Reckless Abandon

Saint licked Heart's bottom lip sucking the plump, juicy bit inside his mouth, his hips pressed repeatedly into Heart's thrusting slowly against him and Heart could clearly tell he was fully hard through the thin satin fabric. Heart swallowed, his mouth felt itchy at the back and he noticed that Saint's breathing had grown shallow, and thready.

"Ah," the moan escaped his lips before he could even protest, and his own jumped up eagerly. Heart blushed lightly with desire.

Saint looked at Heart.

"I dunno when you got so controlling but I like it."

"I think it's only fair I return the favor," Saint growled and wrapped both arms around Heart and flipped him over on the bed.

Heart flopped against the covers, his beautiful wavy hair flopping all over the place entangling with the white blankets. The cracks and crevices of the thick material swallowing up some of its fluffy and delicate beauty.

He frowned and Heart looked at him curiously.