Blankets and Theives

Saint rolled over as lightning struck close by again. He sighed as he realized waking up in the middle of the night was a really fun and wonderful thing to do when you were a child, but not as a grown adult with a meeting in the morning.

But the tropical storm didn't seem to care about his plans, or how light of a sleeper he was. He sat up and looked out the window.

"So I need to get curtains for this room." I knew I was forgetting something.

"I guess I will tell Chimlin tomorrow."

"Stop talking to yourself alone in the dark, it's weird."

"Yeah its definitely weird." Saint sighed and stood up. He walked over to the door, pulled it open walked through the pitch-black closet and pulled open the door quietly so as not to disturb the people sleeping in the bed.

Saint stopped beside the bed and sighed a soft chuckle escaped his lips.

'I knew you would.'

'You evil little brat.'