Dang, Rebellious Demon Lord

Heart rolled over with a groan, his arms hitting something soft and squishy. Heart felt around with his fingers and poked, realizing he was touching a face. He shot up in bed, and immediately his head screamed at him.

'Shit, did I just slap Saint in the face?' Heart thought.

He turned his head slowly and looked over at Saint, who was lying beside him, the covers only covered the bottom half of his body, his upper half free and naked as he sat up wide awake. Saint raised an eyebrow.

Heart raked in his morning beauty. 'Jeez, I'm lucky... Why is he so handsome? Don't say anything, all you'll do is stroke his ego. Look, he's already preening and all you're doing is looking at him.'

"Good morning to you too?" Saint said dryly.

"Did you have fun last night?"

Heart smirked sheepishly.

"Did you sleep great, because you were all over me again. All night. Every time you get drunk, you get handsy."