
Kit watched the two of them smiling and eating in the lower garden before he walked back across the upper lawn, he was staring at his phone waiting to see if Ten would reply back when Chimlin walked towards him.

"Those two look lovely together, their aura is exquisite when they are together."

Kit chuckled.

"Mhmm, yes"

"When I look at them, I often feel like they are meant for each other so completely that there isn't room for anyone or anything else."

"It's really nice to see him this happy again," Amonrat said walking up.

Kit smiled.

"Yes, I didn't think it would ever happen."

"I thought that… time… that event would haunt him forever." Amonrat stared off down the hill even though with the way Saint had things set up there was no wait to observe things the three of them still stood there."