Good at cooking

"How do you know how to cook?" Heart asked, staring from the side as Saint prepped and sliced each vegetable with the ease of a seasoned chef.

"Easy, my father was gone overseas and my mother left when I was three. The only person I could spend time with was our housekeeper, Chimlin. You met her before on the island. She started as my grandfather and grandmother's cook, then she switched to taking care of my grandfather after my grandmother passed."

"Oh, so Chimlin is not your grandmother."

Saint grinned. "She was like Somchit's sister and best friend. They used to bicker and argue all the time. I remember my grandmother telling me when Kit and I were little. Wann Wann, you have two accomplished grandmothers so you do not need that stinky old father and mother of yours." 

Heart gasped.

"She said that!" 

"But you said that you thought your father killed your mother."

"Why would your grandmother speak ill of the dead?���