Chapter 10

King Monfrey sat in the dimly lit room with his head in his hands. Things hadn't gone very well the last few days. Personal and City level crisis had apparently decided this would be a good time to come to a head. A young guard with a Captain's insignia sat across from him.

"Alright, Captain Inrio. Let's go over this again," the King said tiredly, reaching for the cup of spiced wine.

"Well, I wasn't there personally but the guards on the scene described two young males involved in an arcane duel in the middle of the city. Reports vary but it appeared an unidentified young mage in a red silk shirt was attacked by another unknown young male mage wearing a huge backpack, and swinging an enchanted umbrella. The red mage avoided the other's first attack. Unfortunately the Mage's Guild was hit. No one was killed, but several people had to be dug from the wreckage and taken to a healer." The young Captain took a huge sheath of papers from the floor beside him. "I almost forgot. These are complaints and damage claims from the Guild."

"Sometime during the battle the Princess showed up," the guard paused and shook his head in disbelief, "Instead of diving for cover she apparently stayed to watch the conflict. We have reports that the red mage shielded the Princess from the blast, and then ended the fight by transforming his opponent into a pig. He then grabbed his foe and jumped on top of a nearby building."

"Yes I've heard that much from my daughter," the king said absently. He had heard that much and more. His daughter would not stop going on about the handsome young mage and how he had asked for her hand in marriage. From what her guards had said privately it sounded more like she had railroaded the young man into 'proposing'. Still, she really needed to settle down, a husband and a few children would calm her. He really needed some peace of mind. He had put her off, but perhaps he should relent and let her have the boy. It wasn't like she was the heir, indulging her a little wouldn't impact the Kingdom. "Continue," the Monfrey commanded.

"Well that's all I have on the altercation, Your Majesty," the guard replied apologetically.

"That's all right. I already know who the red clad 'mage' was. I am satisfied with his innocence. The umbrella wielding fiend who almost killed my daughter is another story. I want the Kingdom outposts and garrisons alerted to his description. Put a bounty of 100,000 gold on his head, that should stir things up a bit. Hmm, also talk to the mage guild and put them on an indefinite commission. I want them to keep scrying for him until he's found. A Royal Commission should also quiet them down a bit." Pausing to gather his thoughts the King nodded. "Alright, next disaster."

The guard gave a wan smile in appreciation of the royal wit and continued, "Although we thought at first they were connected, it appeared that there were actually two separate unrelated assassination attempts. The first was an attempt with a poison dart, this was foiled by the victim herself, a girl named Ranko Saotome. She apparently captured the assassin as well with the aid of the Royal Summoner." Seeing the frown on the King's face the guard hurried on in his narrative. "This was the Western Empire's Thieves Guild. They seem to have connections with the Thieves Guild in our own kingdom and when a contract was put on her for unauthorized theft, it seems their 'brother' guild was happy to oblige when Miss Saotome was finally found."

"This is unacceptable. The Thieves Guild is far too bold. Do they honestly think I'll ignore an assassination attempt in the middle of the Palace." Shaking his head in irritation, "I want the Thieves Guild chastised. Start investigating their activities, crack down on what leads you can find. Hrmph, they're called the Underworld for a reason, they must be taught to stay under their rocks."

The guard coughed delicately, "This could cause repercussions. The Thieves Guild is not without power."

"I think they'll go into hiding for a while. Or at least the wiser elements of it will. Most likely only the more foolish of the Guild will be captured. Such as those who sent a contract assassin into my Palace. Ease off after about three months." A dangerous glint entered his eyes. "If they take offense to this we'll just have to scour them from the face of the Earth. I am King of this country, and I dislike even the darker elements of my Country working with our potential conquerors," the King ended with a growl. His eyes refocused on the young guard, "There's more, I believe."

"Well, the last is probably the worst. Another assassin, we guess he was hired by the Western Empire directly, attacked near the end of the Ball. Disguised as a servant he threw a multiple stage trap amulet at the same Ranko Saotome that was attacked earlier."

"She seemed to have quite a lot of attention focused on her for such a pretty little thing."

"Yes. I haven't been able to find anything about her. Well except that she was the date for the Royal Summoner," he quickly continued when the King growled. "For all we know she was a Succubus Balthazar summoned to the Ball." The guard chuckled at his own jest.

"I know a little of 'Ranko' as well. Leave it be," Monfrey said with a slight nod. "Continue with your report."

"The first stage was the Impervious Walls of Force. Whoever designed the trap had a huge amount of energy, the spell involved five faces. As you know the base spell is very costly and calls forth only one face. Only a Kingdom or Mage Guild has those kind of resources. The Royal Summoner, The Princess and Ranko were caught within the trap. The Second stage was also very impressive. An actual portal to Hell was opened into a large nest of lasae. The Summoner was somehow able to burrow through the floor, creating a hole to escape through the sewers to his Tower."

"How did you know they had gone to the tower?"

"We didn't really, Sire. One of the guards did notice an animated mop floating towards the Tower so we sent a patrol in that direction and found the Princess waiting for us."

"A mop?"

"Yes, Sire. We never really found out about it, but it could be related to the incident."

"Never mind. Probably just a case of someone's domestic spell getting out of hand," after a moment's pause he continued. "I understand the demons were finally destroyed or sent back to their own plane. Were there any other injuries?"

"The second assassin died of 'mysterious' circumstances. Another reason to believe it was a professional job from the Western Empire. The imperial assassins are well known for that type of cover-up. Other than him I think there were no casualties. We still have patrols out, just in case. These specific type of demons are supposed to be particularly vicious."

"Thank you for your time. You may go. Oh, and keep me updated," nodding in dismissal, the King's eyes went back to the pile of paper in front of him. Sometimes it didn't pay to get up in the morning.

Ranma waited anxiously in the circle, sitting cross-legged across from 'Zar. Apparently that Ball and the aftermath did indeed count as date, since the Summoner had agreed to track down Ranma's home plane. Now Ranma watched the old man kneel in the circle with a brush, paint, and big multicolored candles.

"Are you almost done yet?" Ranma asked impatiently.

"If you don't stop asking me that, I'll send you on the demon express to the darkest corner of Hades I can find. I need concentration to finish this circle. So shut up! Why couldn't Ranko come, she was so much more pleasant to be with. To hug. To kiss," the old man sighed.

"Hey! Leave out of your perverted fantasies, old man." To keep himself occupied Ranma began finger strike exercises for pressure point attacks. Though as he thought of it, maybe he could combine it with the Breaking Point. Lost in thought he didn't notice the ripping sounds his hands made in the air as they danced in the air.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Just shut up! Do not move! Don't make any sound! Just stop it!" 'Zar screamed in frustration.

Ranma stopped, looking at the old man in a puzzled fashion. What he'd heard about Summoners was really on target. They really had no self control. Sighing in resignation he stifled the urge to ask 'Zar when he would be finished and meditated on centering himself, and chi control exercises.

'Zar nodded to himself. He had finally gotten through to the infuriating punk. Finally with some peace and quiet he bent to the task of painting the correct symbols in the circle, muttering words of power under his breath. He had just finished putting the final touches on the circle when he noticed a bright red glow coming from behind him. Whirling around to confront the threat he noticed that Ranma was the only one there. Of course he was glowing an intense shade of red and hovering gently an few inches off the ground.

'Zar started cursing under his breath. "Damn mages, just because they don't need major preparation for magic they think they're so superior. Ha! Let's see them try to summon and control a Greater Demon and we'll see how far their pathetic tricks get them!" Still ranting he knelt carefully beside Ranma and while leaning close bellowed, "Wake up Ranma, my boy, it's time to go home!"

Shocked from his trance Ranma collapsed to the ground, clumsily scrambling away from the Summoner while trying to gather his wits. "What are you trying to do? I could have blasted you by accident or something," Ranma berated the old man. Probably should have done it anyway, no one would miss the old freak, Ranma thought, heart still racing from an adrenaline rush.

"I'm sure you have more control than that," the old man smiled benignly. Ranma looked suspiciously at him, that look didn't work when Happossai used it either. "Anyway, I have finished the circle. If you'll get back into the circle I'll start the ritual."

Ranma stepped back into the circle while 'Zar began chanting. A blue glow began to surround the large circle opposite them. Gradually the outline of a huge creature began to appear. As it faded into view, Ranma began to appreciate how hideous the creature actually was. It had a huge lizard-like head, the mane and front half and claws of a lion, the rear half of the creature seemed mostly that of a hippopotamus with the exception of a long thick lizard tail. From head to tail, it was 28 feet, completely dwarfing the circle it stood inside.

'Zar looked shocked, Ranma would have been amused by this except when your resident demon summoner looks surprised at what he caught it bodes very ill indeed. "My Lord Ammit. How very unexpected, I apologize for disturbing you. I was attempting to contact a demon from Hades, I really did not mean to contact a God of your stature. Let me..."

'Zar would have continued to babble and grovel further if the beast had not interrupted. "I know. I have an ally in Hades. I am here on his behalf. I have a use for the human next to you. He will come with me," a deep growling voice echoed in the human's mind.

"Wait a minute. I came here to get home. I ain't going to follow the first ugly scaly thing you summon. Who knows where I'll end up," Ranma protested. That creature was the biggest thing he'd seen since his trip to that water of life place, but he wasn't about to stand still while some goofy dragon monster dragged him to heaven (or hell) knew where.

"Silence mortal, you have no choice. Let it be known that your life will be expended in the most useful way possible, and be satisfied," the creature continued, disregarding Ranma's protests.

Seeing he was being ignored Ranma energized a chi blast to full power and threw it at the creature. The energy hit the creature in the face prompting a response, "Ow. You impudent wretch! You shall suffer many torments for that indignity." Ranma, slightly unnerved that his largest chi blast had been mostly ignored, prepared for the battle of his life. He was still caught completely by surprise when he found his feet leave the ground and himself floating without any support in midair. Whatever was affecting him was not magic, Ranma sensed nothing that he usually felt involving magical energies. Leaving the theories for later, Ranma flailed wildly for a moment before giving up trying to move and just started shooting chi blasts at the thing as fast as possible.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Stop it, you insect. Ow. Ow. Enough! I need you in one piece for now but you will feel the torments of Hades." At this Ranma felt a huge force bearing down on his mind, breaking through barriers he had never even realized were there. Immediately his body was filled with mind numbing agony. Ranma was stunned for a moment by this completely unexpected attack before he rallied, attempting to ignore the pain through his focusing techniques. Although it was mostly worthless in reducing the pain, it was sufficient to allow him to gather his concentration and act in spite of it. Gathering his chi he renewed his bombardment on the creature.

"That should keep the mortal busy. As for you Summoner, I suggest you leave. I might come to the conclusion you were in my way and you would need to die. I only need him alive. Eh? Ow. Damn you human gnat," the deity raved. While the human hadn't a hope of defeating him, those rapid fire chi attacks hurt more than any mortal attack had a right to. Roaring in outrage the deity lunged out of the circle toward the helplessly floating human. The circle, which was meant to hold demons, did nothing to slow the god. However the room's defenses would not be ignored. Magic flickered into existence around the god, the deity roaring in pain as powerful wards bent their destructive energy towards the creature. 'Zar, knowing the futility of facing even a minor deity unprepared, had slipped out of the room when Ammit had threatened him.

Soon the initial ward's effects were shrugged off and the creature lunged again toward the hovering mortal. Ranma was almost grateful for this. Without any leverage all he could use was pure chi attacks, which at least seemed to marginally hurt the beast. Unfortunately he couldn't keep it up, throwing a barrage of chi bolts was not only tiring but plainly not going to win this battle. When the monster hit Ranma, he easily absorbed the merely physical blow and, using the momentum of the strike, began his next attack. Orienting himself so he struck the wall feet first, he leaped over the creature to the wall behind it and repeated the maneuver. He did this ten times, each rebound faster and more powerful, glowing brighter with concentrated chi.

Ammit swung his head back and forth quickly, trying to follow the annoying mortal, but was not having any success. Giving up on physical attacks he was about to initiate a psionic strike, similar to the first two that seemed to have devastated the human when he heard the cry 'Meteor Kick' and felt a huge hammer blow strike his back. Writhing in a failed attempt to escape the incredible force that stuck him he turned to again face his foe.

Ranma grinned at the success of his attack. His confident smile dimmed slightly when he saw the deity shake its head and stand up almost unscathed. With his chi reserved at their lowest point since he had entered this realm, he knew he would be need to face the creature in hand to hand until he had enough energy to try a Dragon Ascension variant. Teeth gritted in determination he jumped closer to the creature.

Now that the human had stopped leaping around Ammit tried to strike the man with his huge claws. He soon learned that this was not effective. The gnat was too agile and quick, he would strike with those blurring fists that felt like he was being bombarded with pins and leap away before Ammit could strike. On the few occasions he did hit the mortal, it simply flowed with the blow taking very little apparent damage. The embarrassment was unbearable, this mortal was thwarting his Godly will. While mostly unhurt the humiliation was too much. Psionics were too kind for this human. Soon the mortal would see his full glory and power. Drawing on all the magic within him, Ammit invoked his deific powers.

Ranma was already seeing the Ammit's power. This thing would not go down. He thought he just might have enough barely enough chi to pull a Dragon Ascension but he wasn't sure. He was still dodging and contemplating tactics when the creature paused and started glowing crimson. Without further warning Ranma saw a flash of light and a incredible beam of energy surge towards him. Eyes wide with shock he attempted to dodge, but the crimson light almost seemed to move with him. He was engulfed in raging flames a moment later. Crying out in surprise and pain Ranma was knocked back into, and through the stone wall. While he struggled to get up he was struck again. Now battered and burned he staggered back, desperate to get away he used the Breaking Point to escape through the floor.

He was about to use the Saotome Special Final Attack (run away until you think of something better), when a flickering in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Just as he turns he saw the creature materialize before him. Forewarned, he was fully prepared to avoid the energy blasts when the creature struck again. He blinked and found himself part of the wall again, whatever those freaky blasts were he simply could not get out of the way. An image of Kunou spouting off about the 'Vengeance of Heaven' made him grit his teeth. This Saotome wasn't going down without a fight.

Realizing the futility of dodging he brought his aura under control and began a variation of his most powerful move. When the next strike hit him he ignored the pain and focused his concentration and remaining chi on the perfect Dragon Ascension strike. If it wasn't perfect he had no chance of surviving many more of those hideous fiery blasts. As he redirected the incoming energy he felt the breeze that was the precursor to the complete move. It was with satisfaction that he saw a charged funnel of rioting energy enveloping his foe. Falling to his knees in exhaustion he noted with pride the creature had been thrown through multiple walls to fall in a sprawl several hundred feet away.

He was just thinking how remarkable it was that the inside of the Tower was so large when he collapsed in an unconscious heap on the floor. This was just as well, it probably would have broken his heart if he'd stayed awake long enough to see Ammit slowly get to his feet, shake the rubble off his huge body and start to limp towards him.