Car Ride

"So where are we going…"

"Oh, we really are going to Ten's house. They're going to watch Mouse for a little bit before they leave for the airport."

"Leave? Kit and Ten are leaving and going on a trip... Where are they going? How did I not know about this?"

"Heart what do you mean they're leaving?" Saint asked, smirking. Then his face fell a bit when he realized Heart wasn't kidding around.

"Ah, I know you have been through a lot and have been very busy lately, but I... Well, I mean, you got such big news about Min's pregnancy, but I really didn't think you would have actually forgotten."

"We are all heading out on a trip to Korea, remember four days three nights?" Saint said.

"Wait, what?"

Saint sighed, "I had hoped you hadn't but kinda had a feeling you had forgotten, I postponed the trip by a few days already, but I really can't push it back any longer."