Never Rest

Fon returns to the room after signing Kyouya out of hospital and is not at all surprised to find it empty. Thankfully, Fon has planned for this.

He calls the local police because it's well known that they have a whole department dedicated to keeping track of Kyouya.


Kyouya escapes back to the street but he can't go home since the baby will be looking for him there. (He's currently going off the theory that if he hides for long enough then the infant will get tired and leave.) Kyouya knows exactly where he should go.

Namimori middle is approximately a ten minute walk from the primary division. Their security is pathetic and Kyouya resolves to have that changed when he has the time. The building is also larger than what Kyouya is used to in a school but it's not difficult to navigate.

He gets a few stares from the herbivores wandering around because he looks too young to be going to middle school. Then again, the teachers in Kyouya's primary look far too old to be in a school full of children but no one thinks that's strange.

Kyouya has long ago decided not to question such things. Age is nothing but a matter of preference apparently.

After wandering the halls for a while Kyouya narrows in on a room isolated off to one corner. The door is half open and the afternoon sun lures him in. He slips inside just as the bell rings to recall the students.

He paces the room, observing the school yard through the windows from his high vantage point, enjoying how the sunlight floods the room at the perfect angle to provide warmth but not blind him. He clambers onto the couch and bounces - to test the quality of the furniture of course.

He also searches through the wooden desk, finding mostly rubbish and dust in its drawers. In fact, most of the room is cluttered with storage shelves full of random school supplies. It has things such as old and worn text books, along with several scattered pens without caps, and miscellaneous equipment that seems to be mostly cables.

Kyouya surveys the room as a whole. It could use some work, but it's both comfortable and spacious. It would make a good base of operations for his growing army.

He rolls up his sleeves, ready to clean this place up. Then he realises he doesn't know how to clean so he just falls asleep on the couch instead.

Kyouya then wakes up on an aeroplane with no recollection of how he got to this point. He scowls fiercely at the baby sitting beside him, but he's not going to fight. Especially not with another infant in the row behind him, since who knows how strong the second baby will be? They might destroy the plane entirely.

Despite refraining from a fight, Kyouya does remind himself to get some new tonfas anyway, since his last pair broke. Maybe he'll use metal instead of wood this time.


They step out of the airport into Italy and Fon looks away for barely a moment.

Fon sighs in exasperation, half heartedly peering around people's knees to try and find Kyouya even though the boy is probably long gone from here. That child needs a leash or something.


Daemon, once more in his own body, materialises next to the tiny Skylark on a cobblestoned street in the heart of Italy. He saw the sleeping boy off at the airport in Japan using Enma's form, then switched out, leaving tiny Giotto to watch the redhead while Daemon made his way to Italy.

Kyouya glances up at Daemon then continues toddling on.

"Do you know where you're going?" Daemon asks, secretly wondering if he should address the whole 'you got shot' incident.

Kyouya's flames didn't manifest at all, which means the boy didn't feel like he was close to dying. Kyouya must have been certain that he would survive the shot, and that confidence in his strength and resilience hasn't waned at all since he woke up in hospital. It's probably encouraged by the fact that he doesn't have any injuries remaining thanks to the Storm Arcobaleno's contacts.

"I found a new one that actually explodes," Kyouya answers. "I'm hunting it now."

"Evil never rests, huh?" Daemon huffs in amusement.

Kyouya slants a glare at Daemon but a flash of silver quickly catches his attention. Daemon watches as Kyouya sprints off and then flying tackles a tiny G to the ground. They just need one Lampo now and that's all of them; the entire first generation of Vongola as toddlers.


The sliver haired boy screams something at Kyouya in a strange language, thrashing and dropping sticks of what looks to be plastic as Kyouya drags him down an empty alleyway and behind several bins. It takes a few thumps against the wall but the other boy eventually starts glowing. It's not an explosion, like what Kyouya saw beforehand, but it's almost as good.

Red blooms on the herbivore's forehead first, followed in quick succession by yellow, blue, purple and green. They all flicker rapidly before the red overtakes the rest and smothers them out, becoming the biggest and brightest colour.

Kyouya is very smug because his newest nightlight has like all of the flames already and therefore his other herbivores are able to switch as well. They're simply more used to one colour, exactly like Kyouya predicted when he first started his experiments, so with a bit of practice they could learn to change colours at will.

"Oh, sweetie," Daemon sighs in fondness, clearly mocking as he saunters up them. "If you want to make friends then you need to use your words."

Kyouya gives Daemon the best deadpan stare the Mist has ever seen.

Tsuna opens the huge package delivered to his house by Daemon Express Mail™ and Hayato is forever loyal to the boy that got him out of the crate.


Omake – Making Friends

Tsuna frowns when he hears a strange shuffling sound slowly getting louder. He looks up from his laptop just in time to see Kyouya walk past the open doorway of Tsuna's office.

Tsuna stares at the body bag Kyouya is dragging along the floor behind him, thankfully still moving, with muffled sobbing coming from it.

Tsuna then wisely decides to not involve himself with any of that.