Easier Said Than Done

Heart stepped off the plane and looked around him. Saint stopped beside him and looked down at his face.

Heart stretched out the last of the sleep from his body.

"I ache everywhere" He commented.

"That's because you were supposed to put your seat into the bed position and not fall asleep with it sitting up. Honestly, what is the point of the perk if you forget to use it?" Saint retorted.

"I probably wouldn't hurt so much if I had only slept a little but you didn't wake me up and now we are the last ones getting off the plane, and it's midnight already."

Saint chuckled. "I couldn't bear myself to wake your pretty little face. And besides a few extra minutes meant that we got a much calmer disembarkation because of it."

Heart yawned then looked around them, blinking.

"It looks the same as Thailand, well maybe a little brighter" Heart commented.