What Would He Say

Heart lay in his bed in a rare moment of downtime. He lay staring up at the ceiling, arms tucked behind his head, his legs crossed. The roof was covered in a small pattern of glow in the dark stars that Min had probably purchased at some seven eleven close by. Probably, right around the time, the funeral had ended and when he had moved in with her. A gift Min had gotten for him. He had remembered watching her with both curiosity and confusion

He still remembered what she had told him back then. He smirked. Looking back at the kid he had been then. What would he say to that naive innocent kid now?

What would this Heart say to that Min from back then? Probably "thank you". She had always been an amazing sister. He didn't know how she did it. He was her age and he still didn't think he was as good a person as Min was. It took a special kinda woman to take on a stubborn seven-year-old when they were only nineteen.

"Min what are you doing?"