Mysterious Fifth Gen

Chapter 34: Mysterious Fifth Gen

Lucas just kept his gaze at the Principal, the Headmaster, and Doll as they kept the same way to him, too. A moment of silence covered the whole room.

This room did not change at all. It was the same leather sofa that he had seen before, looking like the same as the Aspho's office.

He cleared his throat before composing himself. "Miss Lyns, Headmaster Nova… the people who attacked Doll were people from Aspho," he mentioned. "namely CorpseBoy, ArmorBoy, and BladeGirl. I thought that my favor to you is to ban those craps at White Day High."

Now, he had compelled himself to ask for this. If any favor would work, then it was his right time to plead with things like this. He stared at the Headmaster. His face wasn't changing at least a little. If he has the generosity to ask what he wanted, then maybe he has the power to fulfill it.

He stared at Doll. No, shouldn't. He just shifted his gaze at the Principal. Her face seemed to be slightly shocked. No, it felt like pity —for him? Why?

"Uhm, Lucas. They were studying here," she revealed. "They were handpicked for the selection as well."

He instantly froze after hearing her words. No way! They were selected? How?

He saw Doll gasping as well, staring at Principal Lyns. However, the Headmaster's face gradually became more furious and cold.

"If that's the matter, then, ain't we gonna expel them from White Day High, Miss Lyns?" Headmaster Nova told with an intimidating and cold voice. To think about it, those people hurt his daughter, and given his power, he should punish them at will.

But one question popped out in his mind. Why was the Headmaster unaware that those three studied here? Given his position, he should be the first to know who studied inside this school. They had talked about them and planned things out, yet he never found out that they were White Day students all along?


Principal Lyns bowed her head. "It was a long procedure, Headmaster," she whispered. "The things we need were pictures or videos that can clearly state that they were guilty. For the case of expelling a student, doing that without concrete pieces of evidence was a punishable crime."

Lucas just bowed his head, too. Punishable, huh? He recalled the same words from Principal Lyns again. Such nostalgia. The only difference was the timeline, but it was the same as before.

"What they did to you was highly punishable!"

Was it a month already when he first heard that? Time fled too fast since he transferred here. Before going into this school, he had no interest in joining any game or tournament whatsoever since he had been keeping a detached attitude towards everyone. But right now, he was inches away from being selected.

Funny though, why would they need videos or pictures for them to be expelled? They had kidnapped Doll, the Headmaster's daughter, yet they can be pardoned because there were no shreds of evidence. Maybe that's why the Two Bastions remained studying here for quite some time.

"It can last for weeks or a month, but I have already signed the papers that confirmed the Overall Skill Selection. It will be held this Friday." she ended.

What? This Friday?

He saw Doll's eyes dilated as well with that news. If the Overall Skill Selection will be held on this week's Friday, then, there will be only a span of three days waiting for them to train themselves. They have been given a week or two to train their abilities, but it was nothing but despair for Lucas. Things had gotten messier than what it was from the start.

Starting with the incident that made him crippled for a day: the Null Room Incident. That was such a pain that he has to endure. After that was the handpicking that made all the people, especially the parents mock him in front of all the Whites. Then, this abduction of Doll that made him battle Vacio. He has no spare time to train his skills, and Doll had just recovered this time. It was fast.

"Miss Lyns…" Lucas vocalized. "If those three kidnappers were studying here, then why did they accompany Mister Vacio with the abduction of Doll?"

He saw those faces within his Aspho years, especially that ArmorBoy so it was surprising that they were Whites all along. What year did they transfer here?

He heard that Principal Lyns gasped after hearing his thoughts. "Vacio?" She stood from her seat and prepared to leave—

"Where are you going?" the Headmaster interrupted. Even Principal Lyns was shaken with his tone of voice.

She looked back as she replied, "I'm hesitant to ask for his help, but right now, I needed Coach Clive."

She hurried and opened the room's door.

She was hesitant into asking Coach Clive…? It must be because of that incident during the tenth year of the tournament. She was still guilty of what happened. It was sure hard for her, huh? Being the Principal but was scared of a coach and being hated by him.

That man must be really hard to please, for sure. His haughty aura was impeccable. He can remember it clearly as it happened only yesterday. His demanding and intimidating presence…

Coach Clive. What was so special about him that intrigued Lucas this intense?


"What's your business?" Coach Clive commanded the group to answer.

Right now, they were at the canteen to ask for Coach Clive's views. They were circling the rounded table as they faced each other. Lucas had seen that the Headmaster didn't have any expressions on his face.

On his right side was Principal Lyns. She was keeping herself a distance from Coach Clive that was in front of her. She cannot keep a straight face since they went here and asked for his views.

"Coach," Principal Lyns sat on one of the chairs. She held a cup of water. "CorpseBoy, ArmorBoy, and BladeGirl allegedly having connections with Vacio, ultimately accompanying him for abducting Doll."

Lucas stared at Coach Clive this time, waiting for him to answer her question. But as he expected, it took him long before responding a gesture. He was not looking onto the Principal as well, rather, he was looking at his hands, playing with them.

"That's a serious matter, Lyns." Coach Clive replied dejectedly. "As suspicious as it is, this case may be a sabotage one more time."

His voice had gotten serious. What was Aspho High planning this time? That question repeatedly reminded Lucas' mind. If they planned to sabotage White Day, what was the connection of saying stuff connected to the past? It was part of Vacio's plans, wasn't it?

"As per the expellees, it will take a very long process, as Lyns had told you." Coach Clive continued, now staring at him. "What we can do now… is to defeat them at the Overall Skill Selection!"

What? Was this Coach out of his mind? It was out of his business! If it wasn't for the school that will do the move, he won't do a move as well. Why wouldn't the Headmaster use his power?

Lucas gasped in outrage and stood from his chair, hardly slapping the table. "Clive, fix your mind! You don't know how strong they are! As if we can defeat them!" he shouted, causing tension within the canteen.

"Lucas," Doll warned as she held her wrist, ordering him to sit back. "Drop your ego!"

Principal Lyns and Coach Clive gave their sharp glances at Lucas. He has no choice but to sit. He heaved a sigh before fixing his posture.

"They are not weaklings. They possess tremendous power!" he had said, with formality and respect that he lacked from his first outrage. He peeked at Principal Lyns, and she wasn't pleased with what he did. Coach Clive has a lukewarm reaction as well.

"Lucas," Coach Clive whispered, staring directly at his eyes. "Little did you know, the expellees have their group: the 5ᵗʰ Gen! A group of Five Supremes!"

He heard an emphasis when he said supremes. It felt familiar. Was it something that he heard from before?

And what did he say? Five Supremes? So they weren't only three? If those three possessed a vast amount of powers already, how can they defeat the other two that they haven't seen already?

"They're five?" Lucas asked in doubt; his eyes dilated. He cannot keep a proper sit after hearing it. It felt like his heart was about to explode with overflowing thoughts and feelings. He has to say something to release this feeling, but he can't.

No way! He stared at his feet which were shaking relentlessly. Clive! Lyns! Doll! Say something so that he can focus on other stuff! Anyone!

"I was keeping an eye on those Five. They transferred here last year, a nice way of hiding this upcoming sabotage." Coach Clive started saying something, or maybe he was narrating a past event.

That response made Lucas comfortable. No, he wasn't really, but at least it made him better. He looked over at Coach Clive to wait for his narration.

"They were really strong, but did not participate in the last year's selection." the coach continued his story. "They may be planning to commence as per Vacio's order; a right time for the sabotage to take place."

Was it… the right time to commence? Was it planned by Vacio to look like the way things currently were? Why did it look coincidental only? It unfolded naturally.

"With Lucas now transferred, the attention of the crowd will instantly be turned to him. That group misunderstood the situation and thought their background will become a secret forever, but they were wrong!"

Crap! He was involved with this plan? So Principal Lyns was right when she said that Vacio only planned to expel him with the thing he didn't commit. Curse that, Vacio! He has to pay for this.

"But we have no choice since the Overall Skill Selection is nearly coming." Coach Clive stood and walked through Lucas' back.

What was he doing? He eyed Clive as he walked from his front until he completely disappeared from his eyes. He felt his hands tapping on his right shoulder from behind.

"I have faith in you, Lucas. There was someone in that group that needed a high comprehension to defeat. I know you can. Don't make me disappointed."

Coach Clive stopped and lifted his hands from his shoulder. He walked back to his seat and sat on his chair properly. Once seated, he rested his arms on the table and placed his suitcase there.

"And we have to put other things first, like the Two Bastions…"

Lucas gasped in surprise. So he knew now? Or maybe he knew it from the start but did not speak to anyone about this? He stared at Doll. He knew her expressions very well. She already knew what happened, as he had told her. She was aware of what the Two Bastions did.

"What's with the Two Bastions, Mister Clive?" Principal Lyns asked in confusion. Her eyes were dilated as he faced Coach Clive for the first time this day. After a second, she shifted her gaze back to her cup of water.

"Remember the Null Room incident?" Coach Clive started opening the locks of his suitcase. What was inside that? "They were the suspects of that crime. No, the real culprits." Coach Clive revealed.

But for Lucas, that case wasn't a matter anymore. It felt like he had buried that case in the past; a forgotten history if ever. Right now, Vacio was the real problem. What made Coach Clive this determined that the Two Bastions did something like that? Maybe he has something that made him certain.

That should be the content of that suitcase. It was intriguing him. He stared at Coach Clive as he started to open the suitcase. It has papers that were piled up inside. He couldn't read what was written on those papers, but he was sure those files were important.

"I already have this paperwork done, Lyns." Coach Clive started picking some papers from that suitcase and fixed them before placing them nicely on the table.

Expeller Form. That was the biggest word he can read from that paper. The rest of the words were too little from his place.

Now staring at the papers, Coach Clive handed it to Principal Lyns, which she received by both hands. "Your signature was the last thing needed here." He handed Principal Lyns a G-Pen.

Despite Principal Lyns already having a pen with herself, she accepted Coach Clive's pen, and signed the Form he gave her, then gave it back to Coach Clive once finished.

What was that? They said that they cannot expel those Fifth Gen since they lacked evidence, so what was it now?

"It's final! Two Bastions will be informed by this form this afternoon." Coach Clive fixed his papers and put them back into the suitcase. He locked it and prepared to leave the canteen. Before exiting the table they were circling, he said, "They will leave the school tomorrow. Thanks to Light since he gave me the videos."

So it was the Two Bastions that he will expel. And Light? Who was that? Was he the one he spotted at the Infirmary Room after Doll was abducted? So he knew something? More intriguing, he has some videos that acted as evidence. How?

He didn't notice that Coach Clive and the Headmaster have left already, leaving Lucas with Doll and Principal Lyns as they sat on the chairs of the canteen.

As he put his eyes on these two women in front of him, he saw Principal Lyns looking gloomy. Was she sad that the Two Bastions will leave the school tomorrow or does she has some reasons to feel gloom?

She held her cup tighter. "The Two Bastions once became the trademark of this school…" she stated with sudden hoarseness that she didn't intend to have. "I can't believe that they did such a hideous act…"

Doll stood and went through Principal Lyns, patting her back as she faced her cup. "That's okay, Principal Lyns. Things like this were indeed inescapable…" Doll comforted her. "Some people we knew weren't the people they really are."

That was a harsh statement, Doll.

Lucas stared at her as she continued patting the Principal's back. He knew that he has to neglect the feeling he has for this girl, but the longer he stayed here, it grow stronger and stronger like his power that grew by the second. It has no stopping.

In the midst of it all, he was still in his seat, thinking about something that he cannot neglect. He was bowing his head as if thinking.

5ᵗʰ Gen? Such mystery they posed. A high comprehension was needed to defeat someone? Lucas has a lot to overthink with himself. Those kidnappers should really be defeated as soon as possible. Not because they posed a threat, but they were part of Vacio's plan to annihilate White Day.

But how? That ArmorBoy has a unique set of eyebrows, long earlobes, and cornrows-styled hair that was tied back into a ponytail by a clasp was tough. He donned armor for his attire that was indestructible. He only broke through his armor when he used his remnant magic, but he was sure he can wear another set of armors in replacement.

Also, that girl with light eyes accented by teal eyelashes, and bluish pupils was fast. She has a slender, curvaceous figure that was shown off by her revealing outfit just like before. She wore an armor bikini top that has two chains as straps and a smaller chain in the front. She can cut through Doll in an instant. How did she do that? What was her power?

Saving the best threat for the last, that ash guy who was dressed in form-fitting robes with a high collar. The robe he wore had a checkered pattern, that covered a collared shirt and ties that he wore beneath. He has no skin nor face, and his body was just a skeleton. Physical attacks and magics never worked with him like he was immune to any attacks. How can someone like him be defeated?

How can he defeat all of them, plus the other two that he didn't know? For sure they were more dangerous than those three he already knew. But that left Lucas into another question.

Who was that man Coach Clive thought he can defeat?