

"Mmm," He groaned softly in response to Heart calling his name.

He felt so content right now and loved how sounded. The way it felt to be called by him in such an intimate setting.

"I don't think I can fall asleep. My stomach hurts."

Saint sighed, but opened his eyes.

'He really didn't blame Heart, he felt that fluttering feeling inside too.'

"Ah, I know I feel it too."

"You do?" Heart said surprised.

"Of course, I feel.."

Heart stomach interrupted him with a loud sloshing groan that echoed through the air.

"Ahh, you're hungry." Saint sat up slowly, his muscles contracted and felt tight inside from the exertion of their earlier escapade.

"Mmm, didn't you just say you were too?"

Saint paused.

'Wow, we were talking about two different things completely.' 

'How are you so adorably cute all the time? I just can't with you sometimes.'

"Yeah, of course."

"But before we eat,"