
Heart thought about the girl cat to get his brain off of where his feet were taking uncertain steps towards.

'She looked older than a kitten, but she seemed lonely. Are you lonely? Do you get cold at night? Do you have anyone who makes sure you eat?'

'Min always made sure I would eat, even if what she used to feed me wasn't very good. She always made sure I had someplace warm to sleep, and most of all she always, always, always, always made sure I was never alone.'

Home didn't seem so scary anymore, it was warm, comforting and much better than staying out here in the growing cool of the evening.

Heart entered the little code to get into the building and ran up the four flights of stairs as fast as he could, then down the long hall, and put the key into the door, but before he could even turn it the door handle turned and yanked back. He stared at Min startled, tears in his eyes.