"Bro, I remember."

Ivan instantly stood up straight and looked at her face. He asked her,

"Are you alright Baby Isla?"

Isla nodded her head and told him about what she did last night. She told him how she went and killed the murderer of their mother and her best friend.

Ivan told her that he already knew.

Isla looked shocked and asked him how he knows all. to which he answered that it was his duty to look after his baby Isla.

Both siblings talked for a while and reminisced about their good days. She asked,

"Bro Ivan where are the twin creatures?"

Ivan sighed and answered,

"they don't know about your condition. I told Lucian to stop Chen and Xian from telling them."

Isla nodded and agree with her brother. She said,

"If those chicken heads knew I'm sure they would've been here dancing on my head like some mama bear."

Ivan and Isla both laughed at her remark. The atmosphere was pleasant and this is what Nada saw when she entered the room.

She was amused to see Isla smiling so beautifully. She thought in her mind,

'This is the first time I saw her so relaxed after so long. And her smile is genuine.'

Nada smiled and greeted the sibling duo.

She scolded Isla like a mother. And Isla being the baby Tigress of Nada copied Nada and made funny faces behind her back. Ivan was close to losing his composure which he was making an effort to maintain.

And finally he lost control and Ivan laughed out loud. Isla first glared at him but joined him when she saw Nada glaring at both of them.

Sereing Ivan and Isla laughing their hearts out Nada also joined them.