
Kyouya trails off mid-sentence, narrowing his eyes at a DC member who has a lizard hair clip in his pompadour. The tiny DC blinks innocently at Kyouya but his mouth curls up into a kittenish smirk. Kyouya bursts into motion, immediately charging into the mass of his army, but the baby is fast.

Unfortunately, he loses the baby when the tiny thing disappears inside a hidden passageway built into the wall of the school. He huffs and wanders back to the crowd on the playground but a red head with glasses stops him.

"So," Shoichi begins. "Um, my friend called Byakuran is coming for a visit." The boy shrugs a little. "He said he wanted to meet you. Do you mind?"

Kyouya tilts his head and contemplates Shoichi's words for a moment. "Not at all."


Bermuda opens a portal one day and a little bunny hops through, looking like an eldritch horror. Bermuda is aware that someone has been using Night flames half the world over, but he just assumed that they were one of his.

Bermuda frowns behind bandages. He needs to investigate.


Daemon sighs.

Kyouya happily pets the new baby. "I don't have a room for you yet, but you can stay in the yellow baby's crib for now. What's your favourite animal? I'll get you one. I like mountain lions so there's one in the backyard. Don't tell the adults."

Daemon watches Kyouya pass him in the hallway, carrying Bermuda -leader of the Vindice- in his arms, cooing at the cursed man who is older and stronger than Daemon but who also doesn't seem to be taking offence at being kidnapped.

Alright then, should start setting the table for one more, whatever. Why is Bermuda here? Why is anyone here, really? Why is Daemon here? Why is Daemon here!?

Enma toddles around the corner and lights up in happiness when he sees Daemon. "Can you put the straw in the juice?" Enma holds up the juice box and straw in a hand each, as high as he can, when he eagerly runs over.

Daemon takes it, pierces the film over the hole with a straw, and hands it back.

"Thank you!" Enma shyly hugs Daemon's leg and then trots off.

Daemon is weak.


Kawahira is weak.

"Did you see the boy that just ran past?" Kyouya asks, peering up at Kawahira from the man's front doorstep. "He's on fire, pretty hard to miss."

Kawahira is weak because he moved from Italy to Japan just to watch the entertainment. He gets bored sometimes, which is why he stayed in Italy close to his Arcobaleno, but made a snap decision to move when he saw this kid try to catch Reborn with a backpack.

"There were several of them that passed by," Kawahira informs the child. "Were you referring to one boy specifically or just the collective group of combustible children?"

"Just one," Kyouya admits. "Blond hair, sharp teeth, science experiment."

"The boy is doing a science experiment?"

Kyouya rolls his eyes. "No, the boy is an experiment. He runs with a whole pack of experiments – they're living in Kokuyo now, which is ridiculous, because I have to walk all the way over if I want to visit my two Kcls."

"How unfortunate," Kawahira hums in sympathy. "Here, you should try this." Kawahira conjures up several small and very much copyrighted red, white and black balls from his Mist flames.

Kyouya takes them as realisation slowly dawns on him.

"They went that way," Kawahira says and points down the street.

Kyouya looks back up at the strange man, eyes wide but with a determined expression. "I will be the very best."

"Like no one ever was," Kawahira replies gravely.


Byakuran is dragging his small luggage behind him as he strolls down the road towards Kyouya's house. He can already hear Tsuna shrieking, which is oddly soothing for him. Byakuran grins widely and starts skipping.

Tsuna bursts out of the front door and launches himself into the air with an explosion of flames. Kyouya darts out and hurls a familiar looking ball at Tsuna. Kyouya misses with the Mist-prop unfortunately - Tsuna has gotten better at mid-air manoeuvring. Kyouya frowns as Tsuna flies off.

Byakuran smiles widely and waves. "Kyouya! You're so cute as a kid!"

Kyouya turns and pins the albino with a curious stare. Huh. Do albino's have coloured fire or is it just white?

Byakuran summons white wings to his shoulders and strikes a pose.

White, Kyouya realises. Perfect. He only has one pure orange, so he was getting worried about finding another. With a white here, he doesn't need to care about colours being mixed when they make an egg.

Byakuran's smile wavers when he sees the intense expression on Kyouya's face.

It's good that Kyouya also finally has a baby. He needs to practice taking care of one for when the eggs hatch. But even before that, Kyouya has heard that you can feel eggs kicking, which means he can assess how good the baby is at martial arts and go from there.

Byakuran falls out of the exaggerated pose, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Not that Kyouya thinks the babies need training at that age considering the ones he's met have been exceptionally strong. Kyouya is pretty sure the issue lies with babies forgetting how to use the Incendiary Defence as they grow, so when they become adults no one can use the fire. Kyouya needs to make sure they practice.

Byakuran slowly starts backing away.

Regardless, Kyouya needs to plan very early with what shades of colours he wants. These pets are good but they lack variety; only sticking to a basic rainbow. He now has an additional white, dark red, dark orange and black - but there are so many more combinations to make. Besides, he still hasn't found a glittery one.

Byakuran runs.

Kyouya gives chase.

He needs to keep collecting. He is nowhere near done yet.