
"That's right, I am asking if you really want this job? For real, not the money, but that you are doing work you actually like and want to do."

"What the heck, why suddenly out of the blue? Because of last night?" Heart started.

"Are you regretting yesterday? Now that we actually took a step forward. Now that it has gone beyond flirting?" Heart asked sourly.

"Wait? What?"

"No, where would you get such a ludicrous idea?"

"Do you think I am the type of guy who makes any actions without thinking them through a million times first. And all the possible outcomes it can create?"

"Okay then, My job? Why wouldn't I want it now?" Heart asked curious.

"Because, I am dangerous, being around me is bad for you, you will end up dead, or wishing you were."

Heart laughed. Saint scowled. "You don't believe me. I am trying to tell you Heart, my dad will add you to his list of casualties. Being around me is bad."

Heart scoffed, "this isn't some drama, Saint, this is the real world."