Just a Mere Disturbance

Chapter 30: Just a Mere Disturbance

The renovated canteen remained the same as the previous one, still the same structure and design. The only difference was that the securities became tighter, and the people who can enter it had lessened. It looked like the school didn't want to have a crowded canteen and a stampede again in case of emergencies like before.

The tables that were lined up into rows previously became circular that was surrounded by chairs. At a table, Lucas sat there, facing the Headmaster Nova. He didn't know what was his plans, but right now, their aims started to unite into a single goal: to save Doll.

At his side was Moon that was not in a mood to listen to the plans they were talking to; with Ghaile and Winter accompanying them with their plan-making since they were worried about Doll; the Headmaster wanted to have Winter with them since he trusted her.

Their search party was completed; the four of them will find Doll and hopefully return her back to the Headmaster as soon as possible. Her abduction has to remain private, or else, it would create another trouble for the selected participants. Headmaster Nova didn't want her daughter, or even his name, to be included with ruckuses and hearsays within all of White Day High.

"We ain't got a clue about her whereabouts, and I ain't sure if somebody within us knew where those ArmorBoy and BladeGirl were residing." the Headmaster started, as he kept his chin supported by his fist, and faced Lucas.

There were obvious cuts and wounds still marked on the boy's face; his arms were bandaged, with some little paint of blood still etched on it. The bruises they have didn't receive any medical treatment, and they have to endure them until they recovered. The medicines that Ghaile can give them were for severe injuries like broken bones and the likes only.

"I'm sure there was at least one person who knew those kidnappers since they went here. What I'm intrigued about was: why would the guards let them in if they were intruders?" Lucas added to what the Headmaster had said.

As he stared at Moon, he saw visible wounds still on his cousin's body and those weren't healed already. Unlike him, Moon fought with more time since he tried to save him from that ArmorBoy's grip. Also, with Doll hasn't still received any medical treatment until now, her wounds that were severe already will be more severe than ever. They have to save her already.

But this Moon with him seemed to lose his fighting spirit, and he wasn't aware of what really drove Moon to be this gloom. All that he knew was the Headmaster called him for a small talk earlier in the morning before they went here and plan things out. If that was the case, what did the Headmaster say to Moon that made him this gloomy?

"When we cornered them, one of us will sneak, as the rest will battle the kidnappers." Lucas continued, as he started to write some lines on the paper that he held that was on the table. "With that, it'll be easy for us to barge in."

Winter ordered for Lucas to pass her the paper he was holding, which he did, and stared at Winter that examined it. "We still have no clue where to barge in, Lucas. Planning too ahead like this will lead to nothing. We have to plan everything." she said as she drew a line that intersected the line that he had previously drawn.

"We have to know where Miss Doll was brought," Ghaile added, as she glanced at the paper that Winter was holding. "I'm so worried when I heard from Principal Lyns that she was kidnapped. This news shouldn't reach the other schools or else—"

"The school ain't got anything left to its pride, and the staffs that worked there along with me will be tarnished." the Headmaster interrupted Ghaile, which caused some panic with her. "This mission was very crucial, and we ain't have jokes in here. Also, it was problematic. We signed the speeding of the Overall Skill Selection, so we have to find Doll to make her compete."

"Excuse me, Sir." Lucas abruptly tried to enter the conversation. He stared at the Headmaster and he looked back on him when he heard he was called. "Doll should rest after we return her to you. How fast was the selection coming? If Doll won't fully heal, she has no other choice but to let herself lose."

He saw the sudden change in the facial expressions of the Headmaster. He started to become serious. "Given that, I ain't got a choice but to let her compete, and believe that she can make it."

"Sir…" he mumbled.

Lucas said many things after that but Moon wasn't even listening anymore. He was glued with his thoughts. He was worried that if they fail this mission… He heaved a sigh. That thought alone made him worried so much for Doll. But one sentence kept looping in his mind.

"If you ain't fulfill this duty of saving Doll from her abductors, I ain't letting you lay a hand on her ever again; anymore. Understood?"

It was Headmaster Nova who spoke that to Moon. He went and talked to him when he entered the school early in the morning. He has to save Doll. It was his only hope left to keep pushing. He had promised to the Headmaster that he will save his daughter, and as a reward, he will let them. It was still clear on his mind what they talked about.

He was standing before the wall that time, as he stared at the Headmaster. He was shaking when he said, "I will you promise to save Doll, Headmaster."

The Headmaster blinked his eyes at what Moon had said. He looked at him in the eyes as if he couldn't believe what he said. And the funny thing was, his expression did not change. Intimidating, and overpowering still.

"I don't care about the rewards you'll give me, but I promise that I'll save her. You can give me whatever you want, but that won't affect my will to save her."

The Headmaster tried to remain calm before he respond to what Moon was saying. He might not be able to stop it if he did not. "Moon," he started now. "Ain't you considering me as a threat?"

There, his overpowering aura gradually intensified.

"Listen to me," the Headmaster continued. "I ain't giving a crap about the state of your relationship with Doll. I ain't saying that she is yours because she ain't a thing to be given away. She's my daughter."

Moon was taken aback. He leaned at the wall as the Headmaster kept walking towards him as if cornering him.

"Am I being too intense? Just what I want to say is, instead of making me out of the picture because you want her for yourself, make a way for her to get closer to you. I ain't letting you blame me for what you are lacking. Do something. You ain't making people do things in your favor. You ain't that important, remember that."

The Headmaster took the last step forward when he was already cornering Moon at the wall of the conference room.

"And also, you ain't telling me to stay in favor with you because you ain't have the right to at least a little. I am your Headmaster, but I ain't here for your wants. If you ain't fulfill this duty of saving Doll from her abductors, I ain't letting you lay a hand on her ever again; anymore. Understood?"

Moon stared at him as if he said something offensive —as if he was harassing him or what. A hint of worry almost crossed his face but he tried not to let it show. Will this affect his relationship with Doll?

"Noted." He said.

The Headmaster was surprised. He noticed his calmness as if he was as sincere as he said.

"Okay, then." the Headmaster answered. He was about to turn back when he paused because of what Moon added.

"Please do trust me, Sir."

The Headmaster faced him again. "Don't consider me as a threat, Moon. You ain't something, but just a mere disturbance for her. Don't dream of having her as yours." he said and then left him.

He was standing alone in the conference room. His eyes were still dilated. He was just a mere disturbance? How bad that phrase was…

He later realized that the plans his team was making have been finished, and they were already leaving. Winter stood from her seat. "Let's get going!" she ordered her teammates to scatter. "To the Southern Woods."

Everyone stood from the chairs and ran off to exit the canteen, except Headmaster Nova, dedicated to bringing his daughter back to him, and Moon who was slowly adjusting to what he had heard. He has to leave as well. He stood, but stopped by the Headmaster.

"Ain't you gonna search for her?" the Headmaster glanced at Moon, still sitting on his chair. His chin was supported by his fist. "Loser!"

Moon started to walk away without even replying to the Headmaster. The man that was left just heaved a sigh. If they can't save Doll, this situation of Moon will not turn in good with him anymore.

Doll… She has to be saved.

It was a wooden room. Almost the grains of the walls were fading, and the oldness of the room was obvious.

Doll awakened and found herself inside this wooden room. The room was narrow. She gazed at the surroundings. She was sitting, and she can feel that her hands were tied up at her back. She moved her hands, and by sensing the sounds those ties created, she quickly realized that she has been bound with Magic Sealing Knuckles.

Those knuckles will void her magic, and she can't use her mana to escape. Where was she? What's this room like? Where was Lucas? Was Moon also here?

She felt the humidity of the room, as the wind blew her hair. She glanced at her sides and noticed that there was an opening. But she can't move. It looked like her chair was intacted onto the floor. This was problematic!

"Scrape were now conscious?"

What was that? Doll started to inspect the whole room. At the other side parallel to the opening earlier, she saw a door. "Who are you? Show yourself!"

The sound of rusty steel resonated as the person behind the door tried to open it with difficulty. After it was opened, a woman with slightly wavy greenish hair —that was styled to cover the left side of her face while the rest falls down her back— entered. She walked towards Doll.

She was one of her abductors! She can remember her traits. Her light eyes that were accented by similar colored long eyelashes, and her bluish pupils were slitted. She has the same slender, curvaceous figure that was shown off by her revealing outfit just like before. She wore an armor bikini top this time that has two chains as straps and a smaller chain in the front.

"The sound of the scrape against your skin… it sent shivers down my spine!" the intruder said maniacally, protruding her tongue out to the side of her mouth. She used the white cloth tied around her hips as a cleaning cloth as she wiped her hands on it. "Scrape was indeed useful… Just look how helpless you are."

Her presence was irritating. The way she stuck her tongue out of her mouth was gross.

She has to be freed as soon as possible. This girl was dangerous. By remembering their fight, she can recall that her speed can cut through her prey's skin. Her power was into cutting.

"Why am I here?" Doll demanded an answer, trying to free herself out of the knuckles. "Were Lucas and Moon here, too?"

The woman just laughed and walked towards her left side. Doll watched her as she caress her shoulder, to her chin, and finally squeezed her cheeks with grit. Then, she'd slapped her!

Doll was shocked, as she couldn't react to what the girl did to her. She later watched the girl step up on the platform of the chair where she sat, and squatted directly over the top of her. What was she doing?

"The size and quality of your eyes…" the girl intentionally wondered, staring at Doll's eyes, while still squeezing her face. She felt her cheeks hurt with her squeezing. "How I wish to scrape them, too… Or maybe I should scrape them out, ain't that fun?" she laughed as she stuck her tongue out again.

She felt that the girl's saliva was dropping off from her tongue. The girl expressed her desire for Doll to scream, but she refused to adhere to her whims, staring directly still.

She showed no fear, as she sat with composition. "Go ahead! Even if I become blind, I will remember everyone and everything that I love clearly," she spoke in a loud voice. "I am not even scared. Who are you for me to be scared at?"

The girl's maniacal face gradually turned angry with Doll's stalwart attitude. "I'm BladeGirl, you scrape!" She removed her hand that was squeezing Doll's face and picked something out from her back. Showing it, she swung a long blade out, and quickly slashes it down to her!

She couldn't react that time, and she was aware that was doomed already. She screamed in despair but passed out in a quick tussle. When she awaked, she realized that the whole room was almost destroyed; she found ashes scattered on her face and wondered where that BladeGirl went?

What happened? She can still see the room. She wasn't blind? She inspected the place while laying down on the floor full of ashes. It was the same ashes that devoured her. Was it the other man's doing?

She tried to break free. Crap! She was still tied up on the chair. What will she do? Also, what happened with that quick tussle? BladeGirl should've blinded her already.


Doll heard a whining of pain nearby. She looked over and surprisingly found BladeGirl now heavily brutalized, sitting in a boulder on the wooden walls. Her skin was burnt, and her costume had already worn off of her body. What happened to her?

"You weren't Ghaile Deus!"

She heard a familiar voice from her back. She didn't have to turn to realize that it was Mister Vacio's voice. But why? Why was he here? Was it his plan all along?

"What do they mean when they heard a girl from the sickbay?" he continued as if irritated.

It felt like he was talking into a device, but she can't see him. She can only hear his steps that were sounding as if going towards her.

And Ghaile Deus? The school's healer? So that small girl was supposedly their real target and not her? What did this Vacio need with Ghaile? She went shouting to ask, "Then why did you kidnap me? Ghaile has nothing to do with you and Lucas' rift!"

"You were unaware so don't shout as if you know at least something," Vacio replied to her. Now, he went on her front and kneeled to take a look at her face. "I needed her and her powers, to execute the plans that needed to be done already."

What was special with Ghaile's power that made him need her? What plans they were trying to execute? "You won't get Ghaile! I said already, she has nothing to do with this! What were those plans and why was she needed?"

Mister Vacio stood and stared at her. "You cannot comprehend, Fritz Steve. If you only lived 700 years ago, then you would know," he replied in nonchalance.

What? Fritz Steve? Who was that? She couldn't understand what he was saying. How can she live from 700 years ago? This dumb man; did he live from that timeline as well? It was very unlikely!

"What are you saying? Don't confuse me; go straight to your point!" she exclaimed.

"Whatever," Mister Vacio replied, "It's just a passing effect… and we can gather Lucas and Moon here even sooner," he added. "It was also a nice mistake because the end of Martin cousins will come much sooner than I anticipated! How lucky I am."

Mister Vacio kicked the ashes off the floor as he went to the door and touched it. He stopped and stared at the brutalized BladeGirl, and snapped, making her disappear into thin air. After that, he prepared to leave the room as if Doll wasn't there.

"I will let CorpseBoy finish that irritating Lucas and his cousin." Vacio laughed evilly at the other room, as he stood there with the door opened.

What was he saying? What the actual crap was happening?