Those Worthy Negotiations

Chapter 9: Those Worthy Negotiations

"Blaze… Blaze Harper…"

A calm voice heard to be calling Lucas. It was calmly horrifying! It was like a voice that was so deep that it started to hoarse. Not just that. It felt like it has a vocoder that added to its texture.

"Blaze Harper… of White D—!"

In the hallway of the White Day High's ground floor.

Lucas stood straight with his head bowed. Mister Vacio surely will use his power to treat people as his pets. This trick of him was widely known all over Aspho, but no one would dare to spit the truth. They had all the power to shut a single mouth.

"Blaze Harper, we believe that you have great potential for the upcoming tournament. We would like to re-invite you to our school."

Lucas felt a sudden thud inside his chest. Were they for real? He knew Aspho High more than anyone else could, and this won't be the scariest thing they can do. Threats, money, death —they can do all they want. This was lame!

Lucas stared at Principal Lyns momentarily. "Principal Lyns?"

"Aspho High has given us a very good offer." Lyns had replied. "It was up to you if you would go back. But since you ask for my thoughts, I would suggest being obedient for your safety."

Lucas let a cold laugh out of his mouth. For his safety? How safe it was to stay at Aspho High? What was happening? Earlier, those two Principals were about to brawl. Why all of a sudden, things have changed drastically?

"You were the one who expelled me, have you forgotten already?" Lucas burst out in anger, talking to Mister Vacio. "What right do you have to talk about things like this?"

"Mister Lucas Martin…" Mister Vacio stopped his rampage, trying to maintain his calmness. "It seemed that you were the one who have forgotten. I am the Principal of Aspho, and I have all the right to do things for the sake of my school."

His fearless look made Lucas lose his cool. He didn't want it, but it scared him. His closed fist earlier has gotten loose. It started shaking. But he can tolerate all of these emotions since his anger dominated his chest.

He said in a sarcastic tone, "Vacio, it looked like Aspho High was doing well after I have left. Is there any reason for me to go back?" he finished. He saw Mister Vacio's face change to that of anger as he heard his reply.

But he knew him very well. As long as he can neglect things just to not let himself take down his status for a fight, he would do that. Vacio didn't want to lose his cool. His reputation mattered, that's why he liked teasing and provoking him, testing when his limits would break.

"Lyns, you should teach your student some manners." Mister Vacio tucked his shirt tighter into his pants. "It should be taught once for a while in here. Don't overdo training without overdoing discipline."

"Did Lucas come from your school? Then who didn't teach him manners if he loses some?" Principal Lyns retorted in a manner that was impeccable. "But as long as you said it, Principals have no obligation but to keep the reputation of their school. Regarding Lucas' personal matters, I must admit I have no interest regarding that."

She used a formal tone when she spoke.

Lucas felt that his throat has gotten too dried up and tight. He realized that she was right. Maybe he became too boastful about himself and let himself be taken away with his anger. He had behaved out of place. He tried to compose his calmness. "Principal Lyns, has the transfer already been decided?"

Lyns gave him a hard stare. "On due process," she said with a tinge of sympathy over Lucas. "Three days. You have to reconsider yourself within that span."

Vacio can't help but laugh his heart out. "That's why I love visiting White Day High!" He burst out in laughter. "But let me remind you, Lucas, regarding what your views are, the final decision wouldn't be yours. Principals will decide what your faith will be."

In other words, it has already been decided. They were not here to ask for his approval. Those two Principals were just informing him that he will be transferred back to Aspho.

"Are you willing to be back at Aspho High?" Mister Vacio offered his right hand at Lucas. "With this, you won't be battling with your friends…"

What? Was it already decided? Why would he ask for his approval? He also knew his reason for doubting to join —his past friends. Why was that?

"Stop!" Lucas yanked Mister Vacio's hand away, though it was out of fear. "You know what? I have realized something." He stepped closer to Mister Vacio. "I'm not scared of losing friends anymore."

Doll and Moon were still watching. Witnessing it all, Aspho High's dark colors were revealed in front of Doll. Now, she knew where Lucas and Moon were coming from when they were scared at Aspho.

However, it was a different view from Moon. His sympathy over Lucas having trouble most of the time, he cannot help him with solving them. All he can give was his presence, and that he was there for him no matter what. He hoped that was enough for his cousin.

Principal Lyns heaved a loud sigh. This talk won't come to cease if Lucas constantly decline any of their offers. "Are you unwilling to be back at Aspho?" she asked in nonchalance.

He affirmed dejectedly.

"How determined are you?" she continued.

Lucas can't help but chuckle. What question was that? At first, he was amazed at how impeccable this Principal Lyns was, but now, what had happened?

"Even if I were to die, I would be the happiest than to be at Vacio's school once again." 

All of them fell silent. Lucas took a deep breath, as he stared at the railings on the floor.

"Am I that worthy… Principal Lyns?" Lucas lifted his head and met her gaze. He noticed that Principal Lyns was shocked by his question.

"What are you saying?" Lyns managed to ask. For her, it was too broad for a question. She just replied with, "Yes, you were."

Such disappointment. That wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. What happened to the authorized Lyns he knew at first? Why all the people were so scared of this Vacio in front of them?

"See?" Mister Vacio interrupted and can't help his laugh. "Your worth alone equaled our three uniquely powered Students," he added.

Also, this man… What had happened to them? Was being a Principal that hard that they seemed to lose their sanity in front of him? "For real?" Lucas expressionlessly said.

"Please agree while I'm patient, Lucas. As far as I know, you won't wish this talk to end up into Aspho Negotiations…"

Softer. This softer tone meant something. And Aspho Negotiations? Lucas knew he already heard that phrase. Lucas stepped ahead, towards Mister Vacio. His arms at his back were enveloped with the smallest fires.

Moon noticed it and tried to stop him, but he was late when Lucas already punched Mister Vacio with his burning hands on the face!


All of them were shocked.

Mister Vacio lost his balance after receiving the punch, and Lucas fell on his knees after quickly moving.

Lucas felt a little dizzy. His hands on the ground supported his body, but he can't help it. It was loud, too loud.

He heard so many noises but no one was understandable. It irritated him! He tried to massage his temples and closed his eyes, but it was futile. Seemed that the noises he was hearing were ringing inside his head.

Lucas opened his eyes and looked at the surroundings. It changed. The place he was in… had changed.

"Where am I?"

It was like at Aspho High's Office. No, it was White Day's! He wasn't even sure. After all, those two rooms looked pretty the same. Also, the lack of lighting inside this room affected his vision.

What happened in that tussle?


He heard an unclear shout. Lucas looked back to see someone. It was a girl. It was hard to recognize her since it was dark, or maybe his eyes were just blurry.

After some time, he learned that it was Doll that was entangled onto a wooden chair. Plenty of ropes enveloped her. He saw himself entangled on a chair, too.

What was happening? He has to break free.

"Lucas! Mister Vacio…"

It was Moon's voice.

After that, he recognized a blurry figure that suddenly went into their location and removed Doll's ties. He came from nowhere. "He manipulated the time! He was so powerful!"

Doll stood after she was freed. Moon wiped the sweats on his forehead and held Doll's shoulders with his arms, supporting her body.

Lucas gasped at what he had heard. At first, Mister Vacio managed to teleport… and now, he can manipulate time? What on Earth was he?

"Hurry, Lucas!" he heard Moon shouted.

Lucas burned the rope that tangled him to the chair. Slowly burning the outer layer of the rope, it gradually burnt out and Lucas was freed as well.

"Where's Principal Lyns?" He stood.

He was still dazed, his vision was so blurry. It was his luck that he managed to learn that those two were Moon and Doll.

"Don't ask anything weird." Doll shouted. Their breaths created mist in this dark area. "We also don't know where she was!" She shook her cloth's dirt off and tried to inspect the room.

The open windows gave them little to no lights to actually see the whole room. There were books on the ground, piled blank papers. Other school items were clattered on the floor. It was dusty and full of sand.

It smelled old, but Lucas can't explain it further to himself. It seemed that it was an artificial smell of an old room. The authenticity of the scent —Lucas didn't know what was off about it.

"As I remembered," Moon started narrating. "when you attack Mister Vacio, Principal Lyns had disappeared." he continued.

Yes, it seemed very likely. When he ducked down the floor, he didn't notice Principal Lyns after that. All he felt was his vision was spinning and lots of noises were heard.

"And when Mister Vacio fell on the floor, he disappeared with me and Doll. But I guess you two were teleported there." His eyes were puzzled.

What actually had happened? What did Vacio do?

"Blaze… Blaze Harper…"

That was a calm voice. It was calmly horrifying!

"Did you hear that?" Lucas asked and started guarding his ground. It was like a voice that was so deep that it started to hoarse. Not just that. It felt like it has a vocoder that added to its texture.

"Who spoke that name? That wasn't mine!"

"Blaze Harper… of White D—!"

"We can't hear anything, Lucas." Doll replied to him. She checked the surroundings, but it was likely that only the three of them were there.

Lucas was dazed. "That voice was similar to Vacio's! I hated it. It looked like he was messing with us!"

He started to become startled. What was his trick this time? Just where on Earth they were at? He shook his hair aggressively in anger.

"Ah! How? How on Earth can he manipulate time?" he desperately asked while shouting. He has to leave in here! He has to make Vacio pay for this! He ain't his plaything, and he would never be!

"Calm down!" Moon said with worry.

No matter where they stare, no doors were likely to be an exit.

"You felt dizzy, right?" Doll inquired Lucas.

No, it was an answer.

"I guess the time was warped there and managed to lull us back to slumber like what we felt at night." she continued. "It was hard to explain, but according to my hypothesis, we are still on the ground floor ourselves!" she ended, shocking Lucas and Moon.

The time was warped? Like it was manipulated to feel like nighttime so they were dizzy? How would that be possible?

Weren't that illusions, rather than time warping? But how could Mister Vacio do that? If he can, he was tremendously strong to presume.

"What do you mean by we're still on the ground floor? Wasn't it a different place?" Moon asked Doll in confusion.

"If that was so…" Lucas' eyes dilated, and the reflection of Mister Vacio appeared on his iris. "It was all an illusion!" he shouted, thus breaking the spell!

The room slowly faded and the walls started to fall apart. The clattered papers and those books began vaporizing. Lucas noticed himself ducked down again onto the floor's railings.

They have returned to the ground floor where they are currently standing! Lucas turned to gaze at everyone. Moon and Doll were back again at the sides they used to stand on earlier. Principal Lyns was on his back. They were quite fine.

Lucas stood. He looked back at Moon and Doll and they looked shocked. What happened earlier on? It looked like they weren't affected by the spell. No one's unaware or puzzled after he came back into this place.

Was he the only one affected by the illusion and Vacio just wanted him to break free? He can't understand the whole nature of that illusion! But luckily, he came out of it.

Atop all of it, Mister Vacio smirked at him as if pleased with the punch he gave him earlier. He tried walking towards him. He felt dizzy again, his back hurt.

"Aspho Negotiations." Mister Vacio lifted his shoulders and raised his arms into a shrug just like Lucas did at his Office.


Copying what he already did doesn't irritate Lucas anymore. What was he irritated about was that illusion earlier. How was that possible?

"Don't be doing anything disturbing, Blaze Harper…" Mister Vacio started walking away. He stopped and looked back at Lucas to say something further. "Remember your worth, you were equaled to our three uniquely powered mages."

Lucas remained silent.

Actually, he had thought of another idea, but he didn't know if it would be too shocking.

Lucas took a sigh. "Equal?" he asked insultingly. "That word sucks!" he walked towards Vacio and looked at him on the face. Lyns, Moon, and Doll were shocked, as well as Mister Vacio himself. "Poor Aspho, but I will prove you wrong!"

"What? What are you saying?" Mister Vacio was quite shocked. He even stepped back to distance this monster Lucas. What plan he has in mind?

"White Day was willing to send me away mainly because I don't bring enough value and I'm not worth the keep." Lucas deliberated out loud with a boastful smile. "What if I have greater power than them? A power that exceeds your three uniquely powered Mages combined?"

"Then, you're worth the keep." Lyns retorted abruptly, hands clasped.

"Wait for a second…" Vacio aggressively turned towards Lyns and stared at her, then looked back at Lucas. "Then you have to be—"

Lucas smiled, and with a proud tone and maniacal manner, he spoke, "I will prove to Aspho that I have the Godly Potential!"

All of them were shocked to hear Lucas' words. It was proud and boast. No one with low esteem will be saying those words. Maybe he has an ace on his sleeves.

"But," Mister Vacio managed to utter a statement. "…you made this claim. If you fail, the embarrassment is all yours. What would happen then?" he compensated and started to calm himself down.

"When I fail, I will be a very nice pet that will obey your orders!" Lucas proudly spoke. "That was the White Day Negotiations!"