Chapter 20: Holding hands

The park sprawled out before them like a canvas painted with the hues of autumn. Towering oak trees, adorned with leaves of gold and crimson, arched gracefully overhead, casting dappled shadows on the lush green grass below. The late afternoon sun bathed the landscape in a soft, golden light, casting a warm glow over everything it touched. Including Ēn Chén's skin. Zhēng Yù couldn't help but stare, mesmerized. It almost felt unreal to be here on his first date. If he could tell the Zhēng Yù from years before. He wouldn't believe it.

Ēn Chén reached down and very confidently grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, Ēn Chén's bigger fingers almost struggling to hold tight to his.

Zhēng Yù looked down at their fingers, a strange sense settling in the pit of his stomach.