Go Before I Drag You!

Chapter 22: Go Before I Drag You!

Lucas went out of the Null Room holding his almost crushed arm. He staggered towards the door and barely managed to stand after being hit by that metal rod earlier. He started to have trouble with his breathing and he smelled the strong scent of his own blood.

He tried to stand up again and suddenly felt his body falling. He decided to use his broken arm to support himself as he bumped the wall instead. The pain intensified as he laid his back on the wall with his weakened knees. His back had been hit many times.

It was a few meters before he reached the open door. He held the doorway and fell on his knees. His whole body later fell and lay on the floor as he closed his eyes. The pain was so severe that he felt he was about to die. Those guys have to pay for this!

He opened his eyes to witness that he was now outside the Null Room. He was facing the floor of the hallway. He tried to stand up again, and now that he was outside the room, it was less difficult for him that he managed to stand and did some steps further out.

Lucas shook his head in frustration. He can bear with it —he should. He should just go downstairs and treat himself to the training room Coach Clive had taught him. There was some treating facility that was good for fixing messes like this.

He was certain to himself that he can fix this thing. He was determined that he can handle this alone. He was staggering along the path so it was good that this place was usually unvisited. They can't see him like this.

He got out from the west chamber and shortly walked back to the hallway where he saw Nath earlier, then bumped into someone. He almost cursed loudly because of the pain from hitting his arm to that person's body.


He froze when he realized who it was. He smelled that perfume with some fragrances of a King that was intimidating. He lightly stepped back away from him and avoided his gaze. He knew who he was.

"Coach Clive."

He struggled to make his voice normal, even though his teeth have been grinding together relentlessly due to the pain he was feeling. He sighed as he felt he failed at faking he was normal.

Coach Clive frowned. He looked at the hallway where Lucas came from.

He just realized why Nath had that reaction when he said he was going to the Null Room earlier. The rooms in that hallway are hells on this place. He felt that radiating danger even from afar. Now, he was cautious about it.

"I have to go, Coach."

He tried his hardest to keep a straight face and walked as normally as possible while he was still watching him. The Coach's frown deepened when he looked down at his right arm. Lucas followed his gaze and saw that it was bleeding. Crap! It was obvious!


He froze at his tone. He knew that kind of sharp and insulting voice so well. It marked an impression on his mind. He never minced his words. If Principal Lyns was scared of him, was there a point for him to feel safe within this area?

"What happened to your arm?"

He was staring at Lucas without a single expression on his face. He had this feeling that he already knew the answer but still wanted to hear it from him. Too bad, because he will never tell him anything.

Come what may coerce him as the Coach's pleased —he won't care. He had experienced all the pain he can endure in this world. It was no big deal for him to feel scared. "It's nothing, Coach Clive."

He looked at the Coach straight in the eyes, and for a minute, they just stared at each other. The Coach who was waiting for him to say the truth, and Lucas who kept onto his lie.

No matter what happened, he won't tell anyone what happened. He can solve things by himself. Even if he loses consciousness right now, it would be best for him so that he won't have to deal with this Coach.

How he was scaring him made his current situation even harder. It already felt like his body was numbing with severe pain and he went cold. He needed to create some fires to raise his temperature but he can't use his magic power while wearing the school's uniform.

He was staring at Coach Clive's eyes. It hid some coldness and irritation while staring at him expressionlessly. He looked elegant with his flattering office outfit that added to his intimidating aura. His clean-cut maroon hair was combed well.

It looked like he had some errands to run but happened to stumble upon him. If it wasn't his business, he should be leaving already. Lucas can manage this alone; he didn't need his help.

The staring contest only came to a halt when Lucas heard noises from afar, going nearer to them. Footsteps from the hallway were coming from not so far from them. It was followed by some bursts of laughter and voices as if telling some stories. He tightened when he realized those familiar voices.

He almost cursed— What were those shameless people doing here? They have the guts to walk aimlessly in here, not knowing that he can go outside of the Null Room by himself.

It was when he glanced at Coach Clive. The look given by the Coach became rigid beside him. Lucas lowered his gaze and felt Coach Clive's anger. He didn't need to inspect him for long to realize his fury. He knew it then. The Coach in front of him already had a good grasp of what really happened.

"Clive," Lucas warned.

He didn't care if the formality in their conversation ceased. He knew what he was thinking and he can't let that happen. The noises came nearer and sounded like they were soon about to come in their direction. Their conversations gradually became clearer.

"He's daring as hell. If only this Maru didn't get scared, we could have crippled him."

"No wonder. He was just faking his anger towards Mister Vacio. He's not even strong to win that Godly Potential against us."

He grabbed the Coach's arm to prevent him from taking any actions. He winced painfully because of the sudden movement. It felt like he was about to fall again and collapse at any time.

Coach Clive looked scarier than before. Rather than to be affected, he was not afraid with him. What he was more afraid of was what will happen to him, or the people close to him, if he got into huge trouble again.

Moon wasn't talking to him until now, and he cannot afford to anger him again. If he could only exit that Null Room without anyone noticing him, things will turn out the way he planned it. But this Coach was hindering him and causing immense pain with him also.

"Clive, calm down."

Clive had paused and looked towards him. His eyes landed on his feet that were about to give way from supporting himself. He later glanced to his right arm that, after being injured from the Godly Potential, was now bloodied and it starting to spread. His condition was the worst he could ever imagine.

He felt the pity with the Coach's stares. Unfortunate to him, he didn't need any pity from anyone. Just like he had said to himself, he can manage his own life. He will be okay if Clive would just let him go— if he didn't hinder, it would be settled already.

"Go to the School's Infirmary," Clive commanded with his deep and enigmatic voice. It was frightening how he sounded that way. It was so tranquil and threatening at the same time. He started to walk away from him.

"Clive, what the actual crap are you doing?"

Lucas struggled to follow him, almost tripping on his way through. He hurriedly used himself as a barrier before him. Funny though, he has no strength to be such a barrier. Blood started to trickle down his arms to the tip of his fingers, but he ignored it. This time, it was a priority to stop this Coach from fighting over those noises.

After all, the noises have ceased. Maybe they have noticed that maybe he had exited the room and might saw them. Those men were such cowards from hiding. They should've shown their faces and crippled him personally. It must satisfy their ego to the fullest.

"You can't hurt them. I have too many problems already. If you do what you're thinking, the mess will just get bigger. Damn it, Clive. Don't be as dumb as they are!"

Clive narrowed his eyes at him. It felt like he had heard so much disrespect that his ears started to ache. Lucas can't help but be overwhelmed and intimidated by his stare. The feeling from the surroundings was heavy in here.

"I said go."

He tried to stand his ground firmly, but he almost fell back down. "No."

"Go before I drag you." Coach Clive ordered.

He raised his hands higher. "Sh*t! Just forget this, Clive."

He ran his fingers through his clean-cut hair in frustration. The cleanliness on his look had gotten messy after that. He was angry that he wanted to hurt Lucas, but given his condition, he can't.

"Why are you so stubborn? Can't you see yourself now? You can barely stand on your own feet. You think I can just let someone mess with my trainee and the participants, and get the hell out of it without a freaking scratch?"

"Then don't treat me as a selected participant!" He shouted. "I'm just a transferee, an outsider. I am an Aspho, ain't I? So just don't give them time. Stop it already!"

After what he had said, he witnessed that Coach Clive froze. He was looking at him as if he had said something he didn't like. A moment later, Lucas suddenly fell on the floor —he held to the nearest wall as a sudden searing pain shot through his whole body. He arduously closed his eyes due to the extreme pain.

Ugh! F*ck those people!

He heard Clive curse as well while quickly approaching him. He shoved his hands and forced himself to stand alone. He said already that he can manage it. Why people nowadays were so insistent?

"I'm fine."

"Suck that!"

He gasped when Coach started pulling him. He can feel his tight grip on his hands. It looked like he can't stand him anymore.

"Why are you always like this?" Clive asked in irritation as they started to walk. The Coach was almost dragging him. No, he literally was. He didn't know where they were going. The pain was flooding his senses and he couldn't even understand what was happening.

"Clive, let me go. Curse you!" Lucas ordered the Coach, but in his head, it was more of a beg: to let him go now. The way he was pulling him was really painful and he was also trying hard to keep up with his pace. This Coach had gotten so mad already, and it was no stopping.

"I already said go before I drag you," Clive replied seriously. "You made your choice. So eat your ego, you moron!"

He winced painfully while they were walking. From what he had heard, Coach Clive's patience was not one to be tested. Principal Lyns had proven that many times, and she was very vocal about it. Still, this was better; instead of the Coach's plan to retaliate against those who hurt him. That was insane!

He bit his lips and endured the pain in his whole body. He kept repeating to himself that this pain was nothing, it was temporary, it wasn't even real. This situation of him was just a small thing that can be controlled.

They were passing in the hallway where the conference hall and the hallway next to it were located when some students flooded out from their training exactly at that time. Their eyes widened when they saw Coach Clive and the Aspho Boy, that was him, but they still quickly stepped aside and let them pass. Many of them had expressions of being afraid when they saw Coach Clive's face, while others regarded Lucas instead with great surprise.

"Hmph, look! The peasant from Aspho!"

"Will he be punished by the Coach? Look, he has blood all over his body!"

"That was what happened to another Aspho that wanted to sabotage us while the Tournament was getting near."

"Sabotage? Do you mean the event years ago? I thought it stopped already?"

"It won't stop. Instead, it was just starting. Haven't you seen how Lucas was selected? There was Shad and Mister Vacio that acted angry about him but they just gave him passing grades so that he will be selected!"


There were so many of them that were talking, but Lucas can no longer hear them as they pass before them. They were far away from his hearing already.

But this was what he freaking hated; for them to see him in this state, this weak. If he hadn't met Coach Clive along the way, the case wouldn't be like this. This Coach was insane! It wasn't necessary!

Suddenly, Clive had stopped in the middle of the hallway. Lucas almost crashed to his back. He heard another voice in front of them as if the Coach was talking with someone. Then, he saw a familiar face peeked over with bewilderment plastered on his face.

The caring and the worried cousin of him: Moon Martin.

"Hey, Coach Clive. What are you doing—" he halted when he noticed his cousin's condition. "What happened, Lucas? Crap!"

"Bring him to the School's Infirmary," Coach Clive ordered Moon.

Moon frowned but immediately followed. He approached his cousin, held his uninjured left arm to his shoulder, and encircled his arm around Lucas' waist. With his condition, Moon had a hard time helping him up, as he repetitively winced in pain.

"What really happened?" Moon asked again with concern. He can feel that Moon's heartbeat had fastened up, given his position on his cousin's body.

Coach Clive didn't answer but started walking away from them. He combed his hair using his hands and later put them inside his trousers.

"Where are you going?" Lucas almost shrieked. After what happened, he will leave that way? He must've left already when he wanted him to leave. Such dumbness!

Clive slightly turned to him and looked straight into his eyes. "What do you think? Moron!"

"Don't," he said in a weak voice. He didn't need to complete his sentence for the Coach to know what he meant there.

Coach Clive heaved a sigh. "I'm going to find our healer Ghaile. She was being lectured by Principal Lyns."


How come he didn't realize that? He fell for an obvious trap and he didn't realize! Lyns had given them free time so that she can teach Ghaile some healing aids, yet he believed that the freshman from before that told him Principal Lyns needed to talk to him at the Null Room! Such ignorance he has.

He witnessed Coach Clive approach him and Moon, as he leaned slightly before him as if he wanted to whisper something. But then, he just patted his forehead down to his pink hair. What was the meaning of that?

"I will let you win this time, Lucas, the moron. Now shut the hell up and stop worrying. I was irritated with your weak face. Get up and be strong already."

Clive squatted and stared at him, trying to irritate him with his cold stare. He let a cold laugh out of his mouth as if mocking his condition.

"As per who did this to you…" the Coach stopped and stood from his location. "We will settle this at Blue High's Embassy!"

After that, Coach Clive turned once more and walked away; leaving him with Moon in the middle of the hallway. He stared at the Coach's back for a while and even with his injured condition, he heard him curse under his breath before rounding the corner.

Moon started to lift him and slowly walked the hallway through the Infirmary Room. Lucas felt the pain in between his cousin's steps, but he just neglected it. He has something in his mind.

Blue High's Embassy?

Hmph. It was laughable, but the Coach himself was paradoxical. He had gotten mad at him but later became less hard. He had gotten protective, huh? He better cut that off because it didn't suit him. Strange, but he wanted that insulting and haughty Coach Clive back.