Will you wear it?

Heart stepped out of the bathroom into almost complete darkness and stared at everything utterly confused. Most of the lights were off, and it didn't look like anyone was home. 


"Where did you go? I thought you were just going to watch TV while waiting for me?" Heart waited, but there were zero answers.


"Come on, this isn't funny."

There was a single light on over the bar in the kitchen that gave just enough light to see basic objects. Like the stairs a couple steps off to his right, and the bed a few feet in front of him.

'He could tell that in this light there wasn't anybody in the bed, so Saint hadn't suddenly grown tired and was now resting in bed.'

"What the heck! You really are a Demon Lord." Heart grumbled.

Something winked under that kitchen light, catching his eye, and he turned to look closer but couldn't see.