The Principal of White Day

Chapter 7: The Principal of White Day

Lucas was called to talk. They went into the Principal's Office. Lucas was sitting just like what he did back then at Aspho High. The girl from before sat on the table. She was Principal Lyns!

The whole room, the whole setup… they were quite similar. The paint of the room, the designs, the scent —Lucas has no clue why both the Principal's Office of two different schools, Aspho and White Day, would appear this similar.

He was still puzzled since a canteen fire also happened at this school, the White Day High he studied on. It was a mystery why would that happen? If the Two Bastions weren't the culprit, then who would be?

He just stared at how Principal Lyns laid her back comfortably on her chair. Her getup, her clothes; such eloquence… Nostalgic to think about, but here he went again for an interrogation.

Before, he kept denying what he thought he actually did, but now, he would deny it because he wasn't the one who actually did this! He didn't want to end up provoking this woman with him as he did with Vacio. How he wished this talk would end up nicely.

But the way this Principal Lyns commanded him earlier to be inside this room… she has the power and authority. Lucas didn't know what attitude this woman can give him. Her aura was unreadable.

She clenched and started staring at Lucas all of a sudden.

"Lucas Martin, the transferee from Vacio's School… was a Fire Starter?" she talked abruptly, sitting in a classed manner. "Are you sure with yourself?"

Lucas was taken aback. He didn't know where this talk would go. Will he be expelled again? Will White Day High blame him, too, just like how Aspho blamed him? If that was so, then they don't differ. Both of their systems were rotten.

A small chuckle resonated inside the room, a small laugh that came from the Principal. Lucas held his head up and stared at this woman.

"But I am not blaming you about that Canteen fire…"

Lucas was shocked and stared at Principal Lyns' eyes. It seemed like she was reading his thoughts. How did she know his way of thinking? Was that her power? To read inside people's minds?

"You know what?"

Lucas cleared her throat that stopped Principal Lyns from what she was about to say. "Principal Lyns, if it doesn't bother you, why did you call me here?" He tried to be respectful, but that was abrupt. He was aware that his move was careless.

But unlike before, he wanted to zip his mouth and become more careful from saying nonsense. Things will turn out worse if he became reckless with everything.

After all, the canteen was now safe, but it took a lot of damages and made thirteen students currently wounded. The renovation of the canteen was ceased because some important matters will be prioritized.

"I will leave if you'll excuse me…" he added and started standing from his seat. He walked away without even bothering to wait for her approval.

"Not too fast!" Lyns rapidly shouted. "I call you here for different reasons…"

That sentence made Lucas curiously interested. He looked back at Principal Lyns and saw her smirk. He didn't know what have driven him, but he decided to walk back and sit again in a respectful manner.

"What was it then, Principal Lyns?" Lucas inquired. "I am very honest that I did things like this back at Aspho High, but believe me, I have learned from my mistakes. So plea—"

"You know Shad, right?"

Principal Lyns quickly interrupted. Her powerful and authorized voice made Lucas shut his mouth in an instant. It felt like he has no right to speak when she was already speaking. But it just made Lucas even more curious.

"Shad Cagney, the almost assistant Principal of Aspho High, and the renowned student… was surely as popular as Vacio, ain't he? I want you to tell me something about him. Quick!"

Now she's talking. And she's very demanding with how she talked at Lucas. After all, she was the Principal. She has all the right to command.

But that Shad Cagney… He was the second most powerful individual at Aspho High. Vacio was the first, of course. Unbeknownst to them, he was known for his very low profile.

"Uhm… Miss Principal, all I knew about him was he'd raised our school by winning last year's Regal Games."

He replied keenly. He has no clue what was that Regal Games he replied, but it was a fact since it was announced at Aspho High back then.

"That's right…" Principal Lyns replied, not even staring at Lucas. Her eyes were sparkling as if delighted with Lucas' answers.

She kept inspecting her nails. To think of it, her nails were good, giving Lucas distance from the chair he sat at. From his perspective, it was not long, just right. Now, she placed her hands on the table, and suddenly stared at Lucas with an expressionless face.

"But how can he win if he doesn't have enough power to do so? Isn't that suspicious of Aspho High itself?"

Her tone was pitchy and deceiving.

Lucas bowed his head. That's right. Shad was definitely the same as him. Not significant to be seen. Lucas has no different from that Shad since they were both reckless. They only differ since Aspho High was willing to back Shad up with his mistakes.

Aspho High was infamous for their cheating. Back then, they win various competitions. Mister Vacio can easily repeat cheating even with his eyes closed.

Academic Competitions, Sports, Power, Popularity… Aspho rose at all those aspects because they have enough power —if not overflowing— to manipulate kinds of stuff.


Lyns abruptly shouted, more of a mocking to him. It was loud enough to awaken Lucas back to reality.

It was surreal. It was likely that this woman can read his mind. How would she say that he was ignorant if she hasn't received any words after her question?

"You aren't the one who started our canteen's fire. You also aren't the one who started the fire at Aspho's canteen."

She started laughing cockily as if mocking Lucas about his ignorance. But how come?

Principal Lyns' statement shocked Lucas into confusion. How come he wasn't the one who started that canteen fire? He was very certain that he saw his hands smoking back then. He witnessed it with his own eyes.

His anger… created a fire that he tried to encage for so long. Being able to use it with practicing inside this school for days, he was convinced by himself that he was indeed a fire starter.

He also started a fire while talking at Mister Vacio at the Principal's Office from Aspho. Also, he used it momentarily again while battling Winter in his early days at White Day. That's very unlikely!

"It was one from Aspho High's Elites if you may ask…"

Lucas became even more confused. How can these Principal Lyns read what was inside his mind? And talking about what? Aspho High's Elites? He hasn't heard any of that from before. Who were they?

"They have stronger Fire Starter that they don't want to expel. And when they knew you can also start a fire, they used you as an excuse…" she emphasized.

She started leaning back and rested her feet atop the table. Her heals from before were still clean. Not even a trace of dirt was there.

But, what did she say? There was another fire starter from Aspho? Who? He stared at Principal Lyns with eyes dilated.

She thrilled her tongue and started snapping her fingers multiple times. Finally, she maniacally licked her lip. A strange thing to stare at.

Why would she do that?

And who would be a Fire Starter at Aspho other than him? The incident at the canteen where he learned his power was not that crowded to be misleading. It was him and his other classmates that began quarreling there.

"Blaming someone… that was, and will always be, against the rules of White Day High!"

Principal Lyns' shout echoed grimly inside the room, her aura was very serious.

"And since you were here with us now, what they did to you was highly punishable!"

Confusion enveloped Lucas. He stared at Principal Lyns while trying to sink what he heard on his mind. He can't even utter a word.

Doll was right… despite being too exaggerated. Still, Principal Lyns was nice and gentle. She even cared about one minor transferee from the school's opponent.

"Then…" Lucas has the strength to speak a word. He didn't know how he managed to speak up after being dominated by the Principal "…what does it do with Shad?"

"Nice question!" Lyns spun her table and faced backward. She stayed there for a minute, not even talking nor moving.

Lucas waited for her to speak. He has a lot more things to reply to, but he was waiting for his question earlier to be answered. This moment that it felt like he was held back incapable of saying his opinions, Lucas managed to close his fist into an aggressive punch stance. It began misting. No, it was smoke!

Principal Lyns moved her right hand and spun her seat once more, facing Lucas now with a domineering face. Lucas had to back up the fire he was planning in mind.

He stared at her and started to tap his fist to hush the smokes off of it.

"It was Shad whom they protect. Shad Cagney, the legitimate Fire Starter of Aspho High!"


Shad Cagney being a Fire Starter?

Lucas can't help but gasp at what he had heard. It was shocking that White Day High, a different School, had known more than a past student of Aspho can ever imagine.

Turning back to the time that Shad Cagney, that Black-haired guy, helped almost everyone in need at Aspho, it was worth the respect they have given to him. He also raised the popularity of the school, yet he isn't really good that every time?

His image… one of the most respected, was indeed a false one; a trap. Laughable. The black suit he used to wear to appear respectful… how pitiful to think it was just a decoy to manipulate the masses at Aspho.

Wait! Black suit?

Was Shad Cagney the one he saw at the canteen earlier? The one that was covered by Doll? That mysterious man… cut that! It was Shad Cagney! How come Lucas didn't realize that earlier? How dumb it was to figure it out this late?

Ugh! He wanted to go mad and clatter this whole room. His breath was misty and it felt like his lungs were heating up.

But instead of bursting out his anger, Lucas just closed his fist, as he bowed his head. He abruptly stood and prepared to leave. He can't take it anymore. He started walking away. Lyns was just staring at him.

The way he was used by Aspho as a cover-up… No, he has to leave this room for now! But before he could open the door, Principal Lyns and her thrilling tongue has stopped him midway through his attempt.

Lucas stopped but did not look back. His feeling has to tone down. Other words that will trigger his temper will result in nothing but destruction. He can't help it, but he has to. Just for Moon's sake, he has to be good.

"And the last reason why I called you here…"

Finally. Things that commenced have to come to an end. There's no way he can mend things like this at White Day High since hierarchy was cherished in every school. Respect those undeserving higher-ups and expect things will work out well, such idiotic people.

She hasn't said any words. Lucas waited for Principal Lyns' statement while facing the door. After some time, the Principal wasn't replying still. He just said in a very low voice, "You're waiting for me to speak? Well, what's that?"

Principal Lyns snapped her fingers. Lucas looked back to check what it was.

"I want you to partake at the upcoming tournament!" Lyns finished grimly.

She had the very certainty she had with that one sentence. Very firm, very strict; a very fitted trait of what a Principal should become —Principal Lyns had all of that.

"Maru and Zanc are incapable of causing trouble with the Reputable Vacio at his own office as you did. I know that you were strong. Even the students here that we addressed as Whites have spoken your name that you fought with our mighty Winter."

Lucas didn't reply. Something was under all of it. He let Principal Lyns talk the way she wanted it to become. He knew interrupting her would be out of her plans.

"I'll be speeding the Trial Schedule as soon as possible. I will recommend to Coach Clive to keep an eye on you." she continued. "Defeat Aspho High for our sake. For White Day's sake!"

No. What do they think of him? A puppet to manipulate?

Lucas blatantly walked away, opened the door, and leave the room without even replying. The dismay on Principal Lyns' face became evident now. But she just heaved a sigh and laid her back on her chair.

Expected of how Lucas made his name after the incident at Aspho, she knew he was a hard one to convince and manipulate. He was very certain about his decisions and didn't listen to others so much.

Maybe it was the result of him growing up without his parents that can advise him. He grew up knowing that his decisions were the only thing that was valid in his life. She knew it since she have read his thoughts.

Not in a mood after all that had happened, Lucas left the hallway and spotted both Moon and Doll waiting for him. But instead of facing them, he ran in the opposite direction and began escaping. His face was unexplainable.

Moon and Doll saw him running away but didn't even dare to catch him. Doll sure had some guesses of what happened.

Lucas appeared very pale and tense. With how Moon stared at him, he knew there was something off about him. He stared at how calloused Lucas ran. Anytime, he might trip and collapse.

Lucas continued running away at the stairs of the building and left it. Now outside the main building where the office was, he rested his hands on his knees and started panting. He heaved off a deep sigh. His eyes were dull as they stared at the empty hall.

He walked carelessly and ended up in a locker room. He rested his head on one of the lockers.

"How can I battle my friends from before… They were my friends, Moon's friends." He whispered and sat at the corner of the locker room. What Lyns had said to him, Lucas kept hearing those words playing back on his mind.

"What they did to you was highly punishable!"

He was so confused. He didn't know that Aspho High was also included in the schools that he will face if ever he became a participant!

"Ugh! I am confused! What should I do now?"

He shouted in confusion, as his voice echoed inside the locker room, as he sulked into the corner. Hopeless about it but he has to choose: accept this offer or neglect his dream of proving his meaning?