Rebel Infiltrations

Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising that Sam is part of the Council. After all, sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best place to hide. And, quite frankly, it worked. No one ever suspected that Sam was anything other than a talented engineer.

In fact, no one knew that Sam was part of the Council, not even the Council members themselves. Secrecy was of top priority. If the individual Council members were to be exposed, then the rebel spies would definitely assassinate them as fast as possible.

Of course, to keep things fair, 3-4 members from each division were to be chosen to be part of the Council. This was about as close to a 'democratic' leadership as the Council was willing to afford. Sam was simply one of the eldest and most talented engineers and thus he was part of the Council.

Naturally, the Rebels try to take down the most talented opponents as well, but talented individuals are extremely rare. And besides, recruiting a talented individual to your own cause was 100 times better than simply killing them.

Of course, the Rebels knew that the chances of successfully recruiting a talented individual were near impossible. But that never stopped them from trying. Time and time again, Sam would receive cryptic messages from different individuals and organizations inviting him to attend rallies and such. Of course, Sam simply blocked all of these messages and ignored most of them.

These rallies and demonstrations usually ended violently with clashes against the IIC. That was one of the reasons why Sam never bothered to go, but another reason was simply that he was way too busy with developing better technology for more advanced and further sector warps.

However, as a member of the Council, it was also Sam's responsibility to orchestrate investigation teams to these rallies in attempts to further infiltrate the rebel organizations and hopefully squeeze out any information from the more naive rebel members.

Sam had always longed to infiltrate the rebel as well, but of course, his job was in the way. Also, as a Council member, the other Council members would try to stop him at all means. It would simply be way too risky for a high rank to carry out espionage missions. If things went poorly, there was always the risk of capture.

As Sam was glooming over how much he wanted to be part of the infiltration teams, he suddenly had an idea. Perhaps, if he could design smart trackers onto weaponry and sell the arsenal off to the rebels, he could help infiltrate their bases more effectively. Unfortunately for Sam, he wasn't quite sure where to begin.

He was an engineer, and a brilliant one at that, but his knowledge of handheld weapons was still quite lacking. He knew how they worked and how to design them, but he wasn't quite sure where to place a tracker that wouldn't be noticed.

In order for a tracker to work properly, one needed to give it a constant supply of energy or else it would die after a period of time. However, there was no real reason for a weapon to have any source of energy, after all, most guns on the black market still ran on traditional gunpowder. Most rebels didn't have enough funds to supply their members with energy weaponry.

Besides, all gear that the Rebels took were all thoroughly inspected to make sure they worked properly. A tracker would most likely be noticed. Or would it?

And then Sam realized what he was missing. There was a place on the gun that everyone always checked, and it had a constant flow of energy as well when being used. The gun chamber.

Of course, putting a tracker in the most obvious place seemed kind of like a bad idea, but to disguise an entire gun chamber as a tracking device? That would be interesting.

And, there would always be enough energy supplying the tracker this way as well. After all, the bullet would need to be fired through the chamber, and firing a gun creates a lot of leftover energy from the bullet. Using energy suction coils through the chamber would allow the leftover energy from the bullet to be used for charging the tracker.

It was a foolproof plan, and frankly, Sam was quite excited.