Don't do this

Saint gasped as his heart lept inside him from the pit of his stomach to the top of his throat.

'No… Don't do this to me, Heart.' He ached inside.

'We can't be together, we can't love.'

'Because I can't watch you die. I have never felt so strongly for anyone ever the way I do for you.'

'Don't make my heart stop functioning normally.'

'Don't make me addicted.'

'I was safe alone in my bubble. I couldn't hurt like this again because I had already lost everything.'

'Don't give me something to lose.'

'I can't let you in.' Saint repeated the words in his own mind, even though he knew they were a broken mantra. That his heart was already so far gone there was no coming back.

He repeated them even though the very thought was numbing and excruciating, setting his whole world on fire.

"My dad is returning to Bangkok tomorrow." The words hung in the air between them. A knife in his gut, but Heart stood there unaware of their weight.