The Name He Was Called

Chapter 39: The Name He Was Called

Lucas stood before a coffee shop that was located near the city center of White Day. Before he even got there, he realized that Mister Vacio had already arrived. He was so punctual and having some kind of stuff late wasn't his thing.

One look was enough for him to recognize Vacio. In the dim light, he was sitting quietly beside a scenery window with a pot of untouched mint tea near his hand. He slightly tilted his face towards the window and looked like he was irritated.

His tuxedo was buffed and it looked like his right hand was cast. Lucas didn't know what caused his hand to be like that, but he must bet it was for the public sympathy. Since all the people believed that he was the one who caused damages to Vacio, it was easy for him to rev things up by disguising himself as the injured one.

Outside the window, there were lush broad-leaved trees that caused him to seem warmer and petty than usual. However, Lucas knew that it was just the illusion of a resting demon.

This was risky, as he thought. He secretly took a deep breath and walked over.

"Mister Lucas Martin," Vacio looked at him and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile that was completely different from the mad expression he had the last time they had a brawl. "I'm glad you're willing for a talk."

However, Lucas was not very happy. As he sat down on the seat opposite him, he noticed Vacio fixated his gaze on him eerily, making him feel irritated down back. He also felt his heart become heavy all of the sudden. Despite feeling the risk, he made up his mind and wanted to settle the situation quickly.

It was take it or lose it.

If he really wanted to know what was the story behind the name he was called, Blaze Harper, Vacio was the only one that can give him the right answer. Because who else other than the one who called him that name first can know any better?

Lucas eyed Vacio as the Principal called for the waiter and asked him, "Do you want to drink anything?"

Not in a good mood, he glanced at the menu the waiter handed him absent-mindedly. As such, he casually said, "Any kind of white wine, thank you."

The waiter acknowledged his order and, as they both glanced at each other for a while as they wait, it was soon brought over to them. His feeling towards Vacio didn't change. But right now, his breathing started to narrow. His chest was so heavy this time.

Vacio continued to look at him and said, "You're one of the selected participants. You have to take care of yourself. It is better if you drink less wine since tomorrow was the selection for your new school." He spoke calmly like he was having a casual conversation with a normal friend.

Well, he didn't talk that way privately. It felt like he has changed into a different person and became so nice since there were some people around the coffee shop. But no, that's not it at all. He knew him very well.

Yet, usually, Lucas should not be drinking wine because of this very reason. He lowered his head and took a sip of the wine. A citrus taste filled his mouth instantly, and he lowered his cup in reflexive response. He took a breath and his entire face frowned.

"Are you sure you are used to the taste of it?" He inquired him, as he scanned his face.

He suddenly felt his chest pounce aggressively.

Then, what now? Since when did he have the care to ask him if he was used or not used to something?

But he quickly dealt with Vacio's question. "I'm used to the taste. I just forgot to think that it was a coffee shop. My bad for not ordering some coffee."

Vacio smiled.

Or should he say smirked?

Lucas did not dare to make an eye contact with him and lowered his head. He picked up the cup for the second time and carefully took another sip. There was a very strong sensational taste of the wine he tasted, just the way he liked. He put the cup down and he noticed from the glass table that Vacio's reflection was looking at him again.

What was that? The ambiance felt heavy.

His glance was irritating, added with his slight chuckle. "The wine was so intoxicating, I really don't know how you can both drink it."


Lucas was startled for a while. Suddenly, he realized who he was talking about. The name he was called: Blaze Harper. He was referring to him in this life and him in his past life. What was this supposed to mean, then? Was it that in his past life, he used to like drinking white wine as well?

Now, they were sitting together, but to him, Vacio was like a complete stranger. He was the only one who knew who he was before and who he was now. What did he say when they were fighting? It was loads of things that he cannot recall already. Was it that Blaze Harper was something important to him in his past life that he was treating him this way now?

Lucas' heart was very sorrowful and upset. Overall, he felt irritated with this setup. Still, it was heavy.

He asked the waiter for another glass of white wine, raise his cup, and drank it mouthful by mouthful. The hot sensation rose, and Vacio's eyes were hidden in the midst of his burning chest. There was a deep silence, and he could not clearly see him. He probably drank too much wine this day. This was problematic.

Was it planned? Did he brainwash him to order white wine and be intoxicated? Will he kidnap him and punish him for what he did?

Did he possess some ability to control people's minds?

"Lucas Martin," Vacio called. "How about you rethink your decision? How about you join Aspho High again?"

He was jerked back to reality. His heart was stabbed by a heavy burden. Be back?

How can he be so demanding of a person?

Yes, Vacio was still the Principal of Aspho High who had his head high up in the air and had many intentions, while he was just a small student who was trivial and had no backing. All he has was… nothing at all.

He previously had.

He lost his backing. The Coach's backing… After what he did, Coach Clive sure won't tolerate him anymore. He has to become alert.

He fixed himself and doted on Vacio as he said, "I'm now a part of White Day High, Vacio. Now, feel sorry for yourself."

Vacio bowed as he hid his laugh.

"I like it more when you called me MISTER Vacio. It has some punch in it and I can feel your madness with what you had called me now. I don't like it; do you?" He looked at him and tightened his gaze.

The heavy feeling inside him intensified.

"I don't think it mattered anymore, Vacio." Lucas gently pushed the glass of wine away and leaned back. He tried to be relaxed as possible. His heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Do you know how many people were damaged when they think they had the privilege to call me by my name alone?" Vacio was resentful yet increasingly angry.

His words were sharp. His gaze was now intimidating.

'Was I scared now?' Lucas asked in his mind. What was happening? Did Vacio use some of his magic to make it like he was almost about to panic? He tried to compose himself and stared at him.

"Well, that would not include me." His tone became colder. The person he was today, Lucas Martin, really wanted to keep the furthest distance he could away from him at the moment. Calling him by his name was like getting payback for him calling him Blaze Harper for everything.

Wait! Didn't he also not call him "Blaze Harper" anymore? Did he? Did he call him Lucas Martin this whole time?

However, he and Blaze Harper were literally the same people if it was true.

"Lucas Martin," Vacio addressed him with the same distant tone again. "as long as you're willing to join Aspho High again, White Day High is not and will not be a problem. I will handle all the penalties regarding the breach of your transfer. All you need to do is agree."

He looked at him and asked, "Why?"

He replied, "Why not?"

Lucas softly sneered. Crap! Why did he fall for this? He shouldn't ask to meet up with him in the first place. Now, he has to suck all of this irritation now. If Vacio wanted him back at Aspho, why would he hire people to act like him and heartlessly expel him out of Aspho High in humiliation? He has so much humiliation at White Day High. He can't afford another one at Aspho where he was raised and had the most time.

"Now. Mister Vacio," He started to get angry again. "you do not want me back. The only thing you admire is the illusion in you. The illusion you see in…" It was Blaze Harper. He didn't even have the courage to say that name in front of him. The name he was called was ruthless.

After he was startled, he really wished that Vacio would refute his argument.

However, he did not. He sat on a dark red leather sofa and looked at him quietly with a thoughtful expression.

His chest started to burn. "It was…"

He cannot say it. His heart pounded loud that his temples were beating as well. He felt the ambiance within him burning in heat and flames.

Just his luck, he was so exhausted to continue, or to start a fight, or even talk about anything since he overused his anger at the conference hall meeting earlier. He cannot imagine that he can hold himself for this long. This day was really tiring. He has to finish things quickly. He came here for a reason.

He did not continue his previous sentence. "We came here for a reason, aren't we?"

Now, he dares to start things up with the things he wanted to hear. The name he was called, what was the meaning behind it?

"We are wasting so much time here; what's with Blaze Harper?" He crossed his arms and stared at the glass of wine that he previously drank.

It has Vacio's reflection on it. The way he stared at him… was irritating. The burning sensation hasn't escaped him yet.

He heard Vacio take a deep breath. "You are very intelligent." He laughed.

As Vacio spoke, he put out a black and leathery book with a familiar cover, as he pushed it forward in his direction. As he scanned it, he saw a hole punctured in its center, half-burned, and old-looking.

It seemed that it was that book.

The book that Vacio showed him while they were fighting at the Southern Woods was the book he was now showing him.

A feeling of emptiness and dread filled his whole body as he stared at that book. "What was that?" He asked as if he knew nothing about it.

Vacio gestured to him the book as he pushed it further.

He touched the book cover and a feeling of an old leather greeted his tactile. He was instantly put into a trance and saw an apparition of that man. The young, tall man that was standing against the light outside a building while it was summer.

That image of the boy he was seeing inside his mind was uncannily similar to the man on the book cover that Vacio showed him now. He has pink hair and gray headphones.

Tears blurred his vision again, but now, even more, as he unknowingly recalled all of these memories from no-one-knows time, and it looked like his overall appearance changed. It felt like he was him.

It was him!

He felt his heart clench in pain, and the whole cafeteria started to spin around him as he sat on his seat.

"It was the book that I told you."

Vacio's voice woke Lucas up. That apparition was on point. It was clear and vivid as crystal clear water. He knew now! He knew who was Blaze Harper now!

But, he should not indulge himself in all of that. Vacio was dangerous, and he can alter some information with his illusionary skills. He once used his illusions in him when they were arguing for his stay at White Day High. He should be careful now.

"Don't play dirty, Vacio! Tell me what I need to know. Don't use your magic!" He was taken aback but tried his best not to cause a scene.

Vacio was not surprised with his attitude. Instead, he laughed. "You find this dirty? Come on, Lucas. How old are you? 20 or 21? How can you know the specks of dirt and lies in this world? You knew nothing!" Vacio exclaimed. "That book was true, or do you want me to prove myself again that I wasn't lying?"

He suddenly felt his heart clenched with that sentence. He felt that dull feeling on his chest, remembering how painful it was to feel that as Vacio lacerated the book in front of him before.

He looked straight into Vacio's eyes. "Don't waste my time. Tell me all I wanted to know."

Coldness entered Vacio's eyes after hearing what he had said. "Wasn't it clear already? You were once Blaze Harper! The wizard that was inside Dutch Clive's clique back then became the strongest clique in the world. So strong that you were the only hope of the world who can beat Avacious! Is that clear to you, or do you want me to etch all that information into your head?"

Of course, it was unclear to him. He was the only one who can understand all of his craps.

He was a lowly orphan adopted by a lowly countryman that left him when he was seven years old. How can he know everything at that quick pace? All he knew was to survive for his own life and not starve to the point of death. But it started to become clear to him as he spend his time conversing with this Vacio.

All of a sudden, he felt unsafe. He unknowingly clenched his fingers onto his chest as he felt his heart pound heavily. Since he was told all he wanted to know about the issue, there is nothing he has to do with this place anymore. "So it was settled." He stood in his seat.

Vacio smiled. He didn't want to persuade him anymore of anything that he has on his mind. He only gave him a stare that he will remember in his lifetime.

Lucas gave him a deep sigh. "Remember it, no matter how many times you ask me to go back to your school, my answer will remain the same. I refuse! But thank you for your time, Mister Vacio." He boastfully said and started to walk away.

"Brace yourself for the selection, Blaze Harper," Vacio called behind him.

His footsteps slightly stopped and he almost could not help but turn around. This was the first time this day that he addressed him with the name he was called. His voice was hoarse and resonating. However, he could not look back, and he did not dare to return to him anymore for further discussion. Their connection as a principal and a student was already over.

He decided to walk away. The further he got away from him, the heavier the feeling inside his chest had gotten. What was happening? Was it because of what he did to Coach Clive? Was it because he went and talk to Vacio? Was it the wine?

His thoughts won't make him open the door of the coffee shop. He looked down and just stared at its golden doorknob.

What was happening?

As he fell into a trance, a pair of hands grabbed the knob and opened it for him. He saw a black sleeve of tuxedo embracing the tan hand of the man that opened the door for him.

"Here," the voice said. "Use this at the Selection."

It was Vacio, he knew. He looked over at him and saw he was lifting a suitcase with a sticky note that has writing. The note was written as "Suits for Lucas."

But he has to leave. He yanked his hand and exited the coffee shop, leaving Vacio there. He has to and it was his only option.

"Sorry, Mister Vacio. But I'm not your puppet anymore!"