II. East meets West


Upon the death of Crassus, the first Triumvirate formed by Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus crumbled, Roman Senate demanded the disbanding of the Legions of Caesar while favoring Pompey. Caesar crossed the Rubicon to enter Rome itself and opens the stage of the Great Roman Civil War.

The series of war between the faction of Gaius Julius Caesar versus Pompey and Roman Senate lasted for several years.


Meanwhile in Chang'an Imperial City, Emperor Han Yuandi who just ascended to the throne wants to open up a large trade route connecting China and Europe.

"It is my dream to start a trade route with the western empires and kingdoms. As what we all know, the Xiongnu separates us from the West and are clearly hostile to us Han. Chief Strategist, what do you plan do you propose to achieve and realize this dream?"

"Chief strategist responds to the almighty Emperor. *bow* My humble proposal is we launch diplomatic relation with the Xiongnu people and if unsuccessful we also launch a strategic alliance with the largest and strongest nation of the West, which is Rome."

"Please elaborate, Chief strategist."

"This may be offensive to the almighty Emperor, I propose that we offer the hand of the Princess to the leader of the Xiongnu in exchange for a safe passage for our trade with the West. If our deal with the Xiongnu is unsuccessful and unfavorable, we offer the hand of Princess Yingyi to the leader of Rome in exchange for a strategic alliance against the Xiongnu. Rome will be expected to attack Xiongnu and gain their full attention leaving its back unguarded for us take over Central Asia. The foreseeable result is our victory once Xiongnu is crushed and absorbed into our Empire."

"Thats a considerable plan, I like that. We'll go with your plan Chief strategist. Make the preparations, but I want a Strategic alliance with Rome first before the Xiongnu."

"Yes, your will be done almighty Emperor."


(Xiongnu Plains)

After a few months, Princess Yingyi is now travelling going to the West together with her handful servants and imperial protectors. This group of travellers is led by an expert Diplomat, they are disguised as a travelling merchant for protection purposes.


Long time have passed, they have finally reached Greece. A region now part of Roman Republic. The caravan made it to a coastal city in Epirus (present day, Albania). They are now about cross the sea on the way to the Latin homeland when they suddenly found themselves caught in a Civil war while inside the city. The dictator Julius Caesar lay sieged to this coastal city because this city is a supporter of Pompey and a anti-Caesar governor.

Princess Yingyi and the rest, stayed inside the inn and locked their doors. The diplomat and Princess Yingyi started a discussion regarding their mission.

"I think the most powerful person within the Roman Republic is the Dictator Julius Caesar, and he is sieging this city now." Diplomat said.

"Rome is having a civil war, I don't think that we should continue this mission. They cannot even quell themselves, why should we ask for their help against Xiongnu? Lets just go back, I wanna go home..." said Princess Yingyi in a soft tone manner.

"Princess, the moment we joined this mission, we are already bound to it. If we go back empty-handed, all of our heads will roll. Please reconsider Princess Yingyi." the diplomat said.

"Okay Mr. Diplo, I understand that the purpose of my life is for the greater good of the Han Empire. We shall continue our mission, if and after Caesar subdue this city, we will start our negotiation with him." The Princess said in a resolute tone.

"Yes, Princess Yingyi. Don't you also think that during this time, we have the upper hand in negotiating terms? If we gained a more beneficial deal in favor of the Great Han Empire, our names will carved to history for our great contribution to the Great Han." Diplo said.

"Don't be scared or nervous our precious Princess Yingyi, great fortune and favor awaits you in Heaven. Han will be forever grateful to you. Rest assured that you will never be forgotten."

The Dictator Julius Caesar successfully subdued the coastal city and the governor officially surrendered to Caesar. The legion of Caesar finally enters the city.

As Caesar was doing his casual walks in the city for inspections, a foreign looking Han person approached him.

"Oh glorious Caesar, I am a diplomat sent by the Han Empire of the far east. I request for a diplomatic talks with you on behalf of the Ham Empire. Would you be interested for a business discussion?" said in a barely understandable Latin of Mr. Diplo while showing the scroll bearing official seal of the Han Emperor.

"Meet me at the villa before sun set." Caesar said in a lax manner.


The sun is about to set, a convoy arrived at the entrance of the villa. A Roman centurion received the diplomatic group.

The diplomatic group includes Princess Yingyi in her best silk gown as a Princess of Han Empire, all of the servants and imperial guards are dressed in their formal clothing. Even Mr. Diplo is in his best silk cloth.

As soon as the group enters the Roman centurion guided them to the dining hall where lots of various Roman foods are prepared in a long table. However, the seat at the center end-table where Caesar is supposed to seat, is vacant.

After all the Han guests are seated, Caesar timingly arrives in his casual tunic attire. The moment Caesar took his seat, the first person he noticed was Princess Yingyi who is as beautiful as Song Hye-kyo. As both eyes met, a spark started in Caesar's aged heart.

The food at their plates are now empty, everyone is full. Its been quite some time since the diplomatic group ate a luxurious meal. Roman food is good, they liked it even though they still prefer oriental dishes.

"Servants! clear the table." Caesar ordered. Servants quickly cleaned the table.

"You can start talking now Mr. Diplo." said Caesar while peeking at Princess Yingyi.

"Let me introduce to you myself, I am Wu Bo a retired silk road merchant from Chang'an. I'm here for diplomatic negotiations on behalf of the Han Empire."

"Are you authorized to create decisions in case of change of terms for the deal?" Caesar inquired.

"Yes, I am given full authority by the Emperor Yuan himself to conduct this negotiation." Diplomat Wu Bo reaffirms.

"Good, let me hear your proposal. I want to know what you will offer and what you want in exchange." Caesar said.

"The Han empire offers a strategic alliance with Rome, both Nation will enjoy Free trade and cultural exchange. And both may also conduct joint military operations." Wu Bo said in broken Latin.

'I'm well aware that Roma is already trading with the far east foreigners for a long time. Even the clothe that I wear is a silk cloth. Most if not all of the travelling merchants between these Nations are oriental people. This may also broaden the Roman world, influence and land territory. The far east is a rich civilized world. They have a lot of products that is not available here in Roma. Why would a rich civilized powerful empire ask for a strategic alliance with military coordination?' Caesar wondered.

"Rome is self-sufficient, it doesn't need outsiders for help. I want to hear your highest limit of offer." Caesar stated.

"The dictator Julius Caesar needs funding for his campaigns, Rome needs campaigns. The Han empire is willing to provide you political fundings for twenty (20) years. In exchange, we want Rome to launch offensive military campaign to the Xiongnu in Central Asia." diplomat Wu Bo said in a serious tone trying to speak Latin as clear as possible.

"Hmm.. You have a point, Rome is thirsty for glory. And doing so, it need fundings." Caesar said.

But I still feel the need of something more. I want more from this deal. I can't point it out, I just feel it. What is it?