
Saint snickered. "Shush, you smart ass."

"Right, list…"

"Item one. Remind Saint to allow his boyfriend to have clothes."

"Check." Kit teased.

"Grrr, I swear to god, just take down that list. I want to make sure I don't upset him this time because he ends up missing something." Saint started listing them off carefully, ignoring Kit's taunting snickers on the other end when he listed off the most mundane things.

'You might laugh Kit but I know you're just proud of me. I can hear it in your tone. We both know this is the first time since Win died that I am caring for another human being and doing things for them. I forgot how hard it is to think of all the little things that seem obvious to others who are naturally selfless, unlike me. I never was able to come out of my shell and open up to people. To let people in and ask them what they needed, even before Win. Ngeun really saw to that, but after Win, well, I spent five years not caring.'