
Kyouya finds the yellow one near the block of houses that it had lapped when they first met. It has two females now, a black haired one that looks slightly less herbivorous than usual and a brunette who has an odd likeness to another fluffy bunny Kyouya has.

Yellow is running its hands through its hair, talking loudly about how he managed to grow it as the black haired one looks sceptical and the brunette nods with interest.

No. No, that's not okay.

Kyouya steps in before Ryohei can demonstrate anything and glares at the two females. The yellow is his incendiary mine because Kyouya found it first, and he'll be training the herbivore so he gets to keep the fire.

He's seen what happens when adults catch wind of such things. They title it a danger and say Kyouya can't keep it because it's a 'full grown mountain lion' and 'how did you even find it, it's not native to Japan'.

Well, the pet this time is in fact native to Japan, Kyouya even checked the birth certificate, so there is no reason for an adult to protest. Still, Kyouya would like to be cautious since adults tend to be irrational and overly dramatic.

The mountain lion only mauled three people, yakuza at that, and on Kyouya's command so it was not 'out of control' nor a 'serious danger to the livelihood of Namimori citizens'.

To save the waste of time that an adult would use up pointing out ridiculous concerns, Kyouya will keep the spontaneously combusting herbivores a secret. That also means that the two female ones are not allowed to know because it's a proven fact that children can't keep their mouths shut.

Therefore the females cannot be trusted unless they also show signs of being glow sticks, in which case Kyouya can use that as a leash by insisting that it's their secret and all of them are in this together so the adults can't know or they will all be in trouble. So if Kyouya goes down, he'll take them with him.

"Oh, hello," the brunette female says with a smile. "Are you one of onii-sa-"

Yellow bursts into a fit of coughing and quickly shakes his head at the brunette, only calming when she stops talking. "Uh, yes," he says stiltedly. "This is my new extreme buddy. Extreme buddy these are my friends. Only my friends, no relation what so ever, to me, in anyway. In fact I barely even know these two. We should go now."

The two herbivores blink in confusion, right alongside Kyouya. He shrugs, uncaring, and grabs yellow by the wrist to drag him back to orange.

"Bye, bye!" the brunette calls out happily.

Kyouya pauses, pivots on a heel, and nods politely. "Good afternoon. It has been a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can be… friends in the future." Kyouya then turns and tows yellow behind him.

This acting like an herbivore thing is draining.


The mother herbivore looks happy with the new guest and hands Kyouya a platter of biscuits and some fruit. The children both troop up the stairs and the orange pokes his head out of the quilt once the door is shut behind them.

"Hi there," Ryohei says loudly. "My name is Sasagawa Ryohei and I met this extreme fellow yesterday." He gestures at Kyouya and then runs a hand through his hair before turning to the silver eyed boy. "Kyoko actually like this style, so I guess I should be thanking you, extreme fighter."

Tsuna highly disagrees with that statement. He would prefer it if the scary silver eyed boy would leave and never, ever come back. His mum has been brainwashed and as soon as the mean boy leaves, Tsuna is going straight to a police station. Not even a hug will change his mind, he is adamant about this.

"Tsu-kun's name is Sawada Tsunayoshi," Tsuna introduces. He drops off the bed and sits at the small table with Ryohei.

Both turn to Kyouya who climbs onto the end of the bed with his plate of snacks. "Hibari Kyouya. You may call me Hibari-sama or Owner, I'm not picky."

The two pause for a moment and then jolt back to life, both having mentally jumped over that last part.

As Kyouya takes it upon himself to eat all of the cherries, the loud herbivore tries to regrow the hair. It doesn't work, much to Tsuna's horror, and Kyouya rolls his eyes. He stands, having run out of cherries, and sits down beside the two.

"What were you thinking when you grew your hair by the river?" Kyouya asks. Replicating the event is the most logical way to go about making the hair grow.

"I was thinking about Kyoko worrying if she saw the mark on my forehead," Ryohei admits. "I wasn't really focused on the hair."

"Tsu-kun's mum is going to worry if she sees this," Tsuna says with a frown.

Ryohei puffs up in determination. "Don't worry, I'll help you!" He gets a concentrating look on his face and reaches out again, ruffling Tsuna's hair.

It starts growing, slowly at first and then quickly until the ends pool on the ground. Ryohei snatches away his hands in shock and Tsuna looks like he's going to cry, hands gripping fistfuls of the long hair in dismay.

"Fix this!" Tsuna whimpers at Kyouya.

[["Fix this!" Tsuna roars, the man jabbing a finger at the rather aggressive enemy famiglia lined up outside the Vongola mansion.

"I don't see why it's my problem," Kyouya drawls.]]

"I don't see why it's my problem," Kyouya says simply. "You look fine, just leave it."

"But this isn't Tsu-kun's hair," Tsuna tries. "Mum will know."

[["But this isn't my problem either," Tsuna snaps. "I told you to put that mountain lion back and now look what happened."

Kyouya rolls his eyes and moves to the window, snatching a pair of scissors from Haru's sewing kit spread out on what should be a meeting table, the woman muttering something vague at him. Kyouya comes to a stop by the window and pulls his arm back in preparation to throw. "Fine, but this is the last time."]]

"Fine, but this is the last time," Kyouya warns, standing and moving to search the house for a pair of scissors.

He grabs the pair in the mother herbivore's room, inside a sewing kit, and tells Tsuna to stand on the bathroom floor so it'll be easier to clean up later. Kyouya himself cuts off the locks of hair until it's the same length as before. Exactly as before, in fact, thanks to his good eye for detail and steady hand with anything that can be considered a weapon.

Tsuna smiles at his reflection and turns to Kyouya. "Thank you," he says, relieved and entirely genuine.

[["Thanks," Tsuna deadpans sarcastically, having to speak loudly over the cries of rage and vengeance coming from down below. "Stabbing the leader through her leg really helped."

Kyouya raises an eyebrow and summons a dozen roll spheres, all of them quickly expanding. The leader, injured and a lot less confident thanks to that, calls a retreat. "You're welcome," Kyouya hums derisively. "I'm sure you can handle clean up yourself."]]

"I'm sure you can handle clean up yourself," Kyouya dismisses, putting the scissors back and moving to orange's room.

Ryohei and Tsuna share a look before peering down at the piles of hair. "I'll grab a garbage bag," Ryohei volunteers.

[["I'll grab a garbage bag," Ryohei chuckles.

Tsuna just shakes his head. "I have the oddest sense of deja vu."]]

"Tsu-kun has the oddest sense that this will happen again," Tsuna murmurs as he grabs a brush and dustpan from under the bathroom sink.

"Do we become hairdressers?" Ryohei wonders idly.

Tsuna squints a little at nothing in particular and then shakes his head. "Tsu-kun doesn't know, but Tsu-kun wouldn't mind being a hairdresser; it looks like fun."


Omake - Continuation of the TYL Conversation

"I wanted to be a hairdresser," Tsuna says conversationally, watching the famiglia retreat.

"I wanted to take over the world," Byakuran responds, sprawled out over the Decimo's couch. "Actually, it's more of a present tense 'want'."

"And how is that going for you?" Tsuna drawls.

Byakuran raises an eyebrow at the reply. "You have gotten far too sassy for my liking."

"Seconded," Daemon volunteers as he passes in the hallway outside the room, a mountain lion walking beside him.

"Is that where Kyouya got the-" Tsuna facepalms.